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Group 1

Group 1. Topics. ILO Standards on SP (CON.102) Basic social floor Trade unions role in SS Elements that affect SS e.g global financial and economic crisis, globalisation, poverty SS for migrant workers Vision of SS (2011 and beyond) Link between SS and the Decent work agenda

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Group 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Group 1

  2. Topics • ILO Standards on SP (CON.102) • Basic social floor • Trade unions role in SS • Elements that affect SS e.g global financial and economic crisis, globalisation, poverty • SS for migrant workers • Vision of SS (2011 and beyond) • Link between SS and the Decent work agenda • Platforms to discuss SS at regional level..e.g Africa, Africa, Europe • The gender dimensions on SS

  3. For whom / Target Group? • Trade union structures • e.g women structures • Departments which focus on SS at union e.g in China - two departments: training and SS department, Zimbabwe - S&H department in, Peru – SS Secretary, Argentina – team of multidisciplinary of decent work • Focus group (from trade unions) which will be trained and they will then train other affiliates • Informal economy departments in our countries

  4. Needs of trainers • Technical expertise from ILO including gender experts (gender mainstreaming) on SS. All regions need experts on gender mainstreaming • Material on analysis of experiences in other countries, data, new country developments etc • A guide / manual on SSwritten in simple language / terms • To develop a culture of social dialogue on SS at national levels

  5. Training Recipe • Reports (national or international) on social protection on assessments of SS in the country and internationally • Research data – coverage, schemes available, challenges etc • Make campaigns on ratification of Conv. 102 • Networking / share experiences at national, regional and international level • Coordination of trade union centers at regional and international level to assess and improve on SS • Develop a SS Culture

  6. IMPORTANT!!! • Develop a group of trade unionists with expertise on SS who will also engage the employers and the government

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