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Why Halloween Will Hurt Your Deen

Explore the roots and current celebrations of Halloween, highlighting why Muslims should avoid partaking in this holiday to uphold their faith's integrity. Discover the Islamic perspective on celebrations and the significance of honoring only the prescribed holidays like Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. Learn about the importance of obeying Allah's commands and refraining from participating in unIslamic rituals. Dive into the consequences of engaging in practices that contradict Islamic teachings. Unveil the critical distinction between permissible and forbidden celebrations in Islam, emphasizing the need for Muslims to adhere strictly to their religious guidelines to maintain their faith's purity. Reflect on the wisdom behind not acknowledging or participating in holidays like Halloween, recognizing the importance of staying steadfast in one's beliefs. Elevate your understanding of Islamic principles by examining the implications of engaging in activities that oppose the teachings of Islam.

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Why Halloween Will Hurt Your Deen

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  1. Why Halloween Will Hurt Your Deen ZainabAkbari, HibaAkhtar, Zara Tariq Al-Huda International Institute English Tafseer Course Class of 2011

  2. The Evolution of Halloween In today’s world, Muslims are constantly being put in situations in which giving in to Shaitaan is not only easy but also quite enjoyable. We listen to music, follow trends and join in practices that are originally forbidden in Islam. Unfortunately, many of us give in to our surroundings and in doing so, fail to remember our deen and what we are permitted and not permitted to do. One such example is the celebration of Halloween. Filled with customary games and practices, many people join together on this day to dress up in costumes and take part in the celebration of evil spirits, ghosts and demons. People spend money on costumes, decorate the exterior of their houses in spooky decorations and children go door-to-door asking for candy. Although present-day Halloween is considered a day for fun and frolic, this day is originally predated to the Celtic beliefs of Samhain, the mark of the end of summer, and the New Year, both of which were celebrated on November 1st. Among these celebrations, it was believed that on the night before, witches and evil spirits would roam the earth. In an effort to protect themselves from possible demonic persecutions, people would disguise themselves as witches and spirits during the night. They would leave food out for the spirits in hopes that in doing so, they would be protected from any harm entering their homes.

  3. This same ritual was practiced by the English years later calling it “All Souls’ Day Parade”. Poor families would go door-to-door asking for food. In return for food, they would be asked to pray for the deceased relatives of that family. If they were given a generous amount of food, the promise of making prayers would be made. In the contrary, if food was not given, those people would be considered bad and were given a trick. This is where the present day ritual of trick-or-treating is considered to have derived from. Along with dressing up and asking around for food, the Celts would carve faces in turnips and place a candle inside of it. When the candle would be lit, an illusion of a frightening face would be revealed which was thought to scare off the devils and prevent them from entering your home. In later years, when the Irish first arrived to America, they substituted turnips with pumpkins due to the fact that pumpkins were more predominate than turnips. Today, we carve faces into pumpkins and light them and refer to them as “Jack-O-Lanterns”. Although today they are not used as a tool to keep away devils but as a form of decoration, the creation of it is all the same. These rituals later travelled past the border onto Canada, where these same rituals are practiced today. From then on, every October 31st in America and Canada has been filled with spooky festivities. Amongst all this celebration and chaos, are Muslims who are left with the decision of whether or not they should join. It is very easy for Muslims to succumb to pressure and join in on the festivities, however it is essential that we remember our limits and prohibitions set by Allah (SWT). In doing so, we will understand that the punishment is far worse than the enjoyment.

  4. The Islamic Perspective Islam is a complete religion and a guide for Muslims to live their lives by. Any aspect of a Muslim's life is somehow affected by the teachings of Islam, and this includes celebrations and holidays. Allah (s) has been merciful to the Muslim Ummah by blessing it with the Islamic holidays Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha, which last three days each. In these days, Muslims are encouraged to attend a special prayer in congregation, wear new clothes, visit with family and friends, give gifts, and eat delicious, special foods. Celebrating Eid is a form of Ibadah, as a Muslim's faith  is dependent on his submission to Allah. In the same way, absolutely abstaining from partaking in the celebration of holidays which are unIslamic, for example, Halloween, is absolutely a requirement for Muslims. Allah's gift of the two Eid holidays clearly shows Muslims that we are not allowed to take part in any other holidays, especially Halloween. It is even forbidden for Muslims to congratulate disbelievers on such holidays, and to return such greetings if greeted in the name of an unIslamic practice. This is an obvious indicator of the idea that Muslims should also absolutely not attend their holiday parties. Doing any of these things will communicate the idea that our faith accepts and encourages their acts. And holidays like Halloween are based around absolute disobedience of Allah's commands and Islam's tenets. How can we, as Muslims, partake in them at all? Even "just for fun?”

  5. Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allaah have mercy on him, said in AhkaamAhl al-Dhimmah: "Congratulating the kuffaar on the rituals that belong only to them is haraam by consensus, as is congratulating them on their festivals and fasts by saying ‘A happy festival to you’ or ‘May you enjoy your festival,’ and so on. If the one who says this has been saved from kufr, it is still forbidden. It is like congratulating someone for prostrating to the cross, or even worse than that. It is as great a sin as congratulating someone for drinking wine, or murdering someone, or having illicit sexual relations, and so on. Many of those who have no respect for their religion fall into this error; they do not realize the offensiveness of their actions. Whoever congratulates a person for his disobedience or bid’ah or kufr exposes himself to the wrath and anger of Allaah.” The Prophet (saw) has said: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them."-This should be enough of a warning to let us know that we, as Muslims, need to stay as far away as possible from Halloween.  Giving gifts, receiving candies, and throwing parties may sound like a lot of fun, but do we really want to bring harm upon our iman simply because we want to be like others? And the Prophet (s) implies through this statement that imitating and joining non-believers in their acts of disbelief even affects our identity as Muslims. We become "one of them." Is compromising your identity as a Muslim worth one day of dressing up and getting candy?

  6. Another question to ask yourself is, "by celebrating Halloween, am I coming closer to my Lord?" On Halloween, kids dress up and go door to door asking for candy. This is like an escape from reality for the them.  However, as Muslims, there is no escape from reality! Our children should know that there is no break from being a believer. Also, our children should be taught that we have only two holidays that we can celebrate: both Eids. These days are the focal point of our celebrations, and for our children, they should be more exciting than the Christmases and Halloweens their friends are celebrating. One of the best ways to help children love their faith is to encourage them to practice it. And the Satan-glorifying roots of Halloween cannot compare to the beautiful stories and sacred acts that the Islamic holidays are based on.  Basically, in Islam, the bad and good in life is already told to us in the form of the Quran and Sunnah. We’re told about the do’s and don’ts of life.If we stray, we’re bringing harm upon ourselves and our children.  Our children are the future of the Ummah. We need to prepare them and help them understand the harms of participating in Halloween, and the benefit from staying away from it. Islam doesn’t teach us to fool others and escape from our focus in life. Instead of becoming like the non believers and celebrating with them, we need to educate ourselves and our children about what we, as believers, should really be doing.

  7. What you can do instead of celebrating halloween Refraining from celebrating Halloween doesn’t mean subjecting yourself or your family to feeling like outsiders with nothing to do. Make use of Halloween night to do good and come closer to Allah. Use the day to strengthen your relationship with your family. Spread the message about Islam. There are infinite deen- and family- friendly activities Muslims can partake in on Halloween. Here are just a few, for kids, teens, and parents…

  8. Halloween Tips for Teenagers Give Dawah- "There should be a number of you who actively call people to righteousness; who encourage goodness and forbid evil. These are the ones who shall prosper." (Qur'an 3:104) As a Muslim, it’s your duty not just to refrain from unislamic practices like Halloween, but to enlighten others by spreading the message of Islam. Halloween is an ideal occasion to do just this. Choosing not to celebrate Halloween is just that- your choice. • Explain why you don’t celebrate Halloween. Let your peers know that you have something better to believe in. And do it with confidence. They may not agree with you, but they will respect you. • Host another event on a different day. Invite your friends over for dinner and let them ask you questions about your beliefs. This will let them know that your reluctance is with the practice of Halloween, not your friends. This can be done for other occasions too- Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Prom, etc. • Do some side research about Halloween. Let your friends know of its evil, pagan origins. Chances are many of your peers, who may regularly go to church or synagogue, weren’t aware of what Halloween truly stands for. This could encourage others to avoid partaking as well.

  9. Strength in numbers! Find a buddy. “The believing men and women are allies of one another. They advocate righteousness and forbid evil, they observe the Contact Prayers and give the obligatory charity, and they obey God and His messenger. These will be showered by God’s mercy. God is Almighty, Most Wise.” (Qur’an, 9:71)Friendship is truly one of Allah’s greatest blessings for mankind. The friendship of someone who understands you, tries to live their life according to Islam, motivates you, and accepts your motivation could be just what you need to gain some support during Halloween season. This won’t make you feel as if you’re the only one sticking to your beliefs. • Make plans for the night of the 31st when everyone else will be celebrating. Have a game night, order pizza, or watch a movie together. This way, you won’t feel as if everyone else is out having fun and you’re stuck at home and bored. • Create a pamphlet together which includes information about Islam and the truth about Halloween. Distribute it when trick-or-treaters came around for candy. • Get to know each other more. Are you the only two who are always absent on Eid? Do you both skip lunch to hang out in the library during Halloween? Perhaps the similarities you share through Islam will help you do bigger, better things, such as establishing jumah prayer in school, swapping sandwiches at lunch, and developing a lasting friendship based on your faith.

  10. Work on your iman “Allah has promised those of you who have iman and do right actions that He will make them successors in the land as He made those before them successors, and will firmly establish for them their deen with which He is pleased and give them, in place of their fear, security…” (Qur’an 24:55) Allah has promised us that strong iman will bring us success. Unfortunately, it often feels like school and studying, afterschool activities, sports, volunteering, and family obligations leave almost no room to really work on our iman. Take advantage of Halloween night to work on your iman and knowledge of Islam. Teachers usually make homework a little more lenient, and you have no excuses- all your friends are out celebrating! • Review the surahs you have memorized. Begin memorizing a new surah. Ask someone in the house to test you on your tajweed. • Pick an area of your life you need to work on: responsibility, being a better friend, respecting others, doing well in school, are all examples. Find a lecture from a sheikh you trust and see what Islam’s view is. This might help you drop bad habits and adopt good ones forever. • Spend time with your parents! Have dinner with them and ask them how they’re doing. Talk to them about your life. Let them know you care. One of Allah’s strongest commands in the Qur’an is to respect one’s parents. It may not seem like it, but it is a very important

  11. Play Catch-up "By (the token of) time (through the ages). Verily mankind is in a state of loss, except those who have faith and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth and of patience and constancy.” (Qur’an, Chapter 103) In high school, homework and studying often gets pretty overwhelming. Between school and other commitments, often not enough room is left to work on projects and assignments. Let this time be constructive for you. If a project is due in a week, or a test isn’t for a few days, it isn’t to o early to start practicing, studying, and preparing. Catch-up time means just that, though. This means no hanging out in front of the TV or laptop! • Work on bigger projects that need to be done, study for the SATs, do some work early. How often do you get a chance like this? • Start a good book, work out, or work on a hobby you usually don’t have time for. Improve these other skills! • Go online and look at potential colleges and careers. It’s never too early to start looking into your future.

  12. Count your blessings. And give thanks. “That is because Allah, He is the Truth, and that which they invoke besides Him is Al-Batil (falsehood, Satan and all other false deities), and that Allah, He is the Most High, the Most Great.” (Qur’an, 31:26) Being a Muslim teenager surrounded by non-Muslim teenagers is never easy. But Allah rewards His slaves for their sacrifices. Chances are, if you don’t celebrate Halloween, there are probably many Western cultural practices you also do not partake in. Take a second to step back and see what you have gained from your efforts: self-control, wisdom, stronger faith, practicality, a guilt-free conscience. These are your gifts from Allah. Celebrate them! • Organize a Qiyam with other Muslims. Take turns making duaa and giving thanks for the many blessings you have. Take a stronger initiative in your school- organize a Ramadan bulletin board, begin Friday prayers in your school. • Strengthen your resolve to please Allah, and apply this resolve to other aspects in your life. You’ll be surprised at how easy your life becomes once you get rid of the many distractions (Halloween is just one exception.) And Allah knows best.

  13. How to Survive Halloween: A Guide for Muslim Parents COMMUNICATION: Talk to your children about Halloween. Explain to them the history of the day, and how it came to be, regardless of their age. Allow them to come to terms with the facts and be able to make their own conscious decision. This will result in more self-assurance from them and no guilt for you. And answer their questions, regardless of how often they are asked. Remember, we want to raise solid Muslims and Muslimahs, who have the tools to make lifestyle choices in their future. There is no better time to allow them to start than now. APPRECIATION:Parents, please be aware of and respect your child’s choice (whether you proposed it or not) to skip out on Halloween for the sake of Allah. Children are children, and passing up free candy and a fun costume is never an easy decision for young Muslims and Muslimahs. A little appreciation and understanding, such as “Ahmed, I really admire you. You’re very brave to give up Halloween, masha Allah. I know it isn’t easy, but I’m excited to see the reward you get from Allah, insha Allah,” goes a long way.

  14. REWARDS: Reward your children for the good choices they make. If your children agree to skip Halloween, display to them that good actions earn reward. The rewards are up to you- a new doll, a trip to the zoo, or a new backpack are just a few examples. Here, you are demonstrating one of the fundamental concepts of Islam- that he who does an atom’s weight of good shall see it, and vice versa. When they are rewarded, make certain they know why. This will build in them an inclination to do good. MUSLIM FRIENDS: No child wants to feel like the “odd” one out, so one of the most important things you can do for your child as a parent is to involve him with friends who are also Muslim. For parents with children in Islamic schools, such an environment is already built in. But for public school parents, finding a group outside of school friends is imperative. Muslim kids can relate to each other, ultimately resulting in a stronger sense of identity for your child and his friends. Many masajid have youth programs, and Girl- and Boy-Scout troops run by Muslim families are starting to appear in various communities throughout the United States.

  15. EMPHASIZE EID: Not just during Halloween, but Christmas and Valentine’s Day, constantly remind your children that they are not left out of holiday fun because of their faith. Muslims too have two very exciting celebrations to look forward to- the two Eids. For young parents, Eid is an opportunity to instill pride, excitement, and an attachment to the deen in the hearts of their children. Dress your kids in new clothes and explain them that it is in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet (s), and that on Eid, he liked to have fun also. Decorate the home, include gifts, and allow them to meet with their extended families. That way, when Santa’s time rolls around, Muslim children will have in the back of their minds that they are special, as they celebrate not one, but two Eids. DAWAH: Get involved with the non-Muslim community: Involve your children in Dawah projects. Politely find a way to communicate the message of Islam and the truth about Halloween to parents. Create awareness about your presence as a Muslim family in your child’s school. This year Ramadan and Halloween were only a few weeks off, and many schools allow parents to do Ramadan presentations. This is a great way to emphasize the importance of the holy month to young Muslims, and to help them feel more comfortable about their faith when with their peers. And Allah knows best.

  16. Halloween Tips for Kids -Halloween is a day of Shaitan, so what better thing to do than get closer to Allah? Pick a surah and ask a parent, or an older brother or sister to help you memorize it or learn the meaning. Make duaa that Allah always keeps you away from celebrating un-Islamic holidays. -Start something new this day. Maybe this could be a craft, or a new book, or a baseball collection. That way, you can look at Halloween as an opportunity to begin something new. -See if you can work something out to spend time with a group of friends. Maybe head over to the park and play a game of soccer, or hang out at home with other Muslim friends when others are celebrating Halloween. -Do something special with Mom and Dad. Who likes Monopoly? Stay home and make Halloween night just a fun family game night. -Take extra care of your teeth! Halloween is a terrible day for kids, as all the new candy often causes cavities. Practice healthy dental hygiene to stay ahead of the pack. -Let people know that you aren’t celebrating Halloween because you have something much more special to look forward to- Eid!

  17. -Ask mom or dad to buy you one piece of special candy the day after Halloween. After all, Halloween is un-Islamic. Candy is not! (when eaten in moderation.) -Remind kids at school that there’s nothing wrong with being different. Be polite and respectful, but let them know that Halloween just isn’t important to you. -Remember that Halloween is a day when kids beg for candy. The Prophet (s) discouraged begging for anything, and it is not a characteristic of a strong Muslim to beg. -Head over to the masjid with Mom or Dad on Halloween. Chances are that other Muslim kids will be hanging out there too. -Remember to be proud of Islam, and that you don’t have to be sucked into celebrating a holiday which is all about our arch enemy, Shaitan. Allah will reward you for your effort insha Allah, and maybe one of your deepest wishes will be answered, as Allah loves to answer the dua of those who try to become closer to Him!

  18. Works Cited • http://www.ibnjuferi.com/islamophobes-say-the-salaah-affects-muslim-productivity/ • http://www.fanpop.com/spots/halloween/images/250822/title/haunted-house-wallpaper • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_KL6fnPmFL4k/SNTdu90NlEI/AAAAAAAAAP0/vFmh_zRYBws/s1600-h/muslim+friends.jpg • http://7art-crystal-clock-screensaver.smartcode.com/screenshot.html • http://www.amnation.com/vfr/archives/003540.html • http://www.kistenet.com/ryan/Rants/october2006/10-24-06/anti-halloween.jpg • http://rlv.zcache.com/anti_halloween_t_shirts-p235636180429829923uh8e_400.jpg • http://neighbourhoodpolicing.devon-cornwall.police.uk/BCU-1663/Sector-1739/NB-1744/PublishingImages/Halloween.jpg • http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61790Z3QM3L._SL500_AA300_.jpg • http://islam-qa.com/en/ref/947/holiday • http://islam-qa.com/en/ref/10070/holiday

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