1. The History of Computers
Dr. Ray Cafolla
2. Ancient “Computers” Fingers and toes
Abacus (3000 bc)
3. The Abacus
4. The Forerunners of Computers 1620 Napier's bones
5. Mechanical Devices
6. Mechanical Devices 1670 Leibnitz’ Stepped Reckoner
7. Mechanical Devices
8. Babbage's Analytical Engine (1833)
9. Herman Hollerith (1880)Punched Cards
10. Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC - 1939)The First Computer
11. Mark I (1944)First American Programmable Computer 51 feet long, weighed over 5 tons, unreliable51 feet long, weighed over 5 tons, unreliable
12. ENIAC (1946)Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
13. The Post War Boom Johnny von Neuman (1945)
Alan Turing (1946) Enigma
14. Three Generations of Computer 1951-1958 first generation (vacuum tubes)
15. Three Generations of Computer 1959-1964 second generation computer (transistors)
16. Three Generations of Computer 1965-1970 third generation computers (integrated circuits – ICs)
17. Modern Computers
1965 Third generation computers
1975 Fourth generation computers
Now Multimedia, artificial intelligence
18. Computer Programming Languages
19. Low Level Language Machine language
Binary (zeros and ones)
Machine specific
Typical command:
0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
20. Assembly Language More “English-like”
Still machine specific
Uses hexadecimal
Typical Command
JMP &H180A
21. High Level Languages At first, specific functions
General Purpose Languages
“Machine Independent”
Typical command
Print “Hello”
22. Structured Programming Break programs into smaller units
Local and Global Variables
Pascal, C
23. Structured Program (Example)
void PrintTwoIntegers (int N1, int N2)
cout << “N1 = ” << N1 << “ N2 = ” << N2;
24. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS) we live in a world of objects
computer programs should reflect the type of problems in the world
objects should be "walled off" from rest of program (encapsulation )
objects have classes they belong to (inheritance)
25. OOPS Terminology what it is like (properties)
what it does (methods, procedures, functions)
communicating with objects- sending messages
what it responds to (events)
26. The History of BASIC Kemeny & Kurtz
The Hackers
Bill Gates
Quick Basic
Visual Basic
27. The History of Computers