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LITERACY IN MUSIC ED. Louis Russo Tech Resources for Performing Arts Educators Prof. Chianan Yen. Promoting Literacy Through Music
 By Laura Woodall and Brenda Ziembroski. http://www.songsforteaching.com/lb/ literacymusic.htm

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  1. LITERACY IN MUSIC ED Louis Russo Tech Resources for Performing Arts Educators Prof. Chianan Yen

  2. Promoting Literacy Through Music
By Laura Woodall and Brenda Ziembroski • http://www.songsforteaching.com/lb/literacymusic.htm • I began my search for links in google, with the search term "literacy in music education." This was the first hit. • This site provides some good information in an easily digestible format, but I don't consider it to be very academic. First and foremost, the .com address gives it away as a for-profit commercial enterprise. The fact that images of major credit cards with the text "purchase orders accepted" is juxtaposed with information about children's learning just erodes its credibility as a scholarly source. I included it, however, because anyone who googles "literacy in music education" will undoubtedly come across it.

  3. DEVELOPING LITERACY THROUGH MUSIC By Jean McIntire • http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/search/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ773335&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ773335 • For my next link, I chose to pursue something more reputable. • ERIC is the Education Resources Information Center, and is a supremely valuable database for education. It is also .gov, furthering its credibility. This article is linked through ERIC, and appeared in the MENC journal. • This is a resource I would comfortably recommend to my colleagues.

  4. LITERACY SKILLS IN MUSIC CLASS: TOOLS FOR PRESERVICE TEACHER GROWTH By Alice Feret and Judy Smith • http://www-usr.rider.edu/~vrme/v15n1/visions/Literary%20Skills%20in%20Music%20Class.Feret%20and%20Smith.pdf • Using the same google search terms, I found my third article. • This article also comes from a .edu source. This was particularly interesting to me because I am in a pre-service teacher training program. • I would similarly recommend this title to my colleagues.

  5. EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING WITH AND WITHOUT MUSICBy Douglas Fisher • http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1179&context=reading_horizons • For the fourth and fifth articles, I changed my search terms in google to "English Literacy in Music Education." • This was another article that search yielded. • Also from academia, this article seems reputable.

  6. Improving children's literacy, one note at a time By Johanna Brown and Stephen Chamblee • http://www.kennesaw.edu/arts/flourish/flourish_9-2/story_children_literacy.shtml • This final article might be an example of how .edu does not ensure reputability. • This article to me is not entirely scholarly, and it appeared in "Flourish Online Magazine." • However, I found it through the Kennesaw University College of the Arts website.

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