Welcome to the SARS Tax Workshop The purpose of this presentation is merely to provide information in an easily understandable format and is intended to make the provisions of the legislation more accessible to the layman. The information therefore has no binding legal effect and the relevant legislation must be consulted in the event of any doubt as to the meaning or application of any provision.
SIC Code Registration INTRODUCTION • In order to ensure that the application for registration for SDL is processed, the valid classification SETA/SIC codes must be completed. • Where the SETA/SCI classification codes have not been completed on the application for registration; the SDL payments will not be allocated to the National Skills Fund and the relevant SETA. This will also mean that no Levy Grant can be paid to the employer by the relevant SETA. Even where an employer apply to be registered for Employees‘ Tax and UIF purposes only, the SETA/SIC classification codes must be completed. • These codes are can be obtained from the Quick guide for SDL (AS-SDL-01) which is available on the SARS website. • Access the Quick SDL guide through the following path: www.sars.gov.za > Skills Development Levy • (SDL) > AS-SDL01 – Guide for SDL – External. 3
SIC Code Registration Where must the employer register? • Where an employer is liable to pay the Skills Development levy, the employer must register per EMP 101 (Application for Registration) as an employer with the SARS office in which the employer’s business is situated and must indicate the jurisdiction of SETA within which the employer must be classified as well as the applicable SIC code (refer to the annexure attached for the applicable SETA codes). How does the employer register for SDL purposes if the employer is already registered for PAYE?? • The employer must have reasonable grounds to believe that the total leviable amount payable to all employees during the following 12 month period will exceed R500 000. • The employer must submit the required supporting documents. • The employer must register as per EMP 101 (Application for Registration as an employer) with the SARS office and must indicate the jurisdiction of SETA within which the employer must be classified as well as the applicable SIC code attached for the applicable SETA codes). 4
SIC Code Registration What should the employer do should the employer discover that the allocation of SETA and /or Chamber SIC codes is in correct? • Applications for the amendment thereof should be submitted by the relevant employers directly to SETA under which such employers are currently registered. Application forms can be obtained from the relevant SETA’s or the Department of Labour. 5
Conclusion For further queries contact Call Centre on 0800 007 277 or visit us at www.sars.gov.za SARS AT YOUR SERVICE