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Year Eight Indonesian. TEACHER MANUAL Semester One. Mengapa belajar Bahasa Indonesia?. Lesson Objective; To be able to state the reasons that we learn Indonesian at TSHS. Teacher does; Self Introduction (immersion style) Why did I learn Indonesian Indonesia PPT. We do together;
Year Eight Indonesian TEACHER MANUAL Semester One
Mengapa belajar Bahasa Indonesia? Lesson Objective; To be able to state the reasons that we learn Indonesian at TSHS Teacher does; Self Introduction (immersion style) Why did I learn Indonesian Indonesia PPT We do together; Brainstorm reasons for learning Indonesian and copy in book I do by myself; Look at images of Indonesia and create a title page/ list of things that you would like to be able to say by the end of the year Wk 1 Lesson 1
Selamat belajar Lesson Objective; To be able to greet others in Indonesian “Selamat siang” “Selamat pagi” “Selamat sorei” Teacher does; Mimes and introduces to several students notes “Selamat malam” We do together; Pair practise worksheet Selamat is a word that can be put in front of other words to turn them into a greeting. Selamat makan: Enjoy your meal Selamat tidur: Good night (sleeping) Selamat belajar: Good studying/ learning I do by myself; Greeting game Wk 1 Lesson 2
Keluarga Lesson Objective; To learn how to talk about your family members Nenek Kakek • Saya mempunyai = I have/ own • Example; Saya mempunyai adik laki-laki namanya Reuben dan kakak perempuan namanya Emma. Kosa-kata Cucu = grandchild Teman = friend Ibu tiri = step mum Saudara = sibling Laki-laki = boy Perempuan = girl Teacher does; Notes – family tree PPT- Keluarga Ibu Verrall Ibu Bapak Paman Bibi Adik Saya Kakak Sepupu We do together; Write profiles for exchange students I do by myself; Draw a family portrait and write a description below Wk 2 Lesson 1
Keluarga saya Lesson Objective; Students understand how to refer to family members • When expressing ownership we tend to write the owner after the noun;buku saya= my bookbuku Anda = your bookbuku mereka= their bookbuku kami= our bookbuku Ibu= Ms’ bookbuku adik saya = my younger sibling’s book • Dia= He/she, him/ her, his/ hers, it/itsDia is used to show ownership when placed after a noun however it can also be substituted by ‘nya’ as a suffixbuku dia= his/ her bookbukunya= his/ her book • Now describe people in your family- my dad, my mum’s sister, my brother’s friend • Saya= I/ me/ my • Anda= you/ your • Mereka= they • Kami= we (but not the person being spoken to) • Kita = we (including the person being spoken to Teacher does; Notes and explanation of showing ownership We do together; Students work on the worksheet in pairs I do by myself; Students write their own examples Write a reflection on what you have learnt in Indonesian so far this year Wk 2 Lesson 2
Bilangan-bilangan Lesson Objective; To learn how to count in Indonesian • Satu (se) • Dua • Tiga • Empat • Lima • Enam • Tujuh • Delapan • Sembilan • Sepuluh • Sebelas • Dua belas • Tiga belas • Empat belas • Lima belas • Enam belas • Tujuh belas • Delapan belas • Sembilan belas • Dua puluh Teacher does; Take notes on numbers We do together; Stand in a circle and count (try to speed it up) I do by myself; Complete number worksheets Wk 3 Lesson 1
Seratus dan lebih Lesson Objective; To be able to count past 20 in Indonesian • Once you have learnt to count to twenty counting higher is relatively easy; • Add ‘puluh’ to the end of a number instead of ___ty50 = lima puluh • Add ‘ratus; to the end of a number to show hundreds300 = tiga ratus • Add ‘ribu’ to the end to show thousand8000 = delapan ribu 62 = enam puluh dua 744 = tujuh ratus empat puluh empat 902 = sembilan ratus dua • Be careful of the ‘teen’ numbers 111 is not one hundred and onety one Teacher does; Pattern recognition notes We do together; Fill in the table Answer questions I do by myself; Thinking of a number game Wk 3 Lesson 2
Umur saya Lesson Objective; To be able to locate information about a person’s family • Saya berumur… • Umur saya… • Umur ibu saya… Teacher does; Student profiles on the board We do together; Who’s talking worksheet I do by myself; Pohon sisilah keluarga saya Wk 4 Lesson 1
Sayamempunyaiibu, bapak, adikperempuan, nenekdankakek SayamempunyaiIbudanbapaktetapisayatidakpunyasaudara Di keluargasayaadabapakbernama Tom, bapakbernama Greg dansaya Sayamempunyaiibu, bapak, kakaklaki-lakidankakakperempuan Di keluargasayaadaIbu, bapakdanadikperempuansaya
Berapa? Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself; Wk 4 Lesson 2
Hari-hari minggu Lesson Objective; Students know and can recall the days of the week in sentences • Hari ini = today • Hari besok = tomorrow • Hari kemarin = yesterday • Hari ini hari senin= today is Monday • Hari besok hari rabu = tomorrow is Wednesday Questions/ Puzzles (apa = what) • Hari ini hari Selasa. Besok hari apa? • Hari ini hari Jumat. Kemarin hari apa? • Hari ini hari Kamis. Besok hari apa? • Hari ini hari Minggu. Kemarin hari apa? • Besok hari Rabu. Hari ini hari apa? • Kemarin hari Rabu. Hari ini hari apa? • Kemarin hari Senin. Besok hari apa? • Besok hari Sabtu. Kemarin hari apa? Teacher does; Sings the days of the week song and writes notes on board Using days in sentences We do together; Work through the questions/ puzzles I do by myself; Play last man standing with days of the week Wk 5 Lesson 1
Belajar mengenai jam Lesson Objective; Students are able to state the time in Indonesian Kosa-kata Waktu = time Ini = this Jam = hour/ o’clock Setengah = half an hour till Lewat = past Kurang = less/ minus Examples of use • Jam empat = four o’clock • Jam empat pagi = four am • Jam empat lewat sepuluh = ten past four • Jam empat kurang lima = five to four • Jam setengah empat = half till four = 3:30 Questions (draw digital clocks with the following times) • 3:00pm • 9:00 am • 2:00 am • 4:15pm • 9:45am Teacher does; Notes and kosa-kata written on the board We do together; Copy clocks off the board and write the answers underneath I do by myself; Time of day worksheet Jam ini jam empat Wk 5 Lesson 2
Melakukan apa? Lesson Objective; To ensure that we can tell the date and time in Indonesian. Pada hari Senin Pada hari Rabu Pada hari Subtu Hari ini Hari besok Saya Teman saya Guru saya Ibu Susanti Belajar matematika Menyanyi musik pop Bermain olahraga Bermain sepak bola Bermain catur Menonton televisi Membaca komik Suka Suka sekali Tidak suka Teacher does; Sentence builder We do together; Telling the time worksheets Practice role plays I do by myself; Work through the practice profiles Wk 6 Lesson 2
Di mana Anda tinggal? Lesson Objective; To be able to state where you live and where you originate from Inipetadunia Kosa-kata Peta= map Dunia= world negara= country Propinsi= province Bagian negara= state Kota= town/city Tinggal= live Berasal= originate Kampung= village Jalan= road Ininegara Australia Teacher does; Label the map with countries that students originate from We do together; Students practise asking each other where they live I do by myself; Write out my own profile including name, age, family members, date of birth, address and favourite hobbis Inikota Tully. Sayatinggal di kota Tully Inibagiannegara Queensland Wk 6 Lesson 1
Tempat-tempat Lesson Objective; To be able to write about places • Mau ke mana?(want to where?) • Pada akir minggu saya mau ke __________(On the weekend I want to go to ___________) Teacher does; Brainstorm where students would like to go on the weekend and take notes We do together; Label the places on the worksheet I do by myself; Make own sentences by changing the time and place Wk 7 Lesson 1
Pada akir minggu Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself; Wk 7 Lesson 2
Olahraga Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself; Wk 8 Lesson 1
Mau bermain? Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself; Wk 8 Lesson 2
Hobbi saya Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself; Wk 9 Lesson 1
Saya sedang… Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself; Wk 9 Lesson 2