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Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB Course by Professor Karl E. Lonngren

This course covers EM theory, MATLAB, static EM fields, Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, transmission lines, and antennas using MATLAB. Practical applications, assignments, and exams provided to enhance learning experience. Web resources available for further study.

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Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB Course by Professor Karl E. Lonngren

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  1. Electromagnetic Theory55:070 Professor Karl E. Lonngren [lonngren@eng.uiowa.edu] 4312 SC office hours: 12:30 – 1:15 MWF

  2. Demonstration in 2005

  3. 207 CC

  4. TA: Qiao Hu1313 SC qiao-hu@uiowa.edu Text: “Fundamentals of electromagnetics with MATLAB” 2nd edition/2nd printing SciTech Press Grading 2 exams @ 100 -------- 200 Final exam ---------------- 150 Homework ---------------- 50 Total ----------------------- 400 Arthur Andersen who was recently fired by the Enron Corp. will audit the scores and the addition. Work together?

  5. First edition

  6. Check the WebSite for this class regularly! -- MATLAB programs -- Old exams Assignments -- Homework solutions -- Scores and Grades

  7. Chandra X-ray satellite

  8. Crab nebula

  9. supernova

  10. super bubbles colliding galaxies

  11. Ames Ames black hole

  12. This is what happens to someone who does not want to learn electromagnetic theory!

  13. example • EM Theory • MATLAB & vectors • static em fields • mathematics & MATLAB • Maxwell’s equations • electromagnetic waves & MATLAB • transmission lines & MATLAB • radiation & antennas & MATLAB

  14. This course will not be one of those! http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=641947

  15. Cash for clunkers

  16. MATLAB

  17. MATLAB • in the college computers • easy to use & learn • easy to produce 2-d & 3-d plots • ODE & PDE • integrate & differentiate • get pictures – “.m” files in 070 web page • more MATLAB information on the CD

  18. >> MATLAB icon >> x = 1 x = 1 >> complex numbers >> y = 1+1j (or 1+ 1i) y = 1.0000 + 1.0000i >> z = x - y z = 0 - 1.0000i >> math

  19. >> x = 1; SAVE SPACE TRICK “ ; “ • >> y = 2; • >> z = x * y; % multiply • >> z • z = • 2 • >> w = x / y; % divide • >> w • w = • 0.5000

  20. a = 1ux + 2uy + 3uz b = 3ux + 2uy + 1uz c = a + b c = 4ux + 4uy + 4uz >> a = [1 2 3]; >> b = [3 2 1]; >> c = a + b; c = 4 4 4 vectors - addition

  21. a = 1ux + 2uy + 3uz b = 3ux + 2uy + 1uz a • b = b • a = 3 + 4 + 3 = 10 >> a = [1 2 3]; >> b = [3 2 1]; >> c = dot(a,b) c = 10 vectors - dot product

  22. d = cross (a,b) d = 0 0 1 e = cross (b, a) e = 0 0 -1 vectors - cross product a = 1ux + 0uy + 0uz ==> a = [1 0 0]; b = 0ux + 1uy + 0uz ==> b = [0 1 0];

  23. z B - A A B y x |B - A| = norm(B -A)

  24. In MATLAB • >>colormap(hot) or cool or  • >>whitebg(‘black’) or ‘green’ or  • “print screen” • “paint”

  25. simple graph >> x = [1 2 3 4 5] x= 1 2 3 4 5 >> plot(x) >> xlabel(‘#’) >> ylabel(‘value’)

  26. semicolon two values >>x=[1 2 3 4 5]; >>y=[5 4 3 2 1]; >>plot(x,y,’*’) >>xlabel(‘x’) >>ylabel(‘y’)

  27. Add to the graph • clear;clf • x=0:.1:4*pi; • plot(sin(x),'linewidth',3) • hold on • plot(cos(x),'linewidth',3,'linestyle','--') • xlabel('x','fontsize',18) • ylabel('V','fontsize',18) • set(gca,'fontsize',18) • whitebg('black')

  28. >>[x,y]=meshgrid(-xa : x : xb,-ya : y : yb)

  29. >>[x,y]=meshgrid(-1:.1:1,-2:.4:4); >>R=(x.^2+(y+1).^2).^.5; >>Z=(1./R); >>surf(x,y,Z) >>view( - 37.5+ 90, 30)

  30. >>[x,y]=meshgrid(-2:.2:2,-2:.2:2); >>r1=(x.^2+(y-.5).^2).^.5; >>r2=(x.^2+(y+.5).^2).^.5; >>V=(1./r1)-(1./r2); >>mesh(x,y,V) >>view(-37.5-90,10) >>colormap(hot)

  31. >>[ex,ey]=gradient(V,.2,.2); >>quiver(x,y,ex,ey) >>grid

  32. Iterate labels Change styles customize graphs -subplots

  33. There are ".m" files on the Web page for this class. -The figures and the examples in the text -Additional programs may be added on an irregular basis

  34. Government regulation may be required such as stop signs, stoplights, etc.

  35. Babies knows something!

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