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All of us have heard about global warming…. This presentation will show you some effects of global warming that is happening now. And to the concerned people who want to make a difference, it will tell you what you can do to ward off the largest disaster that is threatening mankind today….
All of us have heard about global warming… This presentation will show you some effects of global warming that is happening now. And to the concerned people who want to make a difference, it will tell you what you can do to ward off the largest disaster that is threatening mankind today…
Seas rose by ONE Feet from 5 Century BC to 1900 AD (2400 years) Seas rose by TWO Feet in the last 100 years. If all the ice melted from the glaciers, the sea level will rise by about 150 feet.
40 35 30 25 20 SEA LEVEL HEIGHT IN INCHES 15 10 5 0 0000 500 BC 500 AD 1900 AD 2000 AD 1000 AD Sea Level Rise Graph Seas rose by One Feet from 5 Century BC to 1900 AD (2400 years) Seas rose by Two Feet in the last 100 years. If all the ice melted from the glaciers, the sea level will rise by about 150 feet.
Effect of Sea Level Rise While Krishna’s Dwarka possibly got submerged due to earthquake activity, increase in sea level due to melting of polar ice caps and glacial melts will affect all coastal areas and devastation in towns and cities will be mind boggling. Both of Mumbai Airports at 26 feet height above MSL are likely to get submerged in 2150 AD. Similarly, Chennai City and a large part of its suburbs will be inundated by 2150 AD. Kolkata will come under 2 feet of water by 2100 AD.
Global Warming signs are alarming! The last ice cap melted from Canada in 6000 BC. How long do you think Greenland will take at this rate ?? 1996 Flowing stream from the glacier.. Unthinkable a few years back!! 2002
Temperature Facts • During the last Ice Age the earth’s temperature was only 5 Degrees Celsius colder than it is now. • Considering that global temperatures have only increased about 0.5 Degrees Celsius over the past 100 years, the predicted rise of 1 to 3.5 Degrees Celsius will be a severe change in temperature which will cause variable and unpredictablecalamity type changes in the Earth’s fragile eco system.
10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 TEMPERATURE RISE GRAPH (12,000 Years) INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION HARAPPAN CIVILIZATION Full Meltdown of Last Ice Age MAHABHARAT DIFFERENTIAL TEMPERATURE CELSIUS Christ Born (approximate) RAMAYAN 0000 2,000 AD 1,000 AD 2,100 AD 1,000 BC 6,000 BC 3,000 BC 10,000 BC 5,000 BC
Stephen Mwakifwamba, national co-ordinator of the Centre for Energy, Environment, Science and Technology - which prepared the Tanzanian government's climate change report to the UN - says that change is happening in Tanzania right now. "In the past, we had a drought about every 10 years, now we just don't know when they will come. They are more frequent, but then so are floods. The climate is far less predictable. We might have floods in May or droughts every three years. Upland areas, which were never affected by mosquitoes, now are. Water levels are decreasing every day. The rains come at the wrong time for farmers and it is leading to many problems"
Greg Holland, director of the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, said on April 24, 2006; • "The hurricanes we are seeing are indeed a direct result of climate change,"
Of particular importance are the Hindu Kush and Himalayan glacial melts that comprise the principal dry-season water source of many of the major rivers of the South, East and Southeast Asian mainland. Increased melting would cause greater flow for several decades, after which "some areas of the most populated regions on Earth are likely to 'run out of water'" as source glaciers are depleted.
The Times of India is already screaming...They have announced JSW-TOI Earth Care Awards for excellence in climate change mitagation and adaptation.For more detail write to etkf@timesgroup.com What will happen if the Ganges dries up ???
We have not inherited the earth from our forefathers. …we have just borrowed it from our grandchildren. …we must stop global warming We have no right to destroy it.
Power Generation : the major cause of Global Warming… • Generation of electricity using coal is the largest factor in global warming. • Chronic power shortages have left even electrified homes and businesses without reliable electricity. Daily power outages are common in urban areas. Rural areas face higher instances of power-cuts and load shedding. • Growing demand for electricity is outstripping ability of the government to provide adequate or reliable power supply. This deficit is increasing dramatically day by day. • The 14th Electric Power Survey in a major developing country estimates the peak demand for electricity to grow to 172,262 MW. To meet this demand, the generating capacity has to be increased by an additional 100,000 MW - a stupendous 10,000 MW or more each year. • To meet this demand, governments are setting up thermal electricity plants without addressing the level of disaster they are doing to the environment. • By the time policy makers start looking at this issue seriously, it is going to be too late, and therefore something needs to be done very soon, not only in large scale but also from the ground-up level. • The 44% of the un-electrified population in the developing world if electrifiedusingalternatives like solar energy will significantly impact this environmental deterioration.
Why Focus on Carbon Emissions ? • At dawn of industrial revolution just 200 years ago, atmospheric concentrations of CO2 were stable at about 278 ppm. • With industrialization, millions of years of carbon previously “stored” in the earth’s crust has been mined as oil, coal and natural gas, and burned for energy, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. • Simultaneously, large quantities of CO2 have been released through land-clearing and forest-burning activities around the world. • The result is that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are now at 380 ppm and are continuing to rise. • In the coming century they are predicted to double, and possibly triple, from pre-industrial levels. • Greenhouse gas emissions and offsets are generally measured in metric tons of CO2 or CO2 equivalents.
700 600 500 400 ATMOSPHERIC CARBON DIOXIDE PPM 300 200 200 YEARS 100 YEARS 100 0 1800 2000 2100 INCREASE IN CO2 PPM C02 was Stable at 270 - 290 PPM for last 1000 years before this
Effects of Global warming • Effects of recent climate change are already occurring • direct consequences • Rising sea levels; most cities and coastal areas will be submerged. • Glacier retreat; may dry out perennial rivers once glaciers finish. • Arctic shrinkage • Altered patterns of agriculture • predictions for secondary & regional effects include • Extreme weather events • Expansion of tropical diseases • Changes in the timing of seasonal patterns in ecosystems • Drastic economic impact • A comprehensive site for more details is athttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_global_warming • Top 100 effects of global warming is given at http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/2007/09/climate_100.html
GREEN ENERGY FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED • With this alarming picture emerging, EL’EN Education Trust is planning to electrify 500,000 poor homes in India with green renewable energy. • The first stage identification of beneficiaries have been completed through a ground study of socio-economic and energy aspects in rural Karnataka which reveals that residents have lived in the location for about 8 years and expend about 5 litres to 10 litres of kerosene a month for their lighting needs. Since most of them are migrants with no land holdings, grid connectivity is unlikely. • Only a handful of households have access to the Public Distribution System for kerosene, and majority of them purchase kerosene in the open market at Rs. 20-30/litre. In other cases (hawkers) use one gas upto Rs 20 per day in the metros. • EL’EN is also planning to install these systems in the State of Andhra Pradesh where the Govt has embarked on an objective to remove HUTS from the State by 2009 under the ‘Indiramma’ housing scheme which envisages replacing huts with concrete buildings using pre fabricated panels. These houses are literally replacing huts without any electricity or plumbing. Our associate has received an order for 100,000 houses in the 1st year which we plan to solar electrify.
GREEN ENERGY FOR THE UNDERPRIVILEGED We have identified implementation partners all over India. Our major associate, with operations through 25 Centers in Karnataka, Kerala and Gujarat since 1995 have been focusing on provision of reliable energy services to the poor, in a sustainable way. They have installed more than 85,000 Solar Home Lighting Systems (SHLS) in the un-served rural homes (3,000 donated). Another associate has over 100 MW implementation experience in US in a hi-tech networked environment.
our objectives… • Promote usage of Use abundant natural resource which is unending • Solar. • Wind. • Hydro Electricity. • Avoid Methane generation / methane for energy use. • Biogas. • Forestation and reclamation from deserts. • Fulfill social responsibility in equitable distribution of renewable energy. • Alleviate effects of the greatest threat faced by mankind in the 21st century. • Join concerned individuals and communities who help raise awareness of climate change by • Identifying that the problem exists; • quantifying the impact of the problem; • achieving reduction targets • educating the environment and encouraging others to follow suit.
What can you do? Simple! Just be aware and spread the word. People’s views help legislation. When people ask, policies are made. …policies that will help alleviate the causative factors that is threatening mankind and destroying our Earth.
Step 2 Identify your carbon foot print. Step 3 Select an Offset Project Step 4 Involve Yourself with the Offset Partner IF YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT THE GLOBAL WARMING BATTLE Step 1 Reduce On Site Emissions Three Methods: (1) Reduce Power Usage, (2) Switch to Non Carbon Emitting Fuels and (3) Increasing energy efficiency of equipment, lighting, heating, etc. Calculate your power consumption and fossil fuel usage to arrive at the amount of CO2 you have emitted into the atmosphere and what you are going to emit in the next 10 years. • There are three main types of offset opportunities: • CO2 emissions reductions within your own capability, • Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soils, and • Emissions reductions from an off-site source / partner. Fund the cost of an offset project to mitigate your Carbon Foot Print at actuals, plus an additional amount to support the efforts of other concerned communities to combat global warming.
Step 1 Reduce On Site Emissions Step 2 Identify your carbon foot print. CALCULATE YOUR CARBON EMISSION FOOT PRINT …fill up the attached MS Excel Sheet What is your CO2 Emission Score? Click to see how you can offset / mitigate this damage
Step 2 Identify your carbon foot print. Step 3 Select an Offset Project Select an Offset Project Step 1 Reduce On Site Emissions • CO2 emissions reductions within your own capability by • Formulating internal policies. • Implementing measures. • Monitoring implementation practices. • Achieving reduction targets. • Carbon sequestration in vegetation and soils • Plant as many trees and encouraging the same within own are of influence. • Mitigate methane and harness it for power. • Emissions reductions from an off-site source / partner. • Wind, Solar and Hydel Project participation. • Carbon sequestration projects of other concerned developers.
Step 2 Identify your carbon foot print. Step 3 Select an Offset Project Step 4 Involve Yourself with the Offset Partner Involve yourself… Step 1 Reduce On Site Emissions If you have already involved yourself in an offset project, we are happy to know that and will be glad to be aware of it. Please email eleneducationtrust@gmail.com us your offset project details to enable us assess it for the awards. If you are still yet to take a decision on which offset project to involve yourself in, please proceed with this presentation…
…You can make a difference in their lives !! Light up a Poor Home We are financing one solar lighting system in poor homes, specially in areas that do not have access to electric grid or they are too poor to afford it. This will enable children to study in the evening, empower women in their handicraft to generate more revenue, reduce respiratory diseases due to smoke and reduce dependence from grid electricity which is generated from thermal power stations.
Power Situation in Indian Rural Areas … • While Government of India has made rural electrification a high priority, most rural Indian households still lack access to grid electricity. • Even as electric power grid reached an estimated 85% of villages and fast closing, the distribution network is yet to be extended to reach India’s rural populations living outside village centers. There are an estimated 70 million households without access to the electricity grid all over India. • Chronic power shortages have left even electrified homes and businesses without reliable electricity. Daily power outages are common in urban areas. • Rural areas face higher instances of power-cuts and load shedding. • The 44% of the un-electrified population in the developing world if electrifiedusingalternatives like solar energy will significantly impact this environmental deterioration.
SUPPORT METHODOLOGY • An innovative financial model involving commercial banks, rural development banks, and non-banking finance institutions will enable the poor to pay for the energy services from savings or extra money earned. • While EL’EN will guarantee repayment of the installments to the bank, the money collected from the end users will be used to create a revolving fund which will utilized to light up more unelectrified homes. • We intend to provide warranty for 10 years on the battery (which includes one replacement), 2 years on the CFL Bulb / 10 years on LED lights and 10 years on the solar panel, in addition to providing free service to the end users during the pay back period at their door steps. • Further, at least 5 (five) unemployed youth from each cluster of beneficiary communities will be trained to maintain the systems so that they can earn a livelihood.
HYBRID SOLUTIONS Wind Solar Hybrid Systems Integrated with Grid Power Vertical Axis Turbines
They spend Rs 20 per day per Lamp for kerosene. They cannot afford the cost of a Solar Lighting System that will provide them free light after three years, besides mitigating CO2 emissions… And Banks will not give them loans without collateral which they don’t have… A fish market under a flyover in Surat All of them use these goose lamps spewing carbon black smoke…
EL’EN Education Trust will issue collaterals to the Bank to give them loans. Ensuring payment of EMIs will be facilitated by Field Workers who will encourage them to pay their dues on time.
PURNA Support : Cheques will be encashed every month and you will be given a consolidated Income Tax Exemption certificate from the Charitable Trust to claim 100% exemption of the amount donated. • JARURAT Support : Cheques may be encashed only if the sponsored household is unable to pay any of their installments. Field workers will encourage the beneficiary to avoid such defaults and help them pay by providing employment opportunities to the family with an additional review to alleviate poverty. 100% IT Exemption for encashed cheques will be provided. • You will get full details of the house hold where your contribution has been effected. SOLAR FOR THE POOR They need your help! In your involvement on reduction of global warming, can you sponsor a solar lighting system for their homes so that their children can study in the evening, the women can work in better environment and the men can do more work? If your answer is yes, find out here how you can do it… • The simplest option, if you can afford it, is to donate one Solar Lighting System for a poor home. It will cost you about Rs 13,000/- (just USD 350) only. You will get 100% tax exemption for your donation. • The other option is to pay in monthly installments by post dated Cheques (Rs 50 to Rs 500) for 1 to 10 years in favour of the Charitable Trust. • Depending upon the support option you choose, these cheques may or may not be encashed. …light up a poor home ! Your generous contribution will promote clean energy that will reduce global warming and secure the world for our children and descendants…
Green Energy Awards • EL’EN Education Trust have initiated an award for special contribution to promotion of renewable energy. • The ‘energy award’ will be presented for the following:- • Solar Energy Projects. • Innovative Wind Projects. • Mini Hydroelectric Projects. • Methane Reduction • Innovations in Green Energy. • In addition to the “Green Energy Promoter” Medallion, winners will be presented with a cash awards. w ww.eleneducationtrust.org EL’EN Education Trust (A registered general purpose charitable trust) # 12 Balaji Layout, Marathalli, Bangalore 560037
thank you for your time… We seek your participation in combating global warming, the greatest threat to mankind today!!! Kindly fill up your APPLICATION FOR INVOLVEMENT and send it to us TODAY !!