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Comparative Analysis of Deuteron-Induced Reactions: Parametrization vs. Microscopical Studies

Explore the efficacy of empirical parametrization and microscopical studies in analyzing deuteron-induced reactions. Discuss effects, calculation tools, nuclear models, and conclusions drawn from the research.

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Comparative Analysis of Deuteron-Induced Reactions: Parametrization vs. Microscopical Studies

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  1. 15th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR REACTION MECHANISMS June 11-15, 2018, Varenna, Italy PPPT MAT-5.7.1-T004-D002 Comparative analysis of empirical parametrization and microscopical studies of deuteron-induced reactions MarilenaAvrigeanu and Vlad Avrigeanu HoriaHulubei National Institute for Physics & Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest, Romania 1. Parametrization vs. Reaction Mechanism Models 2. CALCULATION TOOLS: Nuclear Models & CODES 3. Effects of DI on Deuteron Induced Reactions 4. Conclusions

  2. Padé Approximation vs. Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms? Special Issue on Nuclear Reaction Data 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  3. REACTION MECHANISMS INVOLVED in natCu(d,x)64Cu PROCESS (0.69)63Cu(d,p)64Cu + (0.31) 65Cu(d,x)64Cu 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  4. Deuteron interaction analysis: Nuclear Models & CODES Motivation: Nuclear Data Needs (FENDL, EURATOM, F4E, EUROfusion) • ITER, IFMIF, SPIRAL2, Breeder Reactors • REQUIRED deuteron reaction cross sectionsmeasurements & calculations (E ~ 50 MeV): Al, Cu,Nb, Co, Mn, Fe, Cr, Ni, C…Th, U, • Deuteron breakup BREAKUP [M. Avrigeanu, V. Avrigeanu] - parametrization of total proton and elastic breakup cross sections: M. Avrigeanuet al.,Fusion. Eng. Design, 84, 418 (2009); M. Avrigeanu and V. Avrigeanu,Phys. Rev. C 95, 024607 (2017). - inelastic breakup enhancements : P. Bémet al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 044610 (2009); E. Šimečkováet al., Phys. Rev. C 84, 014605 ( 2011); M. Avrigeanuet al.,Phys. Rev. C 85, 034603 (2012); 88, 014612 (2013); 89, 044613 (2014); 92, 021601(R) (2015), 94, 014606 (2016). • Direct reactions FRESCO(Version FRES 2.9, September 2011) [I.J. Thompson] -breakup: elastic component (CDCC) M. Avrigeanu, A.M. Moro,Phys. Rev. C 82, 037610 ( 2010). - elastic transfer: weakly bound systems: M. Avrigeanuet al.,Nucl.Phys. A 759, 327 ( 2005). • - stripping & pick-up, DWBA : (d,p), (d,n), (d,t ), (d,α) • Composite system equilibration for both deuteron and breakup nucleon reactions STAPRE-H95[V. Avrigeanu, M. Avrigeanu] (updated) - OMP:SCAT2000; preequilibrium: GDH / EXCITON;evaporation:Hauser-Feshbach TALYS - 1.0 - 1.9[A. Koning, S. Hilaire, M. Duijvestijn] - OMP:ECIS’97; breakup,preequilibrium: MSD / EXCITON; evaporation: Hauser-Feshbach 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018 4 Marilena Avrigeanu

  5. Empirical parametrization versus microscopic predictions 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  6. BREAKUPENHANCEMENT: Important for the second..-chance emitted particle 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  7. Optical Model Analysis: d+ 58,60,61,62,64Ni; Direct Reactions: d + 58Ni 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018 7 7 Marilena Avrigeanu Marilena Avrigeanu

  8. ROLE OF DIRECT REACTIONS: STRIPPING & PICK-UP Important for the first-chance emitted particle 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  9. CORRECTED deuteron flux towards PE+CN 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  10. CORRECTED deuteron flux towards PE+CN 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  11. DIRECT INTERACTION MECHNISMS : d+238UINTERACTION Ed=15 MeV: 1-σDI/σR =0.124 d-OMP: Haixia-Cai, Phys. Rev. C73, 054605 (2006) DI (BU) dominance for Ed~VC warning for d-surrogates analysis t-OMP: Xiaohua et al. Nucl.Phys. A789, 103 (2007) p-OMP: Capote-Soukhovitski, J. Nucl. Sc.&Tech 45, 333 (2008) 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018 11 Marilena Avrigeanu

  12. CONCLUSIONS Thank you! Analysis of deuteron induced reactions should consider BREAKUP & STRIPPING & PICK-UP & PE & CN MECHANISMS • DIRECT INTERACTIONS (DI) effects to d interactions: BREAKUP: DOMINANT for heavy targets at Ed~VC(surrogate) BREAKUP ENHANCEMENT of activation c.s. (d,t) pick-up : exclusive contribution to low-energyEF side (d,p) stripping : dominant role in (d,p) reactions • PE & EVAPORATION cross sections corrected for initial d-flux leakage towards DIRECT INTERACTIONS ???Padé APPROXIMATIONS as long as there are Available Nuclear Reactions Codes and Powerful Computers ??? 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  13. 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  14. stripping stripping 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  15. 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  16. Breakup mechanism d+27Al 29Si* 15th Varenna Conference on Nuclear Reactions Mechanisms, June 11-15, 2018

  17. E: [15-80] MeV E: [10-30] MeV ECT* Workshop: Three-body systems in reactions with rare isotopes, 3-7 October, 2016 17 Marilena Avrigeanu

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