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Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. MENA Common Core Conference | 1-2 November | Dubai, United Arab Emirates Kevin Simpson Consultant | Pearson School Achievement Services. Outcomes. Connect current practice and articulate the changes
Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics MENA Common Core Conference | 1-2 November | Dubai, United Arab Emirates Kevin SimpsonConsultant | Pearson School Achievement Services
Outcomes Connect current practice and articulate the changes needed to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM).
Today’s Agenda From Standards to Classroom Practice and Assessment Reflection and Closing
Section 3 Big Questions What kinds of learning tasks allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their mathematical proficiency? How can you establish a classroom culture of thinking and learning that supports the vision of the CCSSM?
Opening Learning Tasks… Classroom Culture…
From Standards to Classroom Practice and Assessment John Van de Walle onApproach to Teaching
From Standards to Practice and Assessment It is what teachers think, what teachers do, and what teachers are at the level of the classroom that ultimately shapes the kind of learning that young people get. —Andy Hargreaves (quoted in Bay-Williams 2010, 37) Classroom Discourse Classroom Norms Classroom Relationships (Bay-Williams 2010, 37)
From Standards to Practice and Assessment What The Teacher Does What The Students Do The Three-Phase Lesson Structure BEFORE D URING AFTER
Math Workshop Opening-Beginning • Warm Up • Objective • Interactive discussion to find prior knowledge • Expectations for how we will work • Introduce concept
Math Workshop Work Time-Middle • Solo, partner, small group • Observe and listen to students • Ask questions • Conferences – one on one or group • Small group instruction • Prepare for closing
Math Workshop Closing-Ending • Discussion • Instruct • Question • Reflect • Revise • Present • Homework
From Standards to Practice and Assessment What The Teacher Does What The Students Do The Three-Phase Lesson Structure BEFORE D URING AFTER
From Standards to Practice and Assessment Mathematics Worth Doing Choose high-level learning tasks. Consider the language and context of the tasks. Encourage students to work independently of the teacher,either individually or cooperatively in groups. Encourage students to analyze situationsand pose higher-order questions. Focus on student approaches and help them focus on important mathematics.
From Standards to Practice and Assessment Applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems Using abstract reasoning, precision and perseverance Analysis, synthesis & critical thinking Deep knowledge of core concepts and ideas Complex Performance- Based Assessments Strategic use of tools Assessment Asking students to understand something means asking a teacherto assesswhether the student has understood it. —Common Core State Standards Initiative (2010b, 4) Using Assessment to Measure the CCSSM
From Standards to Practice and Assessment Assessment “Next-Generation” Assessments Focused Items on Essential Topics Example The Trans Alaska Pipeline System is 800 miles long and costs $8 billion to build. Divide one of these numbers by the other. What is the meaning of the answer? (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers 2010a, 29)
From Standards to Practice and Assessment Assessment The practices tend to pull assessment down to the classroom level, andbring teaching closer to assessment. —Zimba (2010)
Section 3 Big Questions What kinds of learning tasks allow students the opportunity to demonstrate their mathematical proficiency? How can you establish a classroom culture of thinking and learning that supports the vision of the CCSSM?
Outcomes Connect current practice and articulate the changes needed to implement the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM).
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