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BSA &The Church: A Partnership for Over 100 Years. The Church’s P’ship With Scouting. 1913 scouting adopted as part of the activity program of the Aaronic Priesthood. The Church first and largest sponsor in U.S. Fully supported by every LDS Church president since.
The Church’s P’ship With Scouting • 1913 scouting adopted as part of the activity program of the Aaronic Priesthood. • The Church first and largest sponsor in U.S. • Fully supported by every LDS Church president since.
The Church’s P’ship With Scouting • President Ezra T. Benson: “Where programs for scout troops are available,..this is not an optional program…[It is] economically, socially, and spiritually sound. It builds character and spirituality and trains a boy for citizenship and leadership responsibility. Scouting teaches a boy to take care of himself and stand on his own two feet. Scouting is an inspired program for a demanding time, and that time is now!” (Address to YM general presidency & board, Sept. 1979) “I would to God that every boy of Scouting age..could have the benefits and blessings of the great Boy Scout program. It is truly a noble program. It is a builder of character not only in the boys but also in the men who provide the leadership.” (So Shall Ye Reap [1960], p.138)
The Church’s P’ship With Scouting • President Thomas S Monson: “Scouting is … of vital interest to young men.… Let me affirm that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has not diminished in any way its support of the Scouting movement. Brethren, if ever there were a time when the principles of Scouting were vitally needed—that time is now. If ever there were a generation who would benefit by keeping physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight—that generation is the present generation.” “Called to Serve,” Ensign, Nov 1991, p.46
Premature Return of Missionaries • In 1997, 3% of all missionaries returned home early prior to “raising the bar”. • By 2007, the number had risen to 7%. David Pack (LDS Relationship Director for the BSA) on the above statistics: “Recently we met with Elder L. Tom Perry (Missionary Committee Chair) and he said: ‘Brethren, I have reviewed the data and I can assure you that largely our young men are not returning home early because they commit serious sin in the mission field. They are returning home early because we have not yet taught our young men how to be men.’”
Why Scouting? • “Scouting should help young men put into practice the gospel principles they learn on Sunday”Handbook of Instructions, Part 2, 8.13.4, p.59
Why Scouting? • “By providing opportunities for young men to put into practice the gospel lessons they learn in the home and at Church, Scouting programs have supported the priesthood. Under priesthood leadership, Scouting can complement the purposes of Aaronic Priesthood quorums and the Aaronic Priesthood Duty to God program in building testimonies in boys and young men. Scouting can help boys and young men love and serve the Savior and honor their parents.” (Under “Scouting” at www.lds.org)
Scouting and Priesthood Purposes Priesthood Purpose Scouting Support Provides laboratory for applied application/experiential learning“If ..do his will he shall know of the doctrine” (John 7:17) Assignments, responsibilities & leadership opportunities provided for training & practice “Do a good turn daily” Learn to make and keep oaths (Scout Out & Law) in preparation for covenants; Observe example of faithful leader/Melchizedek mentor • Become converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ & live by its teachings • Serve faithfully in priesthood callings & fulfill responsibilities of priesthood offices • Give meaningful service • Prepare & live worthily to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood & temple ordinances
Scouting and Priesthood Purposes Priesthood Purpose Scouting Support Character dev., citizenship, mind/body fitness, leadership, service, confidence & resilience by pushing through hard things Merit badges, activities expand knowledge, talents and skills Learning & living Scout Oath & Law; leadership development (preside); practical skills & confidence (provide & protect) Scout Oath & Law: “A Scout is courteous, kind” • Prepare to serve an honorable full-time mission • Obtain as much education as possible • Prepare to become a worthy husband and father • Give proper respect to women, girls and children
Reasons Given by General YM Pres 4 Reasons scouting is activity program of the Priesthood according to General YM Presidency: • Outstanding training program & resources for adults. • Provides a safe and neutral environment. • Develops leadership and physical, temporal, mental, emotional, and spiritual self-reliance. • Regularly connects trusted adults to a young man beyond the quorum meeting. -LDS Relationships Newsletter May 2010 ldsbsa.org
Additionally….. • Builds confidence and staying power: puts boys in uncomfortable situations requiring them to push through hard things (mission & manliness preparation) • Gets them outdoors: combats sedentary pattern in society; connection with & appreciation for nature; provides laboratory environment by camping with a purpose. The purpose will be to learn special skills and strengthen testimonies while practicing to live the ideals of Scouting • Boy appeal through action & adventure; powerful missionary and reactivation tool • Acts as binding influence for a quorum; promotes unity and a dynamic positive peer group negating influence of outside questionable associates • Offers immediate & visible rewards for wholesome achievement
Additionally… • Provides opportunities for extended adult-youth interaction. Adds to the bishop’s and quorum advisor’s ability to put their arms around boys who have less-active fathers or who are without fathers. • Provides heroes. President Kimball quoting Walter MacPeek: “Boys need lots of heroes like Lincoln and Washington. But they also need to have some heroes close by. They need to know some man of towering strength and basic integrity, personally. They need to meet them on the street, to hike and camp with them, to see them in close-to-home, everyday, down-to-earth situations; to feel close enough to them to ask questions and to talk things over man-to-man with them.” “Boys Need Heroes Close By,” Ensign, May 1976, p.47
Are we experiencing those results? • “Many of our wards are not fully utilizing Scouting as it was designed. Scouting should be a laboratory, not a lecture; purposeful, not casual; strategic, not haphazard; and spiritually strengthening, not merely entertaining.” Bradley Harris, Trails to Testimony, p.27
So why do we fail to support Scouting ? • We are offended by our perception that Scouting competes with Aaronic Priesthood teaching, which we believe is “more important.” Why does a “perfect” organization (the Church) need to ally itself with an “imperfect” organization (BSA)? • We had a less-than-stellar experience with Scouting as young men. • We don’t “connect the dots” between Scouting and positive outcomes in the lives of young men. • Scouting offends us because those fanatics immersed in it seem to be “over the top” with Scout jargon, uniforms and badges, etc. • We disagree with die-hard Scout leaders who feel that Scouting provides all the answers. • Our young men - especially older young men - don’t seem interested so why fight it? (We can’t even get them to come to entertaining activities , how are we supposed to get them to participate in Scouting?)
So why do we fail to support Scouting ? • It seems ridiculously expensive (uniforms, camp fees, Friends of Scouting, etc.) • The complexities of the Scouting program (e.g., requirements, training, etc.) seem to outweigh the benefits. • We simply don’t understand the program and learning about it seems overwhelming. • We believe that the Duty to God program will eventually replace Scouting altogether, so why bother supporting a dying program? [According to General YM Presidency, New Duty to God program positions scouting as even more relevant in development of priesthood holders (LDS Relationships Newsletter, May 2010)]
Adult Leadership and Vision Essential President Ezra Taft Benson: “Ours is not a boy problem; it is a man problem. Our boys want Scouting; we want them to have it. Our problem is in leadership. Our great need is to provide leadership to meet the demands of the boys. Through Scouting we can help them develop real character; we can teach them cooperation; we can help them develop qualities of leadership; we can teach them the value of staying power . . . Let’s mobilize men, hundreds of them, who love boys; who believe in them; who not only have the technical skills, but who will inspire them, because boys need inspiration even more than they need information. Boys are hero worshipers; they are great idealists; they love to follow one whom they regard as their ideal, their pal, their champion!”
Adult Leadership and Vision Essential Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone: “I do not believe that Scouting. . . is on trial in the Church. But rather it is my firm belief that bishops, and the ward leaders, the advisers, Scoutmasters, and coaches are on trial. The program will work if they will work and become trained and put into effect the things they have been trained to do. There are four things that are absolutely essential in a great scout leader. I call them the four T’s: • Testimony – that they have a testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. • Trained – they need to be trained, not only by the Church, but by the BSA in the districts and council. • Time – they need to have time to be a leader of boys. • Tenure – short tenure if they don’t enjoy the work, and are not willing to put in the time necessary, and long tenure if they love the young men and are willing to serve then with all their hearts and souls.”
In a nutshell….. • Plan with a priesthood purpose: Sunday lessons and all quorum activities planned with a priesthood purpose and spiritual end in mind. Private plans may not always be communicated in our public promotion of an activity. • Boy leadership: Must be fun/a draw to get them there; Must be boy planned and driven program. In addition, it frees you up as the leader to spend time on the boys and not the execution of the activity. • Love them; teach them; enjoy them; invest the time to build relationships; minister • Pray. You can’t do it alone. He loves and knows them perfectly and has greater capacity and resources
Integrating Scouting w/Priesthood Purposes May 12, 2007 Aaronic Priesthood Scouting Broadcast Charles W. Dahlquist, Former YM General President