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Invasive Species. Ricardo Emilio Yarad Andrade. What is an Invsive Specie ?. Invasive species, or also called invasive exotics are used as a nomenclature term and a type of category for the flora and fauna.
InvasiveSpecies Ricardo Emilio Yarad Andrade
What is an Invsive Specie? • Invasive species, or also called invasive exotics are used as a nomenclature term and a type of category for the flora and fauna. • Invasive species have evolved to compete but native species are not used to compete for resources. • Invasivespeciestakeoverthenativespecies.
Why are nativespeciesbad? • Invasivespecieshavelargeimpactsontheecosystemsthey invade. • Theyaffectthechemicalmakeup of the wáter • Use up resourcesthatnativespeciesneed • They can alter thefood web • Harshlyimpacttoonthecompetitionforresources. • Invasivespecies can takeoutthenatives. • They are expensivetosocietybecause of directmanegement.
They are takingover… http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1958657_1958656_1958665,00.html Kevin Schafer / Corbis
In 1957, a beekeeper in São Paulo, Brazil, accidentallyreleased 26 Tanzanianqueenbees. • Thesebees cause anagriculturalcatastrophe. Itwasanincrediblelevel of melissophobia. • These Queens matedwiththenativeeuropeanhoneybees, and thiscreatedthekillerbeesoralsocalledtheAfricanizedbees. • Theybecameanaextremleyaggresivespecie.
TheseAfricanizedhoneybeesswarmshaveinvadedEuropeanhoneyhives in whichtheykillthequeen and installtheirown leader. • ThesebeesfirstinfiltratedintotheUnitedStates in 1990 and spreadedouttothesouthernparts of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Luisiana, Arkansas, and Florida.
These bees sting more then one time.There have been cases of individuals recieving more tan 1,000 stings.
Besidesbeing a threattohumans and kickingthenativebeesout, they are verybad at producinghoneywhichmakesthem a threattoagricuture.
Facts • Theanual cost in theUnitedStatesforinvasivespeciesisabout 120 billiondollars. • Itisestimatedthatthe global cost of invasivespeciesmanagementisthesametofivepercent of the global economy.