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Needs Assessment: Collecting information, making decisions, and accomplishing results

Needs Assessment: Collecting information, making decisions, and accomplishing results. Ryan Watkins, Ph.D. George Washington University Maurya West Meiers WBI Evaluation Group. Presentation to the Knowledge and Learning Board Dec. 11, 2007. Needs Assessments Help Us….

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Needs Assessment: Collecting information, making decisions, and accomplishing results

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  1. Needs Assessment: Collecting information, making decisions, and accomplishing results Ryan Watkins, Ph.D.George Washington University Maurya West MeiersWBI Evaluation Group Presentation to the Knowledge and Learning BoardDec. 11, 2007

  2. Needs Assessments Help Us… • Collect useful information that can inform our decisions • Link the results we want to accomplish to our decisions about “what to do” • Consider our alternatives and options • Verify that our activities will lead to desired results • Create consistency in decision making by implementing systematic processes

  3. Needs Assessments Help Us Avoid… • “What we really need is training on XYZ.” • “But that is the way we have always done it here.” • Training that isn’t aligned with World Bank priorities • Solutions in search of problems • Answers that are simple, straightforward, acceptable, understandable… and yet wrong

  4. Why Needs Assessment • Provides a systematic process to guide decisions. • Provides justification for decisions before they are made. • It is scalable for any size project, time frame, or budget. • Offers a replicable model that can be applied by novices or experts. • Provides a systemic perspective for decision makers. • Allows for interdisciplinary solutions for complex problems.

  5. Many Needs Assessments • Disciplines • Medical (Health) Needs Assessments • Community Needs Assessments • Organizational Needs Assessments • Individual-Decision Needs Assessments

  6. Three Types of Organizational Needs Assessments • Strategic Needs Assessment • Focus on needs of those external to the organizational (e.g., clients, communities, countries) • Alignment of societal goals with organizational objectives • Tactical Needs Assessments • Focus on organizational performance and contributions • Alignment of organizational objectives with programs and projects • Operational Needs Assessments • Focus on individual or team performance • Alignment of program and projects with individual or team performance objectives • Guide the development of pragmatic learning plans

  7. Current Results Desired Results The Results We Are Accomplishing The Results We Should Be Accomplishing Strategic Needs Assessment Tactical Needs Assessment Operational Needs Assessment Needs Assessments and Results Chains Gap Impacts Impacts Gap Outcomes Outcomes Outputs Outputs Gap Gap Activities Activities Inputs Gap Inputs

  8. Plan Plan Plan Plan Performance Expectations(Societal) Performance Expectations(Organization) Performance Expectations(Individual or Team) Measure Measure Measure Measure DevelopingLearning Plans Calendar of Learning Events Needs Assessments and Results Chains Impacts Outcomes Outputs Activities Inputs

  9. No more starting with… • We need to train them on… • You need to buy the latest release of… • We need a course on… • They need a new attitude about… • We really need do be doing…

  10. Aren’t we already doing this? • Maybe • Example, “My team should go to training X this year because they will have to be able to do Y next year.” • Systematic and consistent needs assessments are, nevertheless, better since they… • Systematically align desired results with plans and activities • Use performance expectations to guide decisions • Examine training and non-training alternatives • Provide consistent processes from manager to manager

  11. Where to Begin Phases of Needs Assessment • Pre-Assessment • Planning for success • Assessment • Collecting data • Turning data into information and knowledge • Post-Assessment • Making decisions

  12. Small needs assessment Large needs assessment Continuum of Assessments • Not every needs assessment has to be complex • Scope of the assessment should be based on the scope of the project Small Project Large Project

  13. Tools for Collecting Information and Making Decisions • Johari Window • Concept mapping • Fault Tree Diagrams • Fishbone Diagrams • Multi-attribute Utility Analysis • Force Field Analysis • Risk and Resilience Analysis • Scenarios • Systematic Document Review • Performance Observation • Guided Expert Review • Focus Groups - DACUM • Focus Groups - Delphi • Focus Groups - Nominal • Focus Groups – Straw Votes • Interviewing • Task Analysis • Cognitive Task Analysis • Card Sorts • Tabletop analysis • SWOT + Causal Utility • Dual-response surveys

  14. Needs Assessments Performance System WHAT WHAT Current Required Results Results WHY HOW WHAT Performance Analysis Examples: Program, Project, Learning Plan, Learning Activity, Mentor, Recruitment Plan Objectives

  15. Consulting Services & Team Support Knowledge Base Needs Assessment Series: Multi-Method Approach Training Sessions: Principles and Practice Training Sessions: Practical Application

  16. Training Sessions Principles and Practice Basics of conducting needs assessment • Framework for conducting a needs assessment • Aligning needs assessment with program logic • Managing the process of needs assessment • Multiple strategies for using needs assessment to accomplish intended results

  17. Training Sessions Practical Application • Focus: Practice with data collection and analytical tools for decision-making • SWOT with Causal Utility Analysis • Dual-Response Surveys • JOHARI Window • Task Analysis • Qualitative Data Analysis

  18. Support for Implementation Online Knowledge Base • Materials posted for just-in-time learning • Readings: tools and techniques • FAQ and Discussion Boards • Coming attractions (e.g., sample surveys, question database, etc.)

  19. Support for Implementation Consulting Services & Team Support • WBI Evaluation Group team, first stop for advice • Consultant available for advisory services • With HRSLB, support to teams on learning plans

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