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WTnVT (Telnet / SSH) Tutorial Common cases of configuration. Define the emulation 52 / VT. WTnVT -> VT, ANSI, SSH emulation . Telnet VT VT100, VT220, ANSI, etc. Win2000-2008/UNIX. SSH
Define the emulation 52 / VT WTnVT -> VT, ANSI, SSH emulation Telnet VT VT100, VT220, ANSI, etc. Win2000-2008/UNIX SSH Xterm, VTxxx, etc. UNIX / Linux WTn52 -> 5250 / 3270 emulation Not in this document! 5250(SNA LU 6.2) 5251-11, 5292-2, etc. AS400 / iSeries / i5 (OS/400) 3270(SNA LU 3) 3278-2, 3279-2, etc. IBM/3090 S/390 (System/370) Open the WTn52 (5250 / 3270) tutorial
Table of contents License activation Configuring the emulator Keyboard mapping Touch screen actions Display configuration Barcode reading Display Translation Advanced configuration
License activation Demo mode: Telnet sessions disconnect itself after 5 minutes. Document License activation guide License activation may be performed using a desktop PC or directly with the PDA if the device has internet connection availability • Options: • On-line, by Internet connection. • E-mail license request.
How to configure the emulator? Emulator configuration is stored in files on the PC. At each modification they will be copied to the PDA 1 Download configuration to the PDA • Access to the emulator configuration • Start > • WireLess TelNet WCE VT SSH > • TelNet Clients - Default Profile > (PDA Model) 3 Configuration • Change the configuration, i./e.: • [VT_EMULATION] • DragDisplay = Yes Configuration download by ActiveSync 2 4 Restart the program to read new configuration
Keyboard Mapping It is possible to map any keystroke to any character sequence On-line help On-line Forum On-line Forum Configuration The changes are done in the VT configuration file. Access it from installation page. TIP! -> some samples Configure F5: Applications expects specificescape sequences for function keys. Ctrl-C Make Ctrl-C with F3 Warning, configure the section of the emulated model to use (TTypePreferred). [VT_FNKEYS_ANSI][VT_FNKEYS_VT100]
Keyboard Mapping How-to configure the keyboard mapping? On-line help In the VT configuration TIP! -> In the configuration file The keys are grouped by terminal model (ANSI, VT52, VT100) then by function type (FN, Shift + FN, Cursor) : FunctionKey Terminal model SEQUENCE sent to Host [VT_FNKEYS_ANSI] Function keys for an ANSI emulation. [VT_SFNKEYS_ANSI] Shift + Function keys for an ANSI emulation. [VT_CURKEYS_ANSI] Movement cursor keys for an ANSI emulation. [VT_CURKEYSAPP_ANSI] Movement cursor keys for an ANSI emulation in “application” mode. The sequence differs following the emulated terminal (TTypePreferred).
Keyboard Mapping A keystroke that is not in any group On-line help On-line forum You need to: Identify the 'scancode‘ of the key or keystroke to be mapped to an escape sequence. • Configuration (VT file) • [VT_SCANCODES]Allows to map any scan code to any sequence (regardless the selected terminal type). • One scan code (key) • One sequence to send to Host • Example: • To map needed special characters that are not present in the PDA keyboard. Press “ESC” to perform a “tab” TIP! -> Identify the scan code: In the “Keyboard Test” dialog on the PDA it is possible to check the scan code generated by any key. Configuration > Keyboard Test On-line help
Touch screen actions With the touch screen, the stylus or the fingers, it is possible to perform actions Available features Display scroll Scroll the display in the virtual screen by moving the stylus. Allow to scroll the visible part of the emulated screen in the display to view all the content. Configuration (VT file) [VT_EMULATION] DragDisplay = Yes On-line help On-line forum
Touch screen actions With the touch screen, the stylus or the fingers, it is possible to perform actions Available features VT Function keys on screen Send an escape sequence to the Host by touching the screen. Using the stylus you can touch any "Fx“ text on the screen. (x= is the function number). i./e.: if the text reads “F4”, when touching over this text, emulator sends F4 escape sequence to Host. Configuration(VT file) [VT_EMULATION] FunctionByTap = Yes On-line help On-line forum
Touch screen actions With the touch screen, the stylus or the fingers, it is possible to perform actions Available features On-line help Double Tap With a double tap on the screen, you can generate any keystroke, which also can be a function. Operation Touch two times the screen in the same place, then remove the stylus. Configuration (VT file) [VT_EMULATION] DoubleTap=\XX (key code) • Example of use • It is possible to configure the “double tap” to launch the virtual keyboard (SIP Panel) on the screen. • SipScanCode (Use the same code than DoubleTap – 00FF for example) • It is also possible to generate: • Enter (\0D) • Letters / digits « ..A » On-line forum
Display configuration Configure it by changing the font size in the current session • 2. See the resulting configuration in the PDA • Go to configuration dialog and see the currently selected size and font. • 3 .Make the configuration persistent • Change the configuration on the PC. • The generic configuration file • [DISPLAYFONT] • FullName=Size= On-line help • Try the different sizes in the active session • In the active session, on the menu “Tools”, with “Text Size +” and “Text Size –” is possible to dynamically change the font size. On-line forum On-line help
Display configuration Configure it by changing the number of visible rows / columns on screen Font and size • 1. Test it in the PDA • Connect emulator to Host. • With the menu “Go” / “main“, go back to main menu. • Go to [configure] / [Display Configuration], change the value in the combo-box, then click on [select].2. Make the configuration persistent • Configuration option (generic file) • [DISPLAYFONT]FullName=Size= TIP Font ExampleExample 1Example 2 • Indicator shows rows and columns following the selected configuration • Try different layouts with different fonts and sizes. Warning. Prefer fixed width fonts (monospaced) On-line forum On-line help On-line help
Enter as terminator Read a barcode, then send [ENTER] On-line help • It is possible to add a prefix and / or a suffix in any barcode read • Ii is possible to add a prefix and / or a suffix to a specific barcode type (code 39, code 128). • <ScanPrefix><BarcodePrefix><Code><BarcodeSuffix><ScanSuffix> Configure the suffix to be added after reading a specific barcode type. Configuration option [CODE_39] [CODE_128] … Suffix=..X..Y\0D CONFIGURATION (generic file) Configure the suffix to add after the barcode read. Configuration Option [SCANNER] Suffix=\0D On-line help On-line forum
Cleaning the barcode Read a barcode, then replace unwanted characters • CONFIGURATION (Generic file) • Configure the characters to be replaced in any barcode. Four replacement options. • Configuration option • [SCANNER] • ReplaceChar1= <Out><In> • Options • The character to suppress. • The replacement character. On-line help On-line forum
Display translation There are options to give back the original UNICODE display • Explanation: • The Telnet protocol is over 7 bits (0x00-0x7F) or 8 bits (0x00-0xFF) (ASCII). • The display is now in UNICODE – 16 Bits (0x0000-0xFFFF). Display UNICODE Application UNICODE 16 Bits 16 >> 8Conversion 8 >>16Conversion On-line help Telnet Server ASCII 8 Bits Wireless Telnet VT ASCII 8 Bits Telnet protocol ASCII 8 Bits DEC_VT3 TranslatorsType 0 PC_LIKE1 TranslatorType 1 ANSI1 TranslatorType 2 ASCIIWithouttranslator UTF-8Withouttranslator
Display translation There are options to give back the original UNICODE display • Explanation: • Select the translation type. You need to know how is working or configured the server, or proceed by “trial and error”. [VT_EMULATION] (VT file) • TranslatorType=3 (3=ASCII, without translator)TranslatorType=0 will use translators with XltType=0 (DEC_VT) TranslatorType=1 will use translators with XltType=1 (PC_LIKE) • Modify (if needed) the translation tables. For translators ‘PC_LIKE’ there is some tables that use the Microsoft “page code” for MS-DOS (437, 850, 852).The translators are files (that can be modified) downloaded with the emulator.[TRANSLATOR_3] (VT file)XltName=\Flash Disk\Fnt_PC852.cfg XltType=1 (1=PC_LIKE) • Test with different TranslatorType, and for PC_LIKE with different translators:Fnt_PC437.cfg, Fnt_PC850.cfg, Fnt_PC852.cfg. On-line help On-line help 0=DEC_VT3 TranslatorsType 0 1=PC_LIKE1 TranslatorType 1 2=ANSI1 TranslatorType 2 3=ASCIIWithouttranslator 4=UTF-8Withouttranslator On-line forum On-line forum On-line forum
Advanced configuration Avoid end of session Editing barcode reads Connecting a serial scanner Terminal type
How-to avoid end of session?PDA configuration There is an option to simulate a dialogue Explanation: 1. Some host poll the connected devices. 2. If the PDA is off (power off) it can’t respond to Host. 3. On non response, the server will disconnect the client. On-line help • PDA CONFIGURATION • (Generic file) • [TELNET] • DoTcpAlive = YES • It is possible to set the PDA to perform a periodic “ping” with the host to avoid end of session.
Editing barcode reads Barcode reads can be modified by an edit processing before sending them to input fields. On-line help How does it work? 1. Evaluate processing conditions. 2. Filter the reading to keep or suppress characters. 3. Add characters. TIP! -> What can you do? • Process following read length • Process following barcode type • Filter to suppress or keep: • Ex: (NNYYYYNNYYYN)Y=keep the char.N=Suppress the char. • Add characters: • Ex: (****013****) • *=Keep the charNNN=Adds a char. Configuration (generic file) [BC_EDIT_X] On=<Yes/No> On-line forum
Connecting a serial scanner Configuration options to connect a serial scanner CONFIGURATION (generic file) Configuration option [SCANSERIAL] On=<Yes/No/OnOff> Remind to configure a suffix (terminator) in the serial scanner to perform the code transmission. TIP! 3 powerful options WakeUp Restart connection at PDA wake-up. RestartBtn Shows ComKbd button. Close and reopen the COMX: port by a click(useful for Bluetooth ports). RestartKey Key to restart (close and open) the COMx: port. On-line help
Terminal type Options to negotiate the terminal type • Explanation: • The terminal type is sent to Host by emulator (TTypePreferred) • The Host can modify it (TTypeSelByHost). • The applications may check the terminal type (UNIX / LINUX- $TERM) • The emulator can send a user defined terminal type (TTypeName) On-line help CONFIGURATION (generic file) Option to configure [SESSION_X] TTypeSelByHost=Yes TTypePreferred= 3 (VT220) TTypeName= TIP! -> Has the host changed the terminal type? Current emulation is displayed in the session bar. On-line forum