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Annual Call 2012

This briefing provides an overview of the 2012 Annual Call for Proposals for TEN-T projects, including priorities, budget, and evaluation process. It covers various transport modes such as rail, road, maritime, and integrated/multi-modal transport, with a focus on alleviating bottlenecks and promoting sustainable infrastructure.

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Annual Call 2012

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  1. Annual Call 2012 Briefing to experts for the 'Remote' evaluation Chris North TEN-T EA Head of Unit T3 7th March 2013

  2. 2012 Annual Call for Proposals • Overall budget: €250 million • Includes indicative allocations per priority • One call addressing four priorities • Commission Decision C(2012) 8510 of 23.11.2012

  3. 2012 Annual Call for Proposals Comprises 4 Priorities: • Priority 1: Accelerate/facilitate the implementation of TEN-T projects • Priority 2: Promote innovation and new technologies contributing to decarbonisation • Priority 3: Support for PPPs and innovative financial instruments • Priority 4: TEN-T Corridors

  4. Only Priority 1 will be evaluated 'Remotely' as a large scale 'test' of the process Priority 1 comprises: • Rail • Inland waterways (will not be evaluated remotely) • Maritime Transport • Road • Integrated and multi-modal transport

  5. Priority 1 Overall objective: • Alleviate bottlenecks and/or promote cross-border connectivity and network effects at European level • Support deployment of sustainable transport infrastructure, in particular measures boosting inter-modal cooperation

  6. Type of projects: • Studies creating a mature projects pipeline for implementation under CEF as from 2014, to accelerate implementationfor all transport modes (e.g. environmental/design studies – not feasibility) • Works for mature projects to be completed by 2015 (rail, road, ports, IWW or combinations of these modes)

  7. Rail transport • Measures intended to remove bottlenecks, in accordance with Article 5 of the TEN-T Guidelines, and measures addressing cross-border sections, in accordance with Article 28 of the TEN-T Guidelines. • These Actions should lead to a significant amount of synergy, both in terms of measures to be implemented to obtain greater efficiency in construction and the subsequent use of infrastructure in the European interest, and in terms of investment. • Measures addressing the implementation of telematics applications, in accordance with the relevant TSIs • Where possible, linkages and connections to other transport modes shall be an integral part of the action. Note: Priority Projects or measures for the deployment of the ERTMS will not be funded under the Annual Work Programme

  8. Maritime Transport The objective is to support the development of portsas efficient entry and exit points fully integrated with the land infrastructure Constraints: • Only Class A ports Prioritywillbegiven to: • Port access and basic infrastructure: actions aiming at providing safe maritime accesses (breakwaters, sea locks, dredging (except maintenance dredging), channels and navigational aids) and quay walls, jetties, backfills and land reclamation etc. • Hinterland connections: TEN-T hinterland connections (locks, rail, inland waterway connections or road if other hinterland connections are not an option) with adequate capacity and efficiency

  9. Maritime Transport (contd) • Port facilities improving the environmental performance of maritime transport: LNG facilities, including barges, enabling publicly accessible bunkering operations in ports, 'cold ironing', and reception facilities for oil and other waste, including residues from scrubbers, to meet environmental requirements • ICT applications: in particular eMaritime and Single Window applications , as well as applications which will facilitate administrative formalities in ports through a better use of information, communication and positioning technologies;

  10. Road transport Works projects to be selected shall include at least one of the following aspects: • cross-border sections or in the case of Member States without a rail network, bottlenecks or missing links; • safety and security measures (including development of safe rest areas for professional drivers); • integration strategies with other ‘lower’ carbon transport infrastructure. Note: sections on any priority project, in accordance with art. 23 of the TEN-T Guidelines may not be supported under this priority

  11. Integrated and Multi-modal Transport Freight • Increase the contribution of ‘lowcarbon’ transport modes (rail, inland navigation, shipping) • Systems and procedures for smooth modal integration (interoperability and integrity of intermodal information flows) • Improving the efficiency and capacity of inter-modalfreighttransfernodes

  12. Integrated and Multi-modal Transport However ….. Priority will be given to: • Intermodal platforms or terminalswhose total transhipmentexceeds 500,000 tonnes Or • If nothingcompliantwithabove, the main platform or terminal in a NUTS 2 regiondesignated by the Member State and linkedwithat least road and rail Or • Intermodal platformsconnected to all modes of transport available on the TEN-T network where the platformislocated

  13. Integrated and Multi-modal Transport Passenger • Airport to Rail Network connections only • Design and Environmentalstudiesnecessary for construction • Construction of Links (Works)

  14. External evaluation - Objectives • Provide sound technical advice on the proposals submitted • Check that proposals address the objectives and priorities defined in the work programmes and calls for proposals

  15. External evaluation: The role of external experts Conduct an in-depth technical and impartial evaluation of proposals submitted Check that proposals address the objectives and priorities defined in the work programmes and calls for proposals Award, for each criterion, a score on a six-point scale from 0 to 5

  16. External evaluation – the award criteria 4 blocks of award criteria: Relevance Maturity Impact Quality

  17. Some hints • Read the Work Programme and the Call text • Keep the TEN-T Guidelines handy • Understand the scoringscheme • Understand the awardcriteria • Have a look at the 'Guide for Applicants' • Read the TEN-TecManual and Ch. on GIS Viewer • If in doubt, contact us! • General (inc IT) tenea-call-experts@ec.europa.eu • RailCristobal.Millan-De-La-Lastra@ec.europa.eu (+32 229-65674) • Maritimemorten.jensen@ec.europa.eu(+32 229-64620) • RoadCristobal.Millan-De-La-Lastra@ec.europa.eu(+32 229-65674) • Multimodalbipin.radia@ec.europa.eu (+32 229-63809)

  18. Scoring scheme 0 – Insufficient Fails to address the criterion or insufficient information to judge 1 – Poor Addressed inadequately or serious inherent weaknesses 2 – Fair Criterion broadly addressed but significant weaknesses 3 – Good Addresses criterion well although improvements necessary 4 – Very Good Addresses criterion very well, some improvements still possible 5 – Excellent Successfully addresses all aspects, any shortcomings minor Use the full range of scores properly!!

  19. Award Criteria • Relevance: • Is iteligibleunder TEN-T? • Doesitaddress the priorities in the call text? • What are the socio-economicbenefitsat the EU level? • Whatis the degree of added value for TEN-T? • Have they made the case for EU financial support? • Maturity (Works): • Is the project 'ready to go'? • Have the worksalreadystarted? If 'Yes' it's mature • Is the Development Consent issued? If 'Yes'! Fine! • Whenisitplanned to start? • If 'No'! Whatismissing? • Have all the necessary local/regional/national permits been issued? • Is the Environmetal Impact Assessmentapproved? • Has the public consultation been completed • Is it possible thattherecanbe an appeal? • Is the financing 'in place'? • If 'No'! – beware! Whenwillitbeconfirmed? • Has the Public Procurementstarted? • If 'No'! Or at a veryearly stage, maturityisquestionable.

  20. Award Criteria • Maturity (Studies): • Doesit have the necessary 'political' support? • Is the financing 'in place'? • If 'No'! – beware! Whenwillitbeconfirmed? • Is Public Procurementnecessary? Has itstarted? • Has the studyalreadystarted? • Doesitrequire 'data' • isitavailable? • have the necessarycontacts already been taken? • Impact (Works): • Socio-economicbenefits • Is there a CBA (or similar) • Is there an impact on capacity, efficiency, safety, multimodal split etc? • Are theyquantified? • Environmentalbenefits • Doesitcontribute to rebalancing to more environmentallyfriendly transport modes? • Is there a positive effect on environment - nature, emissions, noise, land use, etc • Is there a negativeeffect on environment – are mitigation measuresforeseen? • How are theyquantified

  21. Award Criteria • Impact (Studies): • The studyis to prepare for 'works' What are the expected impacts of the workswhenrealised: • Socio-economicbenefits • Environmentalbenefits • What use willbe made of the results for decisionmaking? For how long willtheybevalid? • Quality: • Are the objectives clear? • Are the activitiessufficient to achieve the objectives? • Are the resourcesadequate for the activities • Is the planning clearlydescribed and achievable? • Have theyaddressedrisks? • Is thererisk mitigation? • Is there a clear and appropriateproject management plan and structure • Is the overall proposal of good quality in terms of its logic, completeness and clarity?

  22. Remember Only the best proposals are recommended for EU funding… Proposals that score <3 points for one or more of the award criteria are not good enough! Keep to the schedule Respect your individual timetable for the evaluation of proposals

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