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What’s ahead this morning. Review from yesterday Activity time with a selection of your choice Results Specific strategies for before, during and after T3 Practice with your selection [Break] 7 word poems Planning the road ahead. Take Aways from yesterday.
What’s ahead this morning Review from yesterday Activity time with a selection of your choice Results Specific strategies for before, during and after T3 Practice with your selection [Break] 7 word poems Planning the road ahead
Take Aways from yesterday What did you hear that you already knew? What was new information? What did you hear that was affirming about what you currently do?
What surprised you? What new idea did you consider for the first time? What made you uncomfortable? What were your reflections and conclusions as you thought about it later?
What did you begin to consider doing differently? What are your biggest “fears” about literacy and your content area at this point?
What’s the difference between being a “reading teacher” and helping each student be a better reader in your discipline? Are you comfortable in the role of someone who can help each student read better instead of being expected to be a “reading teacher”?
If you had to guess . . . Is our focus more about developing techniques to help students Decode words or Read?
20 minute Activity Get a partner (2 max) from your “area”. Find a reading selection that you plan to use. Locate a computer with internet access. Open a word doc and save at least 2 paragraphs in Plain Text Open up www.lexile.com Sign up for the Lexile analyzer Obtain the Lexile level for the selection Bring the sample and the Lexile level back within 20 minutes
20 minute Activity What was easy/challenging about the activity? What was your selection? What was the Lexile level? Will it be easily read by your students? Could a student do this? What would be the advantage/disadvantage?
Time for specific Rx What strategies do you already employ that could help your students read the selection more effectively?
Effective Readers Characteristics Understand and use textbook aids Select strategies that insure effective processing of information Monitor their learning Reflect on their learning
Effective Secondary Student Readers Devote time to previewing material before reading Seek to control the time, place, and location best suited for their learning Develop multiple learning strategies that apply to a variety of reading assignments Understand their ability to concentrate and adjust their reading times into appropriate units (cont)
Employ techniques to recite, retell, or summarize orally what they are reading Engage in a process of “self-talk” to identify important statements and text structure that aid comprehension Engage in reflective questioning to ensure an active processing of the material
Activating background knowledge Before What do I already know about _________? What have I already read about ________? What other words do I think of when I see _________?
Investigating text structure Before Does the author use headings and subheadings? Does the author use illustrations, graphs, tables, or maps? Are important words highlighted or italicized?
Setting a purpose for reading Before What is my goal? What questions do I need to answer after reading? What will I do with the information from the reading? What do I want to learn from reading this?
Predicting the text content Before What do I know about the topic already? How can I combine my knowledge with the clues in the text? How will making predictions help me understand this material better?
DURING READING Establishing the purpose for each part of the reading Retell Answer questions Gather information Make comparisons Get the main idea
During Self Monitoring Students need to check themselves They should ask themselves if what they are reading makes sense They should learn to self correct to monitor their accuracy
During How does what I’m reading fit with what I am understanding What information do I need to understand better? Did what I just read sound right? Did what I just read make sense? Do I need to go back and reread?
During Visualizing Can I see in my head what the author is trying to explain?
During Summarizing What were the most important ideas on the page I just read? How were the ideas related to each other?
During Confirming or Rejecting predictions Were my predictions confirmed or rejected? What did I find out that was different from my predictions?
During Identifying and clarifying key ideas What was important in what I just read? What did I already know, and what was new information? How can I put the information together to get a deeper understanding?
During Questioning Is this a question that I can go back and find “right there” in the text? Is this a question that I need to use information that I already have and combine it with clues from the text? Is this a question that requires my opinion and my reasons for that opinion?
After Was the purpose met? Were my purposes for reading met? Did the author accomplish his/her purpose?
After Paraphrasing How can I put this in my own words and not leave out important ideas?
After Identifying the main ideas What is the most important idea in what I read? What ideas support the most important ideas?
After Compare and Contrast What other information is this like? How is this information different from other ideas in this book? How is the information similar to other sources? How is the information different from other sources?
After Connections How can I use this new information combined with information I already know? What, where, when, why, and how did I see or use this information before? How can what I know help me understand these new ideas?
After Drawing Conclusions What has the text implied? How can I sue the clues and ideas in my head to understand the text?
After Summarizing What information do I need to remember? How can I sort the ideas to make good sense? Which ideas can I connect together?
After Analyzing How did the information all fit together? What reaction do I have to the author’s position? Why do I feel the same/differently about the topic?
T3Tom’s Top Tips Before 1. Activate Background Knowledge 2. Investigate text structure 3. Set a personal purpose 4. Make a prediction
T3Tom’s Top Tips During 1. Imagine what it’s saying 2. Summarize by sections 3. Question the reading like it’s your teacher 4. Decide if your prediction was true
T3Tom’s Top Tips After 1. Was the purpose met? 2. Form a one sentence description 3. Describe how you would connect it to something else you’ve read 4. Summarize it without using words. 5. Paraphrase what you read (maybe a 7 word poem)
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 Park City Conference Climbed mountain Flew a kite. Life’s grand!
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 Upon Getting in the Car after yesterday’s workshop Looked down. Had to laugh. Fly open!
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 EHOVE Challenging work. Preparing for life. Teachers care!
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 Why the Baker’s Balance Scale is Important Measure ingredients Volume or weight It matters!
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 Bracing Outside walls Lean in wind Without them
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 How are youthful offenders classified? Psychiatric? Psychological? Not so easy! Many measures.
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 Turning Rotors Off the Vehicle Remove them Check all parts Be thorough
7 Word Poems 2,3,2 Venue Place matters Get it wrong You lose!