2. Introduction Background to the review
What we did
What we found
What we concluded
The main recommendations
Next steps
3. Background to the Review Announced at AoC in November 2004
Jointly commissioned by DFES and LSC
Terms of Reference
Why I wanted to do it
4. Review Objectives
6. What we found Current strengths
Major weaknesses
Opportunities and challenges
Overall a sense that FE colleges were not fully Realising Potential
7. Broad Approach Looked at systemic issues
Want to build constructively on strengths
Evolutionary not revolutionary change
8. Strengths
9. After a ruined first attempt at education, Norwich City College quite literally saved me from disaster. It gave me a second chance, an opportunity to go forward with learning in an atmosphere that suited me in a way that school never could. Further Education of this kind is one of the great unsung achievements of our society - Stephen Fry
10. Weaknesses Still major problems with Education & Skills levels
Lack of clarity of purpose
Image and reputation
Insufficient local integration
Poor information esp on VFM
Workforce and leadership concerns
Oversight and regulation
11. Galaxy of Stars
12. Reform Imperatives and improvements to overall management & funding system and college infrastructure.
13. Top Recommendations
14. Top Recommendations
15. Next Steps Recommendations addressed to each part of FE
Need for a concerted effort by all colleges, Government and LSC
Steering Group and user panel to oversee implementation.