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Ring Finding based on the Elastic Net

KIP. Ring Finding based on the Elastic Net. Sergey Gorbunov Ivan Kisel DESY, Zeuten KIP , Uni-Heidelberg LNP and LIT of JINR, Dubna. Tracking Week, GSI January 24-25, 2005. EN – Traveling Salesman Problem. Discrete EN. (*) Pentium IV/2.4 GHz.

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Ring Finding based on the Elastic Net

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  1. KIP Ring Findingbased on the Elastic Net Sergey Gorbunov Ivan Kisel DESY, Zeuten KIP, Uni-Heidelberg LNP and LIT of JINR, Dubna Tracking Week, GSI January 24-25, 2005

  2. EN – Traveling Salesman Problem Discrete EN (*) Pentium IV/2.4 GHz Nature, 326 (1987) 689 Ivan Kisel, KIP, Uni-Heidelberg

  3. EN – Ring Search CHEP’01, Beijing (2001) 162 Ivan Kisel, KIP, Uni-Heidelberg

  4. EN – Performance Ivan Kisel, KIP, Uni-Heidelberg

  5. EN Ring Finding – Future Plans • Include into the global tracking (STS+RICH+TRD) • Develop a Level-1/FPGA implementation Ivan Kisel, KIP, Uni-Heidelberg

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