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A national network to promote Web Accessibility in France

A national network to promote Web Accessibility in France. Sylvie Duchateau, Denis Boulay, Claudine Tchang-Ayo, and Dominique Burger Association BrailleNet Ljubljana, September 4, 2001. Introduction. Consciousness raising in European countries eEurope 5th framework : IST project WAI-DA

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A national network to promote Web Accessibility in France

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  1. A national network to promote Web Accessibility in France Sylvie Duchateau, Denis Boulay, Claudine Tchang-Ayo, and Dominique Burger Association BrailleNet Ljubljana, September 4, 2001

  2. Introduction Consciousness raising in European countries • eEurope • 5th framework : IST project WAI-DA • governmental measures in several countries : Portugal, UK, Spain, Denmark, France, ….

  3. Presentation content 1. BrailleNet actions to promote accessibility 2. Results 3. The future.

  4. BrailleNet • Association created in 1997 • 50 members (associations, schools, universities, research organisations, companies) • to promote the use of the Internet for the integration of visually impaired people at school, university and work • To promote Web accessibility for all (participation in WAI WAI-DA projects)

  5. A National Campaign for a better accessible Web • Information documents in several languages • Public Demonstrations • Contacts with designers and decision-makers

  6. Governmental measures • Circular note from Prime Minister • French version of WCA • Government Decision to make public web sites accessible.

  7. BrailleNet Observatory Objectives • Examples of good/bad web sites • Propose solutions • Encourage exchanges between webmasters

  8. Observatory homepage

  9. A review summary

  10. Accessibility rating **** Very good, congratulations ***+ Good accessibility *** Rather accessible site ***- Average accessibility **+ Unsatisfactory accessibility ** Poorly accessible site * Low accessibility 0 Inaccessible site

  11. A reviewing method • WAI - WCAG • User driven approach • Complementary competencies • Different technologies • Use of several reviewing tools

  12. Setting up a national network • Increasing demand for expertise • Need for consensus • Credibility • Flexibility

  13. Member Organisations Covering several regions With various profiles Different activities Currently 7 members (12 experts)

  14. Proposed services • Education & Outreach • Reviewing • Training • Advising • Repair

  15. Participation in WAI-DAIST projectOct 2000 - Oct 2002 • Disseminate the guidelines in Europe • Localisation of WAI documents • Establishment of reviewer teams • Gallery of accessible web sites

  16. Prospects • Extending the network in France • All public websites accessible in France by 2002 • Internationalising the network (IST WAI-DA, EBU, EDF, AAATE, …)

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