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Power and Energy Basics. Chapter Outline. Metrics Dynamic power Static power Energy-delay trade-off’s. Metrics. Delay (sec): Performance metric Energy (Joule) Efficiency metric: effort to perform a task Power (Watt) Energy consumed per unit time Power * Delay (Joule)
Chapter Outline • Metrics • Dynamic power • Static power • Energy-delay trade-off’s
Metrics • Delay (sec): • Performance metric • Energy (Joule) • Efficiency metric: effort to perform a task • Power (Watt) • Energy consumed per unit time • Power*Delay (Joule) • Mostly a technology parameter – measures the efficiency of performing an operation in a given technology • Energy*Delay = Power*Delay2 (Joule-sec) • Combined performance and energy metric – figure of merit of design style • Other Metrics: Energy-Delayn(Joule-secn) • Increased weight on performance over energy
Where is Power Dissipated in CMOS? • Active (Dynamic) power • (Dis)charging capacitors • Short-circuit power • Both pull-up and pull-down on during transition • Static (leakage) power • Transistors are imperfect switches • Static currents • Biasing currents
Active (or Dynamic) Power Sources: • Charging and discharging capacitors • Temporary glitches (dynamic hazards) • Short-circuit currents Key property of active power: with f the switching frequency
R V C Charging Capacitors Applying a voltage step Value of R does not impact energy!
Applied to Complementary CMOS Gate • One half of the power from the supply is consumed in the pull-up network and one half is stored on CL • Charge from CL is dumped during the 10 transition • Independent of resistance of charging/discharging network V dd i PMOS L A NETWORK 1 V out A N C L NMOS NETWORK
Circuits with Reduced Swing Energy consumed is proportional to output swing
Charging Capacitors - Revisited Driving from a constant current source R I C Energy dissipated in resistor can be reducedby increasing charging time T (that is, decreasing I)
Charging Capacitors Using constant voltage or current driver? Econstant_current < Econstant_voltage if T > 2RC Energy dissipated using constant current charging can be made arbitrarily small at the expense of delay:Adiabatic charging Note: tp(RC) = 0.69 RC t0→90%(RC) = 2.3 RC
Charging Capacitors Driving using a sine wave (e.g. from resonant circuit) R v(t) C Energy dissipated in resistor can be made arbitrarily smallif frequency w << 1/RC (output signal in phase with input sinusoid)
Dynamic Power Consumption Power = Energy/transition • Transition rate = CLVDD2•f01= CLVDD2•f• P01= CswitchedVDD2•f • Power dissipation is data dependent – depends on the switching probability • Switched capacitance Cswitched= P01CL= aCL(a is called the switching activity)
Impact of Logic Function Example: Static 2-input NOR gate Assume signal probabilities pA=1 = 1/2 pB=1 = 1/2 Then transition probability p01 = pOut=0 x pOut=1 = 3/4 x 1/4 = 3/16 If inputs switch every cycle aNOR= 3/16 NAND gate yields similar result
Impact of Logic Function Example: Static 2-input XOR Gate Assume signal probabilities pA=1 = 1/2 pB=1 = 1/2 Then transition probability p01 = pOut=0 x pOut=1 = 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/4 If inputs switch in every cycle P01 = 1/4
Transition Probabilities for Basic Gates As a function of the input probabilities Activity for static CMOS gates a = p0p1
Activity as a Function of Topology XOR versus NAND/NOR XOR NAND/NOR aNOR,NAND = (2N-1)/22NaXOR = 1/4
VDD Precharge Eval How about Dynamic Logic? Energy dissipated when effective output is zero! or P0→1= P0 Always larger than P0P1! E.g. P0→1(NAND) = 1/2N ; P0→1(NOR) = (2N-1)/2N Activity in dynamic circuits hence always higher than static. But … capacitance most often smaller.
Out Differential Logic? VDD • Static: • Activity is doubled • Dynamic: • Transition probability is 1! Out Gate Hence: power always increases.
Evaluating Power Dissipation of Complex Logic • Simple idea: start from inputs and propagate signal probabilities to outputs P1 • But: • Reconvergent fanout • Feedback and temporal/spatial correlations
Reconvergent Fanout (Spatial Correlation) Inputs to gate can be interdependent (correlated) reconvergence no reconvergence reconvergent PZ = 1-(1-PA)PA ?NO!PZ = 1 PZ = 1-(1-PA)PB PZ: probability that Z=1 Must use conditional probabilities PZ = 1- PA . P(X|A) = 1 probability that X=1 given that A=1 Becomes complex and intractable real fast
Temporal Correlations Feedback Temporal correlation in input streams • Activity estimation the hardest part of power analysis • Typically done through simulation with actual input vectors (see later) Logic R X 01010101010101… 00000001111111… Both streams have same P = 1 but different switching statistics X is a function of itself → correlated in time
Glitching in Static CMOS Analysis so far did not include timing effects ABC 101 000 X Glitch Z Gate Delay Also known as dynamic hazards: “A single input change causing multiple changes in the output” The result is correct,but extra power is dissipated
Out Out Out Out Out 1 2 3 4 5 1 3.0 Out 6 Out 2 2.0 Out 6 Out 8 Out 1.0 7 Out 1 Out 5 Out 3 0.0 0 200 400 600 Time (ps) Example: Chain of NAND Gates Voltage (V)
A,B C,D X Y Z What Causes Glitches? A,B C,D X Y Z Uneven arrival times of input signals of gate due tounbalanced delay paths Solution: balancing delay paths!
Short-Circuit Currents (also called crowbar currents) PMOS and NMOS simultaneously on during transition Psc ~ f
V V DD DD ~ = I 0 I I sc sc MAX V V out out V V in in C C L L Short-Circuit Currents Equalizing rise/fall times of input and output signals limits Psc to 10-15% of the dynamic dissipation - 4 x 10 2.5 Large load Small load C = 20 fF 2 L 1.5 C = 100 fF L 1 Isc (A) C = 500 fF L 0.5 0 - 0.5 0 20 40 60 time (s) [Ref: H. Veendrick, JSSC’84]
Modeling Short-Circuit Power • Can be modeled as capacitor a, b: technology parameters k: function of supply and threshold voltages, and transistor sizes Easily included in timing and power models
Transistors Leak • Drain leakage • Diffusion currents • Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) • Junction leakages • Gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) • Gate leakage • Tunneling currents through thin oxide
Sub-threshold Leakage Off-current increases exponentially when reducing VTH Pleak = VDD.Ileak
Sub-Threshold Leakage Leakage current increases with drain voltage (mostly due to DIBL) (for VDS > 3 kT/q) Hence Leakage Power strong function of supply voltage
Stack Effect Assume that body effect in shortchannel transistor is small NAND gate: VDD (instead of the expected factor of 2)
Stack Effect -9 x 10 3 90 nm NMOS 2.5 2 IM1 factor 9 IM2 Ileak (A) 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 V (V) M
V DD I SUB V 0V DD I GD I Leak I GS Gate Tunneling Exponential function of supply voltage • IGD~ e-ToxeVGD, IGS~ e-ToxeVGS • Independent of the sub-threshold leakage -10 x 10 1.8 90 nm CMOS 1.6 1.4 1.2 Igate (A) 1 • Modeled in BSIM4 • Also in BSIM3v3 (but not always included in foundry models) • NMOS gate leakage usually worse than PMOS 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 VDD (V)
Other sources of static power dissipation • Diode (drain-substrate) reverse bias currents p+ n+ n+ p+ p+ n+ n well p substrate • Electron-hole pair generation in depletion region of reverse-biased diodes • Diffusion of minority carriers through junction • For sub-50nm technologies with highly-doped pn junctions, tunneling through narrow depletion region becomes an issue Strong function of temperature Much smaller than other leakage components in general
Other sources of static power dissipation • Circuit with dc bias currents: • sense amplifiers, voltage converters and regulators, sensors, mixed-signal components, etc Should be turned off if not used, or standby current should be minimized
Summary of Power Dissipation Sources • a– switching activity • CL – load capacitance • CCS – short-circuit capacitance • Vswing – voltage swing • f – frequency • IDC – static current • Ileak – leakage current
The Traditional Design Philosophy • Maximum performance is primary goal • Minimum delay at circuit level • Architecture implements the required function with target throughput, latency • Performance achieved through optimum sizing, logic mapping, architectural transformations. • Supplies, thresholds set to achieve maximum performance, subject to reliability constraints
CMOS Performance Optimization • Sizing: Optimal performance with equal fanout per stage • Extendable to general logic cone through ‘logical effort’ • Equal effective fanouts (giCi+1/Ci) per stage • Example: memory decoder [Ref: I. Sutherland, Morgan-Kaufman‘98]
Model not Appropriate Any Longer Traditional scaling model Maintaining the frequency scaling model While slowing down voltage scaling
The New Design Philosophy • Maximum performance (in terms of propagation delay) is too power-hungry, and/or not even practically achievable • Many (if not most) applications either can tolerate larger latency, or can live with lower than maximum clock-speeds • Excess performance (as offered by technology) to be used for energy/power reduction Trading off speed for power
-4 -10 x 10 x 10 1 5 0.8 4 0.6 3 A 0.4 2 0.2 1 B 0 0 4 4 A 3 B 3 -0. 4 -0.4 0 2 0 2 0.4 0.4 1 1 0.8 VTH 0.8 Relationship Between Power and Delay Power (W) Delay (s) VDD VDD (V) (V) (V) (V) VTH For a given activity level, power is reducedwhile delay is unchanged if both VDD and VTH are lowered such as from A to B. [Ref: T. Sakurai and T. Kuroda, numerous references]
The Energy-Delay Space Equal performance curves VDD Equal energy curves VTH Energy minimum
Energy-Delay Product as a Metric 3.5 90 nm technology VTH approx 0.35V 3 delay 2.5 2 1.5 energy-delay 1 energy 0.5 0 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 V DD Energy-delay exhibits minimum at approximately 2 VTH (typical unless leakage dominates)
Exploring the Energy-Delay Space Energy Unoptimized design Emax Pareto-optimaldesigns Emin Dmax Dmin Delay In energy-constrained world, design is trade-off process • Minimize energy for a given performance requirement • Maximize performance for given energy budget [Ref: D. Markovic, JSSC’04]
Summary • Power and energy are now primary design constraints • Active power still dominating for most applications • Supply voltage, activity and capacitance the key parameters • Leakage becomes major factor in sub-100nm technology nodes • Mostly impacted by supply and threshold voltages • Design has become energy-delay trade-off exercise!
References • D. Markovic, V. Stojanovic, B. Nikolic, M.A. Horowitz, R.W. Brodersen, “Methods for True Energy-Performance Optimization,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 39, no. 8, pp. 1282-1293, Aug. 2004. • J. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective,” 2nded, Prentice Hall 2003. • Takayasu Sakurai, ”Perspectives on power-aware electronics,” Digest of Technical Papers ISSCC, pp. 26-29, Febr. 03. • I. Sutherland, B. Sproull, and D. Harris, “Logical Effort”, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999. • H. Veendrick, “Short-Circuit Dissipation of Static CMOS Circuitry and its Impact on the Design of Buffer Circuits,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol. SC-19, no. 4, pp.468–473, 1984.