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02/26/14 Today’s Agenda:

U3 EQ: What are the anatomical structures of the upper extremity & their common injuries ? State Standards: 1:3 Identify major bones in the body. 1:5 Describe general injury causations and/or mechanisms . 02/26/14 Today’s Agenda:. Students will grade in class, Head and Face Injury Quiz.

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02/26/14 Today’s Agenda:

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  1. U3 EQ: What are the anatomical structures of the upper extremity & their common injuries? State Standards: 1:3 Identify major bones in the body. 1:5 Describe general injury causations and/or mechanisms. 02/26/14 Today’s Agenda: Students will grade in class, Head and Face Injury Quiz. TO: Identify the boney anatomical structures of the shoulder joint and their common injuries. Students will be given Anatomy Book Project Description and Rubric. You’re stuck here until…

  2. Clavicle Fxs

  3. Clavicle Fxs MOI:A fall on an outstretched arm (FOOSA), a fall on the tip of the shoulder, or a direct blow. S&S:Supports the arm & tilts head to injured side, p!, swelling, loss of function (LOF). Tx:Immobilize, RICE, brace, PT, sometmessx. Prevention:Proper technique, padding. Color the Clavicle Light Blue on the Pectoral Girdle Page TO

  4. HumerusFxs

  5. HumerusFxs MOI:Direct blow, a dislocation, or FOOSA. S&S:P!, LOF, swelling, discoloration. Tx:Immobilize, RICE, watch for shock! Prevention: ---- Color the HumerusYellow On the Pectoral Girdle Page TO

  6. Color the Scapula Red On the Pectoral Girdle Page

  7. SC Joint Sprain MOI:FOOSA or a direct blow to the clavicle. S&S:Grade 1, 2, & 3. Pain, swelling, LOF, deformity. Tx:RICE, immobilize, PT. Prevention: ---- Highlight the SternoclavicularJoint Pink on the Pectoral Girdle Page TO

  8. AC Joint Sprain

  9. AC Joint Sprain MOI:FOOSA or a direct blow to the tip of the shoulder. S&S:Grade 1, 2, & 3. P!, swelling, deformity, LOF. Tx:RICE, immobilize, PT. Prevention:Proper technique, padding. Highlight the Acromioclavicular Joint Yellow on the Pectoral Page TO

  10. Shoulder Dislocations

  11. Shoulder Dislocations MOI:Shoulder abduction, ER, & extension of the arm; arm is overhead & driven inferiorly. S&S:Deformity, p!, swelling, LOF Tx:Immobilize, RICE, PT. Prevention:Strong shoulder muscles. TO

  12. Three Directions

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