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Strategies to Help M iddle and High S chool S tudents with EBD Succeed in School and in Post-Secondary L ife . Kathleen Kimball, Stephanie Binkow and Lizzie McDuffie Georgia State University EXC 7170. You will learn 3 evidence based strategies.
Strategies to Help Middle and High School Students with EBD Succeed in School and in Post-Secondary Life Kathleen Kimball, Stephanie Binkow and Lizzie McDuffie Georgia State University EXC 7170
You will learn 3 evidence based strategies • Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports • STAR (Show Respect, Take Responsibility, Accept Adult Redirection and Respond Appropriately) • Check-In Check-Out • Preparing students with EBD in high school for post-secondary transition • Self Determination Career Development Model
Behavior Learning Objectives • After completing this training, teachers will know the steps in implementing Self PBIS. • After completing this training, teachers will know the steps in implementing Check-In Check-Out. • After completing this training, teachers will know the steps in implementing Self Determination Career Development Model. • After completing this training, teachers will create an action plan detailing how they will use one of these strategies in their classrooms.
Link to online Module • Go to http://transitionforstudentswithebd.weebly.com/ • and complete the module. • You will have an hour and a half to complete the module. • We will use the information you learn here throughout the day.
Positive Behavior Intervention Support • What is School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports? • A decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students. • Resource on teaching appropriate behaviors with PBIS: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJl7ql8co2g
Elements and Principles of PBIS Principles of PBIS • Develop a continuum of scientifically based behavior and academic interventions and supports • Use data to make decisions and solve problems • Arrange the environment to prevent the development and occurrence of problem behavior • Teach and encourage prosocial skills and behaviors • Implement evidence-based behavioral practices with fidelity and accountability • Screen universally and monitor student performance & progress continuously
STAR Behavior Matrix for school to follow – provides real life examples, rules and guidelines of what it means to be a “STAR” * STAR is just one example of what could be used in a school. The matrix can be changed based on the needs of the particular school
Check-In Check-Out • What is Check-In Check-Out? • The CICO strategy is an individualized intervention, intended for students who are not responding to primary or generalized behavior support systems. • How is it implemented? • Students are required to check in periodically throughout the day with their teachers to discuss their progress according to a behavior checklist. If the students earn an established number of points they may earn rewards. Additionally, parents are required to check off each night on their students progress. • What are the benefits? • CICO can work for a wide range of students both with and without disabilities. Additionally, it has been utilized an shown to affective for both elementary and middle school students.
Self Determination Career Development Model (Benitez, Lattimore, & Wehymeyer, 2005) • Self-Determination • Discussion: What is Self-Determination? Why is important for our population? • SDCDM: A program that helps students set career goals and create a plan to meet those goals • 3 Phases
Phase 1 – Career Exploration • Students explore career options to answer the question “What are my career and job plans?” • Students participate in a 4.5 week goal training session
Phase 2 – Goal Setting • Students seek to answer the question “What is my plan to meet my goals?” • Goals are set • An action plan to meet the goal is developed • Students create a self-monitoring plan
Phase 3 - Reflection • Students seek to answer the question “What have I achieved?” • Students evaluate their progress • Students can change their plan as necessary if they met their goal or if the plan is not effective
Interactive Activity • You will be divided in to 3 groups and given a strategy. • Create an action plan for how to implement the intervention in your classroom or school. (30 minutes) • You will present your action plan to the entire group. (10 minutes per group) • Record your action plan on the template provide so that copies can be made for the entire group.
Quiz • Time to find what you learned!
References Benitez, D. T., Lattimore J., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2005). Promoting the involvement of students with emotional and behavioral disorders in career and vocational planning and decision making: The self-determined career development model. Behavioral Disorders, 30(4), 431 – 447. Campbell, A., & Anderson, C. (2011). Check-in/check-out: A systematic evaluation and component analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(2) 315-326. Crone, Hawken, & Honer. (2010). Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press. Designed by Raging Kitty (2013) PBIS World http://www.pbisworld.com/tier-2/check-in-check-out-cico/ Fairbanks, S., Sugai, G., Guardino, D., & Lathrop, M. (2007). Response to intervention: Examining classroom behavior support in second grade. Council for Exceptional Children, 73(3), 288-310. Mathur, S. R., Nelson, M. C. (2013). PBIS as prevention for high-risk youth in restrictive settings: where do we go from here?. Education and Treatment of Children, 36, 175-181. National Gateway for Self-Determination. http://ngsd.org/professionals/self-determined-career-development-model OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. http://www.pbis.org/school/what_is_swpbs.aspx Wagner, M., Newman, L., Cameto, R., Levine, P., Garza, N. (2006). An overview of findings from wave 2 of the national longitudinal transition study-2 (NLTS2). (NCSER 2006-3004). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Wisconsin PBIS Network . http://www.wisconsinpbisnetwork.org/educators/pbis-in-action/classroom-management.html