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Research done by Kinnamon & Lyons found basically no difference between the faith beliefs held by a 55 year old and those held by a 13 year old….
Research done by Kinnamon & Lyons found basically no difference between the faith beliefs held by a 55 year old and those held by a 13 year old…. • This Implies that Faith results of the majority of Americans is mapped out before they become adults—many times before they reach 18. Kinnamon & Lyons 72-73
PRE–MODERNIDAD A post–MODERNIDAD Who is shaping our world today? Who’s worldviews are creating new cultures? Who’s opinions are shaping our kids worldview? What authority is guiding our youth? & What worldviews do such people promote? (Parents? Celebrities? Sport Figuires?)
PAUL KNEW THE WORLDVIEWS SHAPING HIS WORLD AND HE RESPONDED TO THEM WITH THE WORD.//Pablo sabialasfilosofiasinfluenciandosugeneracion y respondio a ellas con autoridad
Donde empezamos? “Así que discutía en la sinagoga con los judíos y con los Griegos que adoraban a Dios, y a diario hablaba en la plaza con los que se encontraban por allí.” Hechos 17:17
“Compórtense sabiamente con los que no creen en Cristo aprovechando al máximo cada momento oportuno.Que su conversación sea siempre amena y de buen gusto. Así sabrán cómo responder a cada uno” Col. 4:5-6
Whatthepostmodern culture says • Soy muy sincero – es lo que importa • No importa cuantos errores cometa, nadie es perfecto. • Escucho a aquellos que tienen autoridad – pero no se si estoy de acuerdo • Hay muchas verdades, no hay una objetiva universal • Nada es original, todo a sido dicho antes
500 BC 500 AD 1000 AD 0 (JESUS) 2000 AD NOW
500 BC 500 AD 1000 AD 0 (JESUS) 2000 AD NOW
TipswithdealingwithPostmodernYouth • Take Survey of what is influencing your young people (Music Movies, TV shows, etc…) • Work with Parents and teach about the authority figure they represent. • Find creative ways to push a definition of faith that is more than “just believing.” (Faith + Action)