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Introduction to LiveText

D E P A R T M E N T O F M I D D L E – S E C O N D A R Y E D U C A T I O N A N D I N S T R U C T I O N A L T E C H N O L O G Y. Introduction to LiveText. NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Mary Ariail, Ph.D. mariail@gsu.edu (404) 413-8382. Agenda. General information for new students

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Introduction to LiveText

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  1. D E P A R T M E N T O F M I D D L E – S E C O N D A R Y E D U C A T I O N A N D I N S T R U C T I O N A L T E C H N O L O G Y Introduction to LiveText NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION Mary Ariail, Ph.D. mariail@gsu.edu (404) 413-8382

  2. Agenda • General information for new students • Registration issues • Information for students in MSIT • Scholarships and financial aid • LiveText

  3. Admission to Graduate Schooland Panther ID Look-up Click on  https://www.gosolar.gsu.edu/webforstudent.htm for information concerning your application.  Click on Admissions Status and follow the directions on the screen. Once you have been admitted, you may register for your courses. Go to this website to locate your Panther ID number: https://webdb.gsu.edu/lookup/

  4. PAWS and GoSOLAR PAWS (Panther Access to Web Services – is your portal for accessing grades, checking your class roster, and learning about important campus announcements. GoSOLAR is the site you should use to register for classes, submit online evaluations of instructor, view academic records, personal information and financial aid, pay tuition and fees, enroll in direct deposit for electronic refunds, and order transcripts. You should spend some time getting to know all the features of GoSOLAR.

  5. MARTA Students may purchase a monthly MARTA pass for the reduced fee, which may be obtained at Auxiliary and Support Services, the Rialto Center for the Arts, Student Accounts Cashier’s Office, or the University Bookstore.  A valid PantherCard is required to receive the discount. The monthly pass allows unlimited access to MARTA trains and buses. The monthly pass is valid until the last day of the month for which it is purchased. The closest station to the COE is the Five Points station.

  6. Panther Card and Panther Cash Obtain your PantherCard as soon as possible. You must go to Auxiliary Services in the Student Center to obtain the card, which you will need for a number of reasons, including access to the campus library and for using printers in the computer labs on campus (Note: You cannot use cash to print copies in the computer labs). You can also use your card for PantherCash, a debit account linked to the PantherCard. Once your account is opened, you may use PantherCash for various purchases and transactions with a swipe of your card.

  7. Parking  If you plan to drive to campus, you must register your car with the Parking Web. (You must have your PantherCard to do this.) There is no charge to register, but if you plan on arriving consistently before 4:00 PM, you will have to pay the semester parking fee. This parking fee limits you to parking in the M-Deck, which is not close to the College of Education. However, after 4:00 PM, students with the free parking passes have access to all GSU parking decks for a small nightly fee.

  8. Online Course Delivery uLearn. Your instructor may choose to use uLearn for some or all of your course delivery and/or to facilitate synchronous (real-time) or asynchronous discussion among class members. Elluminate is a real-time, Java-based learning platform that allows users to come together and interact in online classes. Elluminate uses video, voice, instant messaging, and virtual whiteboards. If you are enrolled in a course in which Elluminate is used, you will need to have headphones and a microphone available for the online sessions. LiveText (discussed later in this session)

  9. Online Courses Instructors of online courses do not always make the initial contact with the students who are registered for the course. If you do not hear from the instructor before the course is scheduled to begin, you should contact the instructor to get the syllabus and other information such as meeting times, course delivery (e.g. LiveText, uLearn, Elluminate, etc.). Note: Be sure to check your GSU email account.)

  10. Registration Issues See Registration Issues handout: www.livetext.com Visitor pass: 63F0932A

  11. Scholarships and Financial Aid • GSU website for scholarship information: http://www.gsu.edu/scholarships • GSU website for financial aid: http://www.gsu.edu/financialaid/ • Some graduate assistantships are available, with tuition waivers possible; see Ms. Ashtria Scott ascott36@gsu.edu for tuition waivers. See Ms. Bobbie Turner bnturner@gsu.edu for authorization to register for courses related to the assistantship.

  12. Information for New Students in MSIT Become familiar with the MSIT website. Answers to many of your questions can be found at this location: http://msit.gsu.edu/ Read and be VERY familiar with all information in the New Student Handbook. You can access this book at www.livetext.com. In the Visitor Pass Area, enter this number: 63F0932A (not case-sensitive)

  13. Your Advisor Be proactive in planning your studies! Contact your advisor early in your first semester, and make an appointment to plan your program of study. (Name and contact information will be on your letter of acceptance from OAA). Contact your advisor as needed throughout your program to review your plan to ensure that you are on track for program completion. If your advisor is unavailable, contact the department Chair, Dr. Dana Fox (dfox@gsu.edu) or Associate Chair, Dr. Mary Ariail (mariail@gsu.edu).

  14. Professional Advisement Week (PAW) (NOT to be confused with PAWS) You must attend Professional Advisement Week (PAW) twice a year (usually held the week before registration opens) while you are in your program. Look for announcements within the first few weeks of each fall and spring semester. Students who do not attend PAW will miss important information that may not be provided at any other time.

  15. Portfolios Most programs require an electronic portfolio as a graduation and/or certification exit requirement. The portfolio must be completed through LiveText. You will need to purchase a key code and register for LiveText within the first two weeks of your first semester (earlier if you are taking a course in your first semester for which the instructor uses the LiveText Course Management System).

  16. Applying for Graduation Applying for Graduation. All candidates for a degree must file a formal application for graduation with the Graduation Office (231 Sparks Hall). Graduate degree candidates must apply at least two semesters in advance of the expected semester of graduation.

  17. Graduation Audit The Office of Academic Assistance (OAA) conducts a program audit during the semester for which you apply to graduate; however, if the OAA determines that you are missing one or more courses, you will not have time to add those courses during your final semester. Therefore, you should ask your program advisor for a program audit at least one full semester before you plan to graduate.  

  18. Other Important Information Keep up with important deadlines, such as portfolio submission dates and graduation application. Read and be familiar with all policies in the graduate catalog or the undergraduate catalog (links are included on the GoSOLAR page). Read and be familiar with the MSIT Policy on Development and Retention (located in the New Graduate Student Handbook). Always use your GSU email account and include your Panther ID number for school-related correspondence.


  20. D E P A R T M E N T O F M I D D L E – S E C O N D A R Y E D U C A T I O N A N D I N S T R U C T I O N A L T E C H N O L O G Y Introduction to LiveText INTRODUCTION TO LIVETEXT

  21. LiveText Requirement Students enrolled in any graduate program in MSIT (except Instructional Technology) must maintain an active LiveText account throughout your program. If you do not have an account, you can obtain a key code request form and information for using LiveText at the following web address: http://msit.gsu.edu/4785.html. You will need to submit a one-time fee of $80 (check or money order, made payable to Georgia State University), or you can purchase your key code directly from LiveText for $98 (LiveText will accept credit cards; MSIT will not). Your subscription will be good for 5 years.

  22. Using LiveText You will find many uses for your LiveText account. The two that you should know about very early in your program are • your program portfolio, and • courses that your instructors teach through the LiveText C1 course management system.

  23. Get to Know Your LiveText Tools Get to Know Your LiveText Account

  24. DOCUMENTS My Work Inbox Trash Labels All

  25. File Manager is located under the Tools tab Use the file manager to store files that you want to keep for your portfolio or other uses.

  26. Setting Up Your Program Portfolio Go to the Documents tab and click on “New.”

  27. Select Your Unit From the folder, select the general category for your unit from the drop-down menu.

  28. Select the Template for Your Program

  29. Give Your Document a Title and Save as New Document Give your document a title Save

  30. Portfolio Pages

  31. Sections Sections

  32. Using LiveText in Your Courses • Through your LiveText course, you can enter, edit, revise, and submit assignments. • When you log in to LiveText, the first thing you will see is the dashboard with the assignments that have been developed for your course.

  33. Using LiveText for Your Courses Get to Know Your LiveText Tools

  34. Viewing Your Assignments Get to Know Your LiveText Tools

  35. Assignment Details Assignment title, description, date assigned, and date due If the assignment requires a template, you will select “Use this template.”

  36. Important! • If your instructor uses a course template, s/he will usually put all assignments on the same template. • Click on “Use this template” only one time. When you click on this button, a new LiveText document will be created in the My Work section of your Documents area. • If you click on “Use This Template” again, another document will be created (not a good idea!). • The next time you need to use the template, you can find it in Documents/My Work. You will use this document to submit your assignments throughout the course.

  37. Click on Submit Assignment

  38. Select Assignment

  39. Submit Assignment

  40. If there is no template . . . Click on Submissions tab

  41. Select LiveText document or attach file Submit Assignment

  42. Viewing Your Assessment Get to Know Your LiveText Tools

  43. Grade/Comments

  44. Assessment Rubric

  45. To Access Information Online: Go to the MSIT homepage and find the link to LiveText: Http://msit.gsu.edu/4785.html

  46. To access this entire presentation, the New Graduate Student Handbook and the Registration Issues handout: www.livetext.com Enter the following code in the Visitor Pass Area: 63F0932A

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