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Photography. Photography. “The art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (film).” Mirriam -Webster Online Dictionary. The Birth of Photography. Chinese Philosopher Mo Ti – 5 th B.C.E.

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  1. Photography

  2. Photography “The art or process of producing images by the action of radiant energy and especially light on a sensitive surface (film).” Mirriam-Webster Online Dictionary

  3. The Birth of Photography • Chinese Philosopher Mo Ti – 5th B.C.E. Noticed that light passing through a pinhole opening into a darkened chamber forms an exact view of the world outside, but upside down • Alhazen– Arab mathematician and physicist, 11th A.D. Concluded that light travels in straight lines (similar to the human eye) • Camera Obscura- Renaissance

  4. Camera Obscura – “Dark Chamber” Usedduring the Renaissance period.

  5. Camera Obscura – “Dark Chamber”

  6. Pinhole Camera

  7. Other Photographic Inventions • Camera Obscura- RenaissanceOn optical device that projects an image onto flat surface • Lens – approx. 1570Help to focus an image projected • Daguerreotype - 1837Preserves an image 4. Improved LensesReduce exposure time to a fraction of a second

  8. Daguerreotype – 1837 Image is preserved on a light-sensitive surface – a copper plate coated with silver iodide • Le Boulevard du Temple, Louise Jacques Mande Daguerre, Daguerreotype, 1839

  9. Daguerreotype – 1837 1st Commercially viable method for making permanent images from reflected light • Photographer Unknown. Daguerreotype of a Couple Holding a Daguerreotype, 1850

  10. First Portable Cameras A camera is a light-tide box with an opening at one end to admit light, a lens to focus and refract the light, and a light-sensitive surface such as film to receive the image and hold it. • French Daguerreotype Camera, 1850 (left) / 5x7 Eastman View Camera, 1885 (right)

  11. First Lightweight, Handheld Camera 1888 – Invention of Kodak by George Eastman Can be taken anywhere you go!!! Photography becomes a hobby. • Kodak Camera & Film, 1888

  12. Mathew Brady - Portrait Photography • Lincoln “Cooper Union” Portrait, Mathew Brady, 1860

  13. Julia Margaret Cameron’s Portraits Charles Darwin (left); The Rosebud Garden of Girls (right), Julia Margaret Cameron, 1868

  14. Landscape Photography • Ancient Ruins in the Canon De Chelle, Timothy O’Sullivan, 1873 (left) • Colorado River From Camp 8, Timothy O’Sullivan, 1871 (right)

  15. Documentary Photography is Born! The Role of Photography: • Record events as history is unfolding • Document and preserve a visual recordof what existed for a time Invention of photomechanical reproduction – high-speed printing of photos and type (1900) gives rise to Photojournalism.

  16. Photography During the Great Depression • Migrant Mother, Dorothea Lange, (hired by Farm Security Administration), 1936 (left) • Migrant Mother Series, Dorothea Lange, 1936 (right)

  17. Photography and Art “One aspect of photography that some felt stood in the way of making art was its detailed objectivity, which seemed more suited for science.” Artists tried to make their work look like painting: • Created images that looked painterly (blurry, atmospheric, etc.) • Staged things, people to be photographed toresemble a painting • Created images by placing objects directly onphotographic plates, etc.

  18. Photography and Art Fading Away, Henry Peach Robinson, 1858, Composite print

  19. Tableaux Vivantscontained“high art” themes andwere designed to resemble classical paintings. Composite Photograph, John P. Morrissey, 1896

  20. Photomontage Technique The technique of making a picture by assembling pieces of photographs, often in combination with other types of graphic material.

  21. How Were Photomontages Made? 1. Composite pictures made by darkroom masking(multiple exposures made onto the same plate, unexposed areas – masked by pieces of black velvet ) 2. Images were created using “cut and paste” technique, than re-photographed 3. Double Exposure4. Direct contact printing of objects placed on photographic plates

  22. Examples of Photomontage Man With the Rubber Head, Film Still, 1902 German Postcard, Anon, 1902

  23. “Rayograph” images Direct contact printing of objects placed on photographic plates, Man Ray,1922

  24. “Pure” Photography “For photography to be an art, it must be true to its own nature; it should not try to be painting.” Alfred Stieglitz • Emphasis on formal values: composition,line, value • Images framed with the viewfinder;not cropped, not manipulated • Composition, tonal values, etc. are visualizedin advance

  25. Photography and Art Bridalveil Fall, Ansel Adams, 1960, photographic print (left) Untitled, Alfred Stieglitz, 1924, photographic print (right)

  26. Photography Itself Becomesthe Subject Matter • As everyday life gets flooded with photographic • images which start to compete with direct • experience, artists start to examine the role • of Photography in society (the particular • vision of the world it promotes, and the • assumptions we make about it).

  27. What is Photography? • Is it a tool for making images • or a toolfor recordingthe world?

  28. “Found” Images and Collage Cut With the Kitchen Knife Dada through Germany’s Last Weinmar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch, Hannah Hoch, 1919, collage

  29. Contemporary Photography Untitled #209, Cindy Sherman, 1989 Untitled #123, Cindy Sherman, 1983

  30. Contemporary Photography “I wanted to make something that anyone off the street could appreciate... I wanted to imitate something out of the culture, and also make fun of the culture as I was doing it.” Cindy Sherman Untitled Film Still #14, Cindy Sherman, 1978

  31. Contemporary Photography BinhDahn http://www.kqed.org/arts/programs/spark/profile.jsp?essid=7660

  32. Photography & Computer – 1980s to Present ChtulhuPeople, Image #d6, GulnurGuvenc, Adobe Photoshop

  33. Peter Kennard – London, 1980s “There is a problem with montage in that you see it everywhere now because of digital technology. There is so much transformed imagery around that people accept constructed images without questioning their meaning. I think my work is losing impact because of that.” – Peter Kennard Peter Kennard, Protect and Survive, 1981 Peter Kennard, Untitled,1982

  34. Exercises

  35. What isCamera Obscura • and how does it work?

  36. What kind of painting technique is this?

  37. What kind of painting technique is this?

  38. What kind of painting technique is this?

  39. What kind of painting technique is this?

  40. 2 Categories Which Can Be Applied to Drawing Materials Are:

  41. Film

  42. The Invention of Film • 1878 – Eadweard Muybridge – motion studies (series of • still images documenting animals and people in motion) Horse Galloping, Eadweard Muybridge, 1878, Collotype

  43. The Invention of Film • 1. Film depends on “persistence of vision”phenomenon • 2. Celluloid film is invented by George Eastman which • allows to string single images together – 1888 • 3. Thomas Edison creates 1st motion picture – 1894 • 4. Brothers Lumiere invent a movie projector - 1895

  44. The Invention of Film • 1st Public Exhibition of a Movie Picture • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dgLEDdFddk&feature=related

  45. Fantasy and Film • GeorgesMelies, “A Trip to the Moon” – 1902 • 1st stop action SciFi Movie ever made!!! • Incorporates theatrical sets, props, real actors. A Trip to the Moon, Georges Melies, 1902

  46. Movie Studios • 1. Studios began to take shape – 1910s • 2. Movies can be produced on a larger scale • 3. All aspects of the movie industry are under one • roof: directing, producing, writing scripts, filming… • 4. A concept of a “Movie Star” is created • 5. The job of a Producer becomes increasingly important

  47. One of the 1st Commercial Films Gone With the Wind, David O. Selznick, 1939, MGM Studios, Hollywood, CA

  48. Filmmaking Vocabulary • 1. “Shot” - an unbroken sequence of movie frames • 2. “Pan Shot” – camera moving from side to side • 3. “Traveling Shot” – camera moving back to front • 4. “Cross-Cutting” – two or more shots are alternated • tofoster the advancement of the story

  49. JR – French graffiti artist, photographer • http://www.ted.com/talks/jr_s_ted_prize_wish_use_art_to_turn_the_world_inside_out.html

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