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Immediacy , hypermediacy and Remediation. Transparent Immediacy (a Style of visual representation whose goal is to make the viewer forget of the medium( Photographic , film, cinemar ect .) and believe that he is in the presence of the objects of representation ).
Immediacy, hypermediacy and Remediation Transparent Immediacy(a Style of visualrepresentationwhosegoal is to make the viewer forget of the medium(Photographic, film, cinemarect.) and believethathe is in the presence of the objects of representation). Virtual reality is central. The viewer shouldforgetthatshe is in factwearing a computer interface (or sitting in a cinemachair) and accept the graphic image that is offers as her ownvisualworld. Immediacy is supposed to makethis computer interface ”natural” ratherthanarbitrary.
designers oftensaytheywant ”interfaceless” interfaces, in whichtherewillbenorecognizableelectronictools – nobuttons, windows, scroll bars, or evenicons as such. Instead the userwillmovethrough the spaceinteracting with the objects ”naturally” as shedoes in the physicalworld”. - Wecan have transparent in threeways: - Linear perspective (a form of mathematicalprojectionthroughwhich three-dimensional objectsarerepresented on a two-dimensional surface. A key feature in the style of transparent immediacypurposed by western painting from the Renaissanceuntil the latenineteenthcentury)
- erasive medium: erase the surface of the picture-plane (a verydifficulttechnique). - automate the technique of linear perspective (the photography) Alberti’swindows is verypopular: He draw an recangle of whateversizehewants, whichheregards as an open windowthroughwhich the subject to bepainted is seen.
Hypermediacy(A style of visualrepresentationwhosegoal is to remind the viewer of the medium). Itsrawingredientsare images, sound,text, animation and video, whichcanbebroughttogether in anycombination. Weareworking with windows interfaces, whereeachgraficalwindow has itsownvisual point of view. The multiplicity of windows and the heterogeneity of theircontentsmeanthat the user is repeatedlybrought back intocontact with the interface.
Figure1.5 page 39 shows a collage which is regarded as ”the central technique of twentieth-centuryvisual art”. Figure 1.6 and 1.7 from USA TODAY shows how to use frames and placetext and numbers and video images aroundthe frames.
The evolution of recordingtechniquesalso changed the nature of live performance. It started with Kiss, Alice coper and David Bowie where the sound and visualspectaclewereimportant. Today U2 usecelebrations of media on stage. • World Wide Web is perhaps ourculture’s most influentialexpression of hypermediacy When the usercliks on an underlinedphrase or an iconicanchor on a web page, a link is activatedthatcalls up another page. The new materialusuallyappears in the original window and erases the previoustext or graphic,although the action of clockingmayinsteadcreate a seperate frame within the same window or a new windowlaid over the first.
Remediation • Definition ”the anthropotropicprocess by which new media technologiesimprove upon or remedy prior technologies”. • The veryact of remediation, however, ensuresthat the older medium cannotbeentirelyeffaced; the new medium remains dependent on the olderone in acknowledged or unacknowledgedways.
Like television film is alsotrying to absorb and repurpose digital technology. The stunt in film or specialeffectsshould look as ”natural” as possible, as if the cameraweresimplycapturingwhatreallyhappend in the light.