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Fostering Inclusive Campus: A Leadership Approach

Learn how to combat hatred and promote inclusivity on a diverse urban campus through proactive leadership, relationship-building, and empowering the university community. Explore policies, initiatives, and risk management strategies.

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Fostering Inclusive Campus: A Leadership Approach

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  1. “A Leadership-Based Approach to an Inclusive Campus”Combating Hatred in the 21st CenturyJulia HanigsbergGeneral Counsel and Secretary of the Board

  2. Context • 25,000 undergraduate and 2000 graduate students • 770 FT faculty • Urban downtown Toronto campus (Gerrard to Dundas/Bay to Jarvis) • Majority of students from the GTA—only 850 in residence • Students represented by independent student unions (Ryerson Student Union, Continuing Education Students Association of Ryerson)

  3. Principles University needs to foster an inclusive, safe and respectful environmental for all members of its community Free speech and academic freedom are critical values Leadership matters—protecting free speech and academic freedom doesn’t require neutrality

  4. Leadership-Based Approach Who? President Senior Executive Academic Leaders (Deans, senior faculty) Student Leaders How? Key is leadership through empowering the university community

  5. Acknowledging Challenges What are the challenges? Have heard from students and faculty that racism including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are issues Israeli Apartheid week is very difficult and hurtful to many What form does acknowledgment take? Public, high level, non-defensive, frequent Informal and formal (e.g. President’s testimony before Parliamentary Committee on Anti-Semitism, support to Taskforce on Anti-racism)

  6. Building Relationships Within the University Clear open lines of communication with students and faculty at all levels President Provost (faculty and academic leadership) Other members of senior admin Vice Provost Students Student Services Bridging to a variety of student leaders (student government, student board members, faculty level student leaders etc) Pro-active visible support for all groups on campus by senior admin Contact that is frequent, relentless, open, non-defensive

  7. Empowering the University Community Faculty initiatives that model civil discourse E.g. International Issues Discussion Series: “Prospects for Peace in the Middle East” Initiatives that shed light on issues E.g. Anti-racism coalition—Taskforce on Anti-racism Informal coalition building E.g. Shabbat dinner for students, faculty, staff of all faiths E.g. President and VPs attending Eid celebrations E.g. informal meetings with concerned groups Student leadership E.g. training and orientation on leadership in diversity, CCD, etc. Support: not just financial presence, guidance, planning etc.

  8. Risk Management Policy Framework/Training Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal or Spiritual Observance Policy Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct Room Booking Policy/Procedures Risk Management framework (including special support/training for students) Eyes and ears “on the ground” Excellent relationship with local police division Excellent relationship with external interested groups

  9. Crisis Management Excellent planning Excellent communication Seasoned, well-trained security service Proportional response Network of relationships (internal and external) to deploy for communication

  10. Key Challenges Looking Forward Impact of international issues Changing demographics on campus

  11. Additional Information

  12. Links Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy: http://www.ryerson.ca/equity/dhpspolicy/ Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal or Spiritual Observance Policy: www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol150.pdf Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct: http://www.ryerson.ca/senate/policies/pol61.pdf Room Booking Policy: www.rsuonline.ca/index.php?section_id=269 Risk management for student events: www.ryerson.ca/stuprog/event/riskmanagement/index.html IID Speaker Series: http://iid.kislenko.com Ryerson Taskforce on Anti-Racism: www.ryerson.ca/antiracismtaskforce/index.html President Sheldon Levy's Statement on Britain's University and College Union Proposed Academic Boycott of Israeli Universities: www.ryerson.ca/news/news/General_Public/2007Archive/20070709_Sheldon%20Lev.html

  13. IID Prospects for Peace in the Middle East Speakers Prof Yoram Peri, Director, Joseph and Alma Gildenhorn Institute for Israel Studies, University of Maryland, former political advisor to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin Nadia Hijab, Senior Fellow, Institute for Palestine Studies an independent non-profit research organization and a leading resource on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Robert Malley, Director, International Crisis Group’s Middle East and North Africa Program and former principal advisor to President Bill Clinton and the National Security Advisor at the White House on the Middle East peace process. Dr. Juan Cole, Richard P. Mitchell Professor of History at the University of Michigan and author of Engaging the Muslim World (2009). Prof. Michael Bell, Paul Martin (Sr) Senior Scholar in International Relations at the University of Windsor and was Canada’s Ambassador to Jordan (1987-90), Egypt (1994-98), and Israel (1990-92 and 1999-2003).

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