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Advancing 60 GHz ECR Ion Source for Beta-Beam Efficiency Study

Report on pulse duration optimization for multicharged ion beam generation using steady-state approach with ECR ion source at 75 GHz.

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Advancing 60 GHz ECR Ion Source for Beta-Beam Efficiency Study

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  1. Vladimir ZORINInstitute of Applied PhysicsNizhny Novgorod, Russia Additional PartnerinEUROnuproject ECR task: continuation of work with a 60 GHz ECR ion source for bunching studies of 6He and 18Ne started within EURISOL DS with the objective of reaching the high efficiencies needed for the beta-beam.

  2. high efficiencies – how to reach? high gas efficiencies Proper pulse duration Proper ion extraction

  3. Today’s my report about Proper pulse duration

  4. Requirement for ion beam pulses Duration ~ 100 µs 100 µs 28 GHz Grenoble T. Lamy at al

  5. Two approaches for creation of short pulse multicharged ion beams Short pulse ECR ion source Steady state generation Non-steady state (preglow & afterglow effects)

  6. Steady state approach on generation of short pulses Plasma confinement time << pulse duration ~ 100µs Plasma confinement time ~ 10 – 20µs Quasi-gasdynamic plasma confinement

  7. Steady state approach on generation of short pulses, 37 GHz December 2005 Gyrotron 37.5 GHz, 100 kW Gasdynamic plasma confinement Cusp trap with 25 cm effective length Working gas is He End of MW pulse Total extracted ion current 25 s Rising time of total extracted ion current is ~15 s !!!

  8. Ion spectrum during the steady-state Low plasma confinement time Air contamination is from input gas (we used a pillow for He)

  9. Steady state approach, 75 GHz End of MW MW power 250 kW Magnetic field 3,5 T Experiment Simulation Rising time ≈ 15 µs Average charge ≈ 1,5 A.V. Vodopyanov, S.V. Golubev, I.V. Izotov, V.I. Khizhnyak. D.A. Mansfeld, V.A. Skalyga and V.G. Zorin. ECR Plasma With 75 GHz Pumping. High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics. 2007, 31(S1): 152—155. В.А. Скалыга, В.Г. Зорин, И.В. Изотов, А.В. Водопьянов, С.В. Голубев, Д.А. Мансфельд, С.В. Разин, А.В. Сидоров. Короткоимпульсный ЭЦР источник многозарядных ионов. ЖТФ. 2010.

  10. Non-steady state approach Ion beam waveform Preglow Afterglow Duration of Preglow ~ Duration of Afterglow ~ 28 GHz - confinement time Pulse duration can not be <<

  11. Non-steady state approach confinement time Axi symmetrical mirror magnetic trap

  12. Generation of short pulses of MCI in ECR ion source Experiments, gyrotron 37 GHz, March 2010 Duration of ion current vs microwave duration Just noise Tсвч=70 µs Tсвч=60 µs Tсвч=50 µs Tсвч=40 µs Ion current of Ar4+

  13. So, Microwave duration = 50 µs Duration of ion current = 20 µs Ion current of N3+ =2 мА MW pulse 20 µs Ion current of N3+

  14. N3+ N2+ Nitrogen H+ O2+ O3+ Ar4+ C2+ C3+ Ar5+ N+ Argon N4+ C+ O+ Ar3+ C2+ N2+ Ar2+ O+ C+ Charge state distribution in short pulses C2+

  15. Analyzer signal, a.u. Magnet current, A Steady state vs non-steady stateCharge of ions Nitrogen Steady state Non-steady state N3+ N2+ H+ O2+ O3+ C2+ C3+ N+ N4+ C+ O+ Magnet current, eA

  16. Modeling of short pulses Modeling Experiment Simple mirror trap, L=37 cm Mirror Ratio = 4 MW=10 kW/cm2 Extraction voltage = 25 kV MW duration ~ 70 µs

  17. Further but nearest experiments: • He, Ne charge distribution, optimization • control of pulse duration in experiments • ion extraction • emittance measurements • MHD influence, when is it negligible?

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