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UC Berkeley CS160 Semester Year User Interface Design

UC Berkeley CS160 Semester Year User Interface Design. Shaina Krevat Charles Park Romi Phadte Ravi Punj Ryan Yu. The Speech-to- LaTeX Interpreter. Problem

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UC Berkeley CS160 Semester Year User Interface Design

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  1. UC Berkeley CS160 Semester Year User Interface Design Shaina Krevat Charles Park RomiPhadte Ravi Punj Ryan Yu The Speech-to-LaTeXInterpreter Problem LaTeX, a high-quality typesetting system, is used at Berkeley and elsewhere to create perfectly formulated mathematical documents. However, it is confusing, time consuming, and difficult for beginners to learn, so most students choose not to use it at all. Target User Our target user group is people who want to use or already use LaTeX, whose tasks (such as completing homework or lab write-ups) will be made simpler by having an easier way to create equations in LaTeX. Furthermore, our users are those who wish to take the initiative to learn LaTeX and become more comfortable with it. The figure to the left is a screenshot of the screen that appears as a result of user-voice input. From top to bottom: Top: An English interpretation of the user input (speech-to-text) Middle: The compiled LaTeX that corresponds to the English input Bottom: The LaTeXcode that corresponds the English input Solution Our solution is LaZe, the Speech to LaTeX interpreter. Now instead of typing out an entire equation, and going to look up each piece of it to make sure he or she gets the syntax right, a user can pick up our application, speak into the phone, and get the perfect LaTeX code for his or her assignment, every time. Final Prototype Our final prototype includes the functionality of creating the LaTeX equations, along with an email feature that allows users to email (or otherwise share) their code so they can then add a created equation to a full document. We also include a history page, so users can see what past code they’ve created, and a help page with LaTeX equations so they can learn LaTeX while using LaZe. The above is the LaZe history screen, which lets users view their previously generated snippets of LaTeX code. The above is the LaZe home screen, with a microphone button that the user can press to begin LaTeX-code generation The above is the LaZe help index, which contains categories (complete with pictures!) in which users can find examples of LaTeX syntax. Design Evolution As we iterated through the design process, we made several changes regarding how the user would be able to see and change their input. Eventually, we decided on having the user’s English input appear on the front page, where he or she would be able to see what was heard before sending it off to be interpreted and compiled as LaTeX code. Future Prototypes In the future, we would like to include additional features to LaZe, including the ability to create graphs, formatting, and all the functions available to LaTeX users. Eventually, we would want users to be able to create full-fledged LaTeX documents on just their phone or tablet, using just their voice! The above is a lo-fi prototype of “LaTeX the-generation” screen; it does not contain an English interpretation of speech-to-text

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