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A Distinctive Framework for Adventist Nursing

This conference bridges faith and science for Adventist nursing educators to uphold the legacy of courageous pioneers, leaders, and innovators. Key topics include distinctive Adventist nursing education, spiritual and cultural care, and maintaining excellence across cultures. With data analysis and shared strategies, participants learn to implement values, beliefs, and commitments into nursing curriculum and practice. Join to explore the essence of nursing and the impact of Adventist heritage in shaping nursing care globally.

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A Distinctive Framework for Adventist Nursing

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  1. A Distinctive Framework for Adventist Nursing

  2. Faith and Science Teachers’ Conference Affirming Creation December 10-19, 2018

  3. Background -- • Ministry of Healing, by E. G. White • Mission of Love, by Muriel Chapman • Visits to Adventist Schools of Nursing globally • An awareness dawned that these schools have an outstanding legacy

  4. What is that legacy? • Courageous pioneers, leaders and innovators • Aimed for excellence • Focused on wholistic care • Graduates top the nursing boards & were in great demand

  5. How can we maintain this legacy? When -- • new schools of nursing are being developed rapidly • the history of our schools is not available • the common threads of our beliefs about nursing have not been identified • the distinctiveness of our approach to nursing is not yet described

  6. Project Global Partnerships in Nursing for Wholistic Nursing Care 1998 Funded by The Ralph and Carolyn Thompson Charitable Foundation

  7. Goal: Learn from nurses globally • What is distinctive about Adventist nursing education and practice in their context • Cultural conceptions of wholistic care • Cultural views of nursing metaparadigm concepts

  8. Global needs • Curriculum guidelines to use along with national requirements • Help with applying a wholistic approach, spiritual, mental, social & cultural • A shared platform for collaboration among Adventist nursing programs • A conceptual framework for Adventist nursing (from the data)

  9. Objectives • To provide Adventist nursing programs basic guidelines on educating for wholistic nursing care • To construct a simple data-based model that would be relevant across cultures

  10. Global Partnerships Conferences 1999 Thailand 2000 Brazil 2001 China 2002 South Africa 2003 Romania 2004 England 2007 Thailand 2009 Geneva 2012 Malawi 2013 Indonesia

  11. Events • International conferences (2013) • Global Partnerships Conference in Bali, Indonesia • ECD educator conference, Rwanda (2013) • AINEC Meetings: (2014) • NAD • Latin America (SAD)

  12. Methodology • Qualitative study • LLU IRB: If a position paper or ‘White Paper’ will be the end result, IRB review is not necessary • Used focus groups (except for NAD) • Asked ten questions—developed by the GP conference planning committee in 2013

  13. Methodology (contin) • 27 Focus Groups • 5 – 15 members per group • Comments were written on poster paper by group recorders and entered into a computer by other recorders

  14. Methodology (contin) • Focus groups conducted in Spanish and French were translated into English by bilingual translators. • All data were transcribed into Nvivo 10 software in English for analysis

  15. Sample 213SDA Nurses: • 10 Divisions of the World Church • 31 Countries • 8 Spanish speaking countries • 3 French speaking countries

  16. Questions: 1. What is the essence of nursing? 2. What is unique about Adventist nursing? 3. What values and beliefs led you to answer question # 2 as you did? 4. How does our Adventist heritage affect nursing care?

  17. Questions: 5. What are similarities in nursing care across cultural settings? 6. What are the differences in nursing care across cultural settings?

  18. Questions: 7. Which of the beliefs you have identified as distinctly Adventist, do you see evidenced in the practice of nursing in SDA institutions? 8. What strategies, approaches, and tools would facilitate integration and implementation of these values and beliefs into the curriculum?

  19. Questions: 9. What strategies would promote application of these values and beliefs into the practice of nursing? 10. What strategies would facilitate commitment to shared responsibility for translating values and beliefs from the classroom to the clinical setting?

  20. Data Analysis Using Nvivo software: • Open coding: PIs independently read the data ‘line by line’ and identified nodes • Axial coding: Nodes clustered into categories • Selective coding: identified overarching core variables/concepts/constructs

  21. Data Analysis Selective coding: (a) identified concepts related to: mission, values, beliefs and ethics (b) clustered concepts according to their relevance to the nursing metaparadigm: humans, health, environment, nursing

  22. From the data—on ‘Mission’ • Restoration of the image of God in human beings • Reflect Christ’s healing ministry to the whole person—including the spiritual

  23. Christ’s Mission: . . . to bring complete restoration to men and women. . . . [through] healing and teaching MH p. 9

  24. Mission (our statement) To promote healing, well-being, and restoration of the connection between humans and their Creator

  25. Beliefs(data & summary) • God is the giver of life (sanctity of life). • Each person is a child of God. • The human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. • The Bible is the word of God and reflects His character of love.

  26. (Supporting) Scripture: • Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? I Cor 3: 16, 17

  27. From the data—on ‘Values’ • Love • Empathy • Excellence • Kindness • Integrity • Respect • Loyalty • Hope • Service • Trustworthy • Commitment • Equality • Justice • Human rights • Charity

  28. From the data—on ‘Ethics’ • Every human being is worthy of dignity and respect • Every human being has a right to live • Nurses promote and preserve human dignity • Nurses advocate and act for the welfare of others.

  29. Human rights: • . . . People’s social rights, and their rights as Christians, are to be taken into consideration. All are to be treated . . . as the sons and daughters of God. MH p. 287

  30. Ethics(our summary) Adventist nurses— • Are ethical and honest. • Are committed to justice, charity, and human rights. • Promote and preserve human dignity • Serve as advocates for their clients • Develop an active moral conscience.

  31. From the data—on ‘Humans’ • Created by God • Designed to have a personal relationship with God • The sick person needs to be viewed as a whole being

  32. God desires us . . . . (as humans) To connect with heavenly agencies to . . . restore in us the divine image. MH p. 55

  33. Humans(our summary) • Are integrated wholistic beings—bio-psycho-social-cultural and spiritual. • Are created as interactive beings for the purpose of connecting with God, other humans, and all of God’s creation.

  34. Paul Tournier— • Of all the dimensions of the human being, the spirit is the integrating factor

  35. Pjones

  36. Developing the ‘True Self/Soul’ • Being connectedwith God • Being authentic • Spirituality is overcoming these splits.

  37. From the data—on ‘Health’ • Health is wholistic—physical, mental, social, spiritual, cultural well-being • Lifestyle impacts health • Communion with God impacts health

  38. Health - wholistic • It was His mission to bring complete restoration to men and women. He came to give them health, peace . . . MH p. 9

  39. Health - lifestyle • In His written word and in the great book of nature He has revealed the principles of life. It is our work to obtain a knowledge of these principles and . . . to cooperate with Him in restoringhealth to the body as well as to the soul. MH p.55

  40. Health - communion • As the mind of the sufferer is directed to the Savior, peace fills the heart, and the spiritual health that comes is used as the helping hand of God in restoring health to the body. MH p. 58

  41. Health(our summary) • Restoration of the image of God in human beings. • Development of wholistic well-being. • Interconnectedness with God and the whole of creation.

  42. From the data—on ‘Environment’ • An esthetic environmentthat will show God’s laws of beauty and harmony • Create a friendly spiritual environment • Conserve the natural environment • Construct an environment that supports translation of values

  43. Environment: • Every flower, with its delicate tints and its fragrance, is given for our enjoyment. . . • There is not a star that beautifies the heavens that He did not make. • Every drop of rain . . . , every ray of light . . . testifies to the love of God in Christ. MH p. 243

  44. Environment(our summary) • Reflects God’s laws of beauty and harmony. • Impacts healing. • Nurses can create a healing & spiritual environment.

  45. From the data—on ‘Nursing’ • A sacred calling • Caring is the main value • Compassion beyond the ordinary • Selfless service with love—going the extra mile • Providing wholistic care

  46. In ministering to the sick: • . . . success depends on the spirit of consecration and self-sacrifice with which the work is done. MH p. 301

  47. Nursing: • The Lord wants wise men and women, acting in the capacity of nurses, to comfort and help the sick and suffering… in the care great Healer, in faith looking to Him for restoration. A Call to Medical Evangelism p. 18.3

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