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April 6, 2010. An Update on implementation . Two States of Illinois. One Illinois is well off, well educated, economically dynamic. . The other Illinois struggles to make ends meet, lags in educational attainment, and is economically stagnant. .
April 6, 2010 An Update on implementation
Two States of Illinois One Illinois is well off, well educated, economically dynamic. The other Illinois struggles to make ends meet, lags in educational attainment, and is economically stagnant. Between these two states is a prosperity gap that is wide and growing and the direct result of disparities in educational attainment by race, ethnicity, income, and region.
Goal 1: Increase educational attainment • Eliminate achievement gap • Increase college credentials for adult learners • Reduce geographical disparities
Of 100 9th Graders, How Many… Leaky Student Pipeline Source: NCES Common Core Data 2004; Tom Mortenson, Postsecondary Education Opportunity; NCES, IPEDS Fall 2004 Retention Rate File and Fall 2003 Enrollments, 2004 Graduation Rates; U.S. Census Bureau, 2005 ACS
Education & Diversity Percent Educational Attainment of Population Age 25-64 By Race/Ethnicity—Illinois, 2005
Achieving Goal 1 • P-20 Council • Longitudinal Data System • American Diploma Project • Complete College America • College and Career Readiness • Teacher & School Leader Standards • High School Success Report • ISACorps • NCLB
Goal 2: Make college affordable • Ensure financial aid programs are effective, efficient, aligned with Public Agenda • Help students finish degrees faster • Assist middle-income students • Reduce costs through institutional efficiency
College takesbigger bite from family paycheck% of family income needed to pay for college expenses Source: NCPPHE, Measuring Up: The State-by-State Report Card for Higher Education
Tuition outpaces financial aid Average Tuition and Fees Compared to Maximum MAP Awards, 1997 vs. 2007 Source: 2007 ISAC Data Book; proprietary institutions first eligible for MAP in FY98.
State dollars down, tuition dollars up Source: IBHE records.
Priced out of collegeProportion of students from low-income families has declined Ohio Texas Georgia Alabama Mississippi Tennessee United States North Carolina New Hampshire Massachusetts South Carolina South Dakota Pennsylvania West Virginia North Dakota Rhode Island New Mexico Connecticut Washington New Jersey Minnesota Oklahoma Wisconsin New York Louisiana Nebraska California Delaware Arkansas Wyoming Kentucky Maryland Colorado Michigan Montana Vermont Missouri Nevada Arizona Virginia Oregon Kansas Indiana Florida Hawaii Alaska Illinois Maine Idaho Utah Iowa Source: Postsecondary Education Opportunity, Number 188, February 2008
Achieving Goal 2 • Campaign to restore MAP funding • College Affordability Summit • SJR 88 – Higher Education Finance Commission • ISAC proposal for funding MAP for community college students • ISACorps
Goal 3: Increase postsecondary credentials • Increase degree completion • Increase dual credit/dual enrollment opportunities • Remove obstacles to transfer • Strengthen the Illinois Articulation Initiative • Alleviate shortages in critical fields
Illinois Lags in Bachelor’s Degree Production Bachelor’s degrees per 100 high school grads
Regional Gaps in College Attainment Hamper Economic Growth % of 25-64 year-olds with associate’s degree or higher
Achieving Goal 3 • Complete College America • Baccalaureate completion legislation • NIU-community college bachelor’s completion efforts • Perkins Programs of Study • U.select • Bridge programs for adult learners • Improved articulation efforts
Goal 4: Link innovation assets to economic needs • Develop public/private partnerships • Create programs to prepare students for success in global economy • Remove barriers that impede entrepreneurial spirit
Illinois innovation assets: Average Overall state scores on measures of innovation assets, 2007 Source: Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED), 2007
Economic stagnation Change in gross state product, 1997-2007
Achieving Goal 4 • Work-study grants • Develop education and training for emerging green economy and sustainability initiatives • Broadband access grants in northern Illinois • ARRA funding for research
Vision Illinois will provide effective and quality education for all people. The Illinois Public Agenda for College and Career Success is the pathway to one Illinois, where all residents have affordable access to high-quality educational opportunities that prepare them for the jobs of the present and the future.
Illinois will rank among the top states and countries in the number of citizens with college credentials. • It will be one of the five most affordable states in the nation in which to pursue a college education. • It will have a well-educated workforce with the skills and competencies to compete in the modern economy. • It will rank among the five top states in economic growth and vitality.
Purpose • Establish priorities for Illinois higher education • Guide General Assembly on education policy and allocation of scarce resources A blueprint for college and career success in Illinois