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Group 1 – Week 9

Group 1 – Week 9. Almost done…. Jumps and Branches. Worked on completeing both the jumps and branches With jumps had to be concerned with three different types: Regular jumps fairly straight forward. Jump and Links had to make sure that the right values were written to the right register

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Group 1 – Week 9

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  1. Group 1 – Week 9 Almost done…

  2. Jumps and Branches • Worked on completeing both the jumps and branches • With jumps had to be concerned with three different types: • Regular jumps fairly straight forward. • Jump and Links had to make sure that the right values were written to the right register • Jump Register had to add another control signal • Branches were more complicated • Created a Branch Unit which did the check for zero and updated the branch address. • Through testing discovered the several different problems with pushing it to the ID stage • Still trying to determine if all the timing issues have been worked out

  3. Jump and Link Unit

  4. General Testing • Ran through a large array of tests trying to find small bugs • Clock signal needed to be inverted • Had the wrong control signal input into data hazard • Control signal had to be reversed so that the processor wouldn't crash on restart • Determine how to get stalling to work properly • Now space is becoming an issue

  5. Forwarding & Hazards • Finished forwarding unit according to book • Noticed the book doesn’t forward from WB back to MEM (Load then Store), added that logic too • Prioritized so that we always forward furthest back in the pipeline • MEM wins over WB, its value is more accurate • Bug found: don’t forget to take FPR / GPR into account • Used hazard equation in book, pretty simple

  6. Tests to make sure both Rs & Rd are FPR or both GPR top right • Tests for zeros at bottom right • Register address comparisons at center, outputs at top • Additional Equations: • If Wb.GPR Write && MEM.Write && (Wb.Rd != 0) && (Wb.Rd == Ex.Rd)

  7. Hazards & Forwarding for Branches • Pushing up branch comparison to ID creates problems • Our forwarding unit only forwards back to the EX input muxes • Had to create new forwarding unit from MEM & WB back to ID • Data hazard when branch Rs in ID stage == Rd for any instruction in EX • Added to stall unit

  8. This unit is simpler than the other forwarding unit. • - branches only use Rs, not Rt • - we never use FPR’s here, no need to test both signals • only one mux to control, not two • Equations: • If (ID.Rs == Mem.Rd) && (Mem.Rd !=0) Mem.GPRWrite && ID.Branch • If (ID.Rs == WB.Rd) && (WB.Rd !=0) && (Wb.Rd != Mem.Rd) && WB.GPRWrite && ID.Branch

  9. Next Steps • Finish! • Hardware • Everything is done except Trap & RFE units • Have control signals for this already • Testing • Only complicated hazards, stalls, and forwarding situations to go

  10. Not catching exceptions = bad

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