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Fun with Similes and Metaphors

Explore the power of similes and metaphors with examples! Learn how these literary devices compare characteristics to create vivid imagery in language.

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Fun with Similes and Metaphors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SimilesandMetaphors

  2. ByEmmaVescioF10

  3. Sheisascuteasapenguin A simile suggests that your not a penguin but being cute like one

  4. Mumhasabrainofacalculator This metaphor says that mum is really smart like calculator

  5. Dadislikehairy cactus Thissimile is comparing dad to a cactus because they are both very hairy

  6. Dadsheartismadeofstone This metaphor says that dad is really tough

  7. Shewassweetlikeacherry A simile compares her that she is being sweet like a cherry

  8. mumhasaheartofgold This metaphor says that mum is a kind person with a soft heart

  9. Sheissmartlikeascientist A simile compares her that she is being very smart like a scientist is

  10. heisawildanimal This metaphor says that he is acting like a wild animal

  11. Theend

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