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Convergences in the Diversity: ELGPN Experience with Career Management Skills Jasmin Muhic Lead Country Representative at the ELGPN Work Package on Career Management Skills. Themes of the Presentation. What various people think Career Management Skills are
Convergences in the Diversity: ELGPN Experience with Career Management Skills Jasmin Muhic Lead Country Representative at the ELGPN Work Package on Career Management Skills
Themes of the Presentation • What various people think Career Management Skills are • Concept of career in a technical sense • How we communicate CMS • National examples of CMS support – France, Austria • ELGPN on CMS
What skills are necessary for the career management? Council of the EU • Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies, 21 November 2008 • learning about the economic environment, businesses and occupations; • being able to evaluate oneself, knowing oneself and being able to describe the competences one has acquired in formal, informal and non-formal education settings; • understanding education, training and qualifications systems.
What skills are necessary for the career management? Sun Tzu If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
What skills are necessary for the career management? ELGPN CMS according to ELGPN Career Management Skills (CMS) are a range of competences which provide structured ways for individuals and groups to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise self, educational and occupational information, as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions.
What skills are necessary for the career management? The Blueprint for Life/Work Designshttp://www.blueprint4life.ca/
Communicating basic concepts Ео Shhh… Support developing capacity of finding one‘s way throughout the life. Shhh…Encourage the lifelong acquisition of career management skills. Shhh... Favoriser l'acquisition de la capacité à s'orienter tout au long de la vie.
Communicating basic concepts Schopnosti celoživotní profesní orientace! jL'acquisizionedellacapacitadiorientamento! FähigkeitzurPlanung der beruflichenLaufbahn! Aquisiçăo da capacidade de orientaçăo! Career management skills!
Is nonlinear career a modern phenomenon? A historian? A physician? A linguist? A politician?
What is a career change? If you ask US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)*, the answer is: we don‘t know. Does BLS have information on the number of times people change careers in their lives? The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) never has attempted to estimate the number of times people change careers in the course of their working lives. The reason we have not produced such estimates is that no consensus has emerged on what constitutes a career change. Most people probably would agree that a medical doctor who quits to become a comedian experienced a career change, but most "career changes" probably are not so dramatic. *http://www.bls.gov/nls/nlsfaqs.htm#anch43
Importance of the conceptual framework Clear communication – policy makers, guidance practitioners, users of guidance services (children and youngsters, parents, unemployed, persons with special needs), social partners, general public CMS acquisition process – defining curriculum, training of professionals, delivery modes, formative and summative assessment
Skills or competences Learning outcomes* – what a person knows, understands and is able to do Knowledge – assimilation of information through learning (EQF – theoretical or factual) Skill – ability of applying knowledge and know how in conducting tasks and solving problems (EQF – cognitive and practical) Competence – proven ability to use knowledge and personal, social and/or methodological skills (EQF – responsibility and autonomy) *Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning (December 2006), http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/doc42_en.htm
France: Extending the ‘Pathway for the Discovery of Jobs and Training’ to all pupils from 12 years (Year 8) to the end of secondary education • New measures: • The assessment of the common ‘base’ of knowledge and skills compulsory in June 2010., by 2011, a condition for Diplôme National du Brevet • Reform of the Lycée 2010., 2 hours per week, —support, further study, and career guidance—totalling 72 timetabled hours annually • An online Webclasseur, a ‘Guidance training Passport’ • Goals: • Greater autonomy on the part of the pupils • Making training systems more transparent • Boosting social mobility • Results: • Too early to have any performance indicators • Trialling of a student’s ‘competence booklet’, Webclasseur— ‘Guidance training Passport’ • Key challenge is the extent to which teachers will adopt the initiative
Austria: Supporting Career Management Skills by Accompanying Decision-Making Processes through a Multidimensional Approach • Goals: • Supporting the decision-making processes of graduates as regards their educational and professional careers is an essential part of school quality • Improvement of coordination inside schools and of co-operation with external services • Support of the development of pupils’ Career Management Skills • Implementation and results: • Ministerial letter to all headmasters, followed by a Ministerial decree • Launching a specific website with information and materials to support schools • Improvement of teacher training • Implementation of career competencies across all curricula the first of five priorities • A catalogue of obligatory measures http://www.bmukk.gv.at/medienpool/18542/2009_17.pdf • Project ‘Studienchecker’ for HE students www.studienchecker.at • Accompanying documentswww.bmukk.gv.at/bo • Visualisation of references for developing CMS in all curricula http://www.schulpsychologie.at/bildungsinformation/nach-der-matura/lehrerinnen/unterrichtsmaterialien/ • New standards for the training of student counsellors http://www.schulpsychologie.at/schuelerberatung/sbb_lehrgang.pdf • Testing of a new training curriculum for co-ordinators of career guidance lessons http://www.ph-kaernten.ac.at/fileadmin/_institute/primarstufe/BO_KO_Lehrgang_Curriculum.pdf • Order to prioritise training in career guidance http://www.schulpsychologie.at/download/2009-22.pdf
ЕLGPNon CMS • Acquisition of CMS in accordance with the age and education levels • Assessment of CMS • CMS pedagogy in accordance with the respective curricular tradition • Training of the CMS supporting staff • Introduction of innovative CMS development methods • Identification of specific CMS for persons with special needs • Avoiding a deficiency approach in CMS development • CMS delivery modes in PES
Thank you for your attention. muhicj@ippp.cz