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Some non-negotiables on the road to a UHC system

Some non-negotiables on the road to a UHC system. Need to comprehensively address model of development and social determinants of health to minimise ill health and promote health; would be integrated with the UAHC health care system

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Some non-negotiables on the road to a UHC system

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  1. Some non-negotiables on the road to a UHC system • Need to comprehensively address model of development and social determinants of health to minimise ill health and promote health; would be integrated with the UAHC health care system • Genuine universality: breaking through ‘BPL fixation’ - bringing in the privileged classes, encompassing the not-so-poor and ‘APL’, reaching out to the marginalised; public package would be same for all • Spectrum of health care to start from self and home care, include CHWs, paramedics, AYUSH and other primary doctors and specialised providers; moving from doctor centred to health team model • Significant expansion and strengthening of public health provisioning in both rural and urban areas; public health system as pivot and backbone of UAHC system

  2. Some non-negotiables on the road to a UHC system • Significantly increased tax based public health finances: tax based funding would be the basic plank of financing and should be adequate to meet needs of comprehensive UAHC • UAHC system involves making all state facilities (Incl. ESI, Railways etc.) fully public, wherever required bringing private providers under public system, in framework of UAHC logic and socialisation of health system

  3. Some non-negotiables on the road to a UHC system • Legal and operational regulation of costs and standardisation, rationalisation of private health care with patients rights as precondition for engagement with private sector. Publicly defined principles and mechanisms to govern all facilities under UAHC • Adopting a health system-wide approach with bodies managing the entire health system • People centred and participatory planning and monitoring with decentralisedframework of decision making

  4. Process related suggestions • Convening a larger conference with representation of all concerned stakeholders (incl. social movements and concerned trade unions, charitable and private sector providers) • Exploring with some interested state governments about state level models • Ongoing dialogue with civil society platforms including MFC • Being aware of possibility of dilution, distortion or selective reading of report – should be addressed in report itself stating that this is an integrated package which stands or falls as a whole, not a cafeteria for ‘pick and choose’

  5. Some concerns about the politics of UAHC • What is the underlying political logic and direction regarding UAHC • What is level of willingness to reshape the entire health system in direction of socialised system vs. continuation and generalisation of outsourcing type PPPs • Is there political will to significantly raise levels of public health financing • What is the role of private sector lobby, CII and FICCI, private insurance lobby

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