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Research Reports BHV 390: Research Methods Kimberly Porter Martin, Ph.D. Components of a Research Report. Title Page Abstract Literature Review Methods Section Results Section Discussion Section References. Title Page in APA Format. Risk and Politics:
Research ReportsBHV 390: Research MethodsKimberly Porter Martin, Ph.D.
Components of a Research Report • Title Page • Abstract • Literature Review • Methods Section • Results Section • Discussion Section • References
Title Page in APA Format Risk and Politics: An Environmental Health Crisis in a Multicultural U.S. Neighborhood Susie Q. Student Submitted to the Sociology and Anthropology Department University of La Verne in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Sociology May, 2008
Abstract An abstract is a brief summary of what is in a paper or report. Abstracts are between 150 and 350 words long and begin on their own new page with the heading “Abstract.” They are written after the research is completed. Components of an abstract include: • One or two sentences introducing the topic and/or population on which the study focused. • One or two primary hypotheses addressed by the study. • Methods including the sample size, sampling technique and sex, age and ethnicity statistics on the participants. • Data collection methods sources for measures of major variables. • A brief general statement of the most important findings, usually from one or two hypotheses
Sample Abstract Abstract Tens of thousands of Vietnamese Amerasian immigrants entered the United States following the 1988 Homecoming Act. This population experienced poverty, abuse and severe discrimination growing up in Vietnam, and intensive culture shock and disconfirmed expectations after arriving in the United States. Participants were one hundred female and fifty-nine male Vietnamese Amerasian immigrants living in or near the Little Saigon area of Orange County, California in 1995 and 1996 Twenty-one of the participants were Afro-Amerasian. Participants ranged from 19 to 43 years of age (M=25). Structured interviews including the Vietnamese language version of the Harvard Trauma Scale and the State-Trait Anger Inventory were used to elicit data. Data was collected on conditions of life in Vietnam, life trauma, psychological symptoms of trauma, and anger. Male participants were found to have significantly higher levels of life trauma and trait anger than females. Afro-Amerasian individuals had significantly higher life trauma levels than other participants. More than 30 percent of participants had scores indicating clinical signs of posttraumatic stress disorder for at least one of two PTSD scales calculated.
Methods Section • Participants – Gives the demographic profile (using frequency statistics) of the age, gender, ethnicity and any other important demographic information about participants, along with the sample size and the sampling technique. • Measures – Tells which variables were measured using single item demographic questions, and then how each major variable is measured including the name of any composite scales or indices that come from the literature. • Procedures – Tells the steps you took in doing your research in enough detail so that others could replicate your research exactly.
Results Section Gives the results of your study in one of two formats: Explanatory/Quantitative: One to three sentences for each SPSS analysis that gave you a significant result using the wording given in the workbook. OR Descriptive: Results summarized and described with specific quotes and/or examples described to show the kinds of information people gave.
Discussion Section The discussion section explains and interprets the results. The Discussion Section might include: • What your results mean. • What the implications for action or change based on these results might be. • The relationships between results. • How your results contradict or support one another. • Whether your results support or contradict what the literature review said. • What went well in your study, and what would you do differently next time? • What are your suggestions for future research on your topic or in your population.
References • A “References” section beginning on a new page. • APA, ASA or AAA format for references • Only references cited in your paper should go here. • For this class, you should have a minimum of 8-10 references that you have cited and that are included in the reference section.
Study Guide Title Page Abstract Literature Review Methods Section Results Section Discussion Section References