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In Common: Effective Writing for All Students. NC DPI English Language Arts Section. A Resource for Writing Instruction. ELA Professional Development Menu LiveBinder : http:// tinyurl.com/od6rlnx Writing Through a New Lens ELA Professional Development Menu Wiki:
In Common:Effective Writing for All Students NC DPI English Language Arts Section A Resource for Writing Instruction
ELA Professional Development Menu LiveBinder: http://tinyurl.com/od6rlnx • Writing Through a New Lens ELA Professional Development Menu Wiki: http://tinyurl.com/mp5e9at • Side Navigation Bar • ELA PD Menu (Writing Through a New Lens)
Agenda • Introduction • Overview of In Common • Common Ground • Protocol 1 • Break (15 minutes) • Protocol 2 • Lunch (1 hour) • Video and Activity • Protocol 3 • Break (15 minutes) • Quality Work and Peer Revision • Tying it all Together • Reflection
Materials • Workbook – For practicing the In Common work • Master copy - For you to make copies and distribute as needed • Crayons – For one of the activities
“Standards will never be clear until we know how it looks through student outcomes.” - Ron Berger, Expeditionary Learning “If you don't know where you are going,you'll end up someplace else.” - Yogi Berra
A joint project of Student Achievement Partners and The Vermont Writing Collaborative…
In CommonA Resource for Writing Instruction Purpose: • Develop a clearer understanding of the qualities of effective writing as described in the Writing Standards. • Provide some examples of how writing can be meaningfully integrated into the curriculum.
What is “In Common”?A collection of annotated student samples K-12 • On Demand Writing • Range of Writing
On Demand WritingUniform Prompts Three Writing Types K-12 Text Based – 2-3 class sessions Similar Prompts K-5 and 6-12 Purpose: • Highlight the developmental progressions in the standards • Build an understanding of grade specific expectations
Range of Writing Classroom Samples K-12 to illustrate Writing Standard 10: Writing for a range of discipline specific tasks, purposes and audiences Purpose: • Breadth • Ideas for integration
For use by educators and students… Annotated Several versions of each piece Edited Not Annotated
Some Clarifications: • They are examplesof competent writing at each grade level, not benchmarks. • Chosen specifically to illustrate Writing Standards 1, 2 and 3 (Argument/Opinion, Informative/Explanatory and Narrative). Mastery of conventions was not evaluated in choosing and annotating these pieces.
How can you use In Common? • To help both students and teachers better understand the qualities of effective writing. • To provide a foundation for analysis and discussionthat can lead to a deeper understanding of the Writing Standards.
“The pieces in this collection are meant to be a starting point for inquiry and discussion, not a final destination.”
A Work in Progress… • The Writing Standards are meant to broaden, not narrow, our understanding of effective writing. This resource has a similar purpose. • In Common is intended to be a “living document”, which will be added to, revised, and improved as more teachers and students work with the Writing Standards.
Presenters’ Names www.vermontwritingcollaborative.org For more information, contact: Diana Leddy Educational Consultant everywritevt@aol.com Joey Hawkins Educational Consultant joeylornell@gmail.com
Common Ground Protocols for Working with the K-12 Writing Samples in In Common
What are Protocols? The protocols in this resource consist of guidelines for conversations about and around student writing and Writing Standards. Why are we using them? Protocols encourage building the culture and the skills that are necessary for collaborative work.
In Common • A set of activities designed to help educators and students understand the elements of an effective piece of writing as defined by the Writing Standards. • Activities can be adapted to any writing type, grade level or cluster of grade levels. • Materials in the training include: • In Common Overview • Protocols with Student Writing
Today, we’ll explore three protocols: • Similarities and Differences (How Does Your Garden Grow?) • Learning by Example • Colorful Language
Before we begin Protocol 1, read the On-Demand writing prompt, teacher directions, and texts for your grade band. Elementary – pg. 9 Middle – pg. 25 High – pg. 39
Similarities and Differences (How Does Your Garden Grow?) Overview: In this exercise, you will compare student pieces within a grade cluster and note the similarities and differences of effective writing. The pieces in your packet have been written to a set of uniform prompts purposefully designed to produce student pieces in a single writing type, on the same topic, across a range of grade levels. Analyzing these pieces can help you distill the core elements of each writing type and gain a better understanding of expectations at each grade level. Purpose: • To identify the core elements of one type of writing. (Opinion/Argument, Informative/Explanatory, or Narrative). • To refine and deepen understanding of grade level expectations in the Standards. • To trace a developmental progression in one type of writing required by the Writing Standards.
Similarities and Differences (How Does Your Garden Grow?) 1. Highlight the core elements in W.2 for your grade span. 2. Read all pieces in the grade span that you have chosen. Using the Writing Standard (W.2), what core elements of effective writing are evident in these samples? Annotate the student writing keeping these core elements in mind. Discuss your observations with a partner. 3. Record the similarities in both the student writing and the Standards across the grade span in the far right column of your graphic organizer. 4. Record the differences in the student writing and the Standards by grade level in the far left column of the graphic organizer.
Protocol 1 Reflection • Reflect: How might this exercise help educators to develop a deeper understanding of a particular writing standard?
Gathering Ideas What can I do with the data from this protocol?
Similarities and Differences(How Does Your Garden Grow?)Professional Development Planning Page Purpose: To identify the core elements of each type of CCSS aligned writing (Opinion/Argument, Informative/Explanatory, Narrative). To refine and deepen understanding of grade level expectations in the CCSS . To trace a developmental progression in each type of writing required by the Common Core State Standards. Audience: K-12 educators, administrators, ELA and content area specialists Grouping: Groups of two or three, single or multiple grade levels Materials: Progression of student work from the On-Demand collection in a single writing type (see criteria below). Record Sheet CCSS Writing Standards for the writing type and grade levels being addressed Approximate Time:30 minutes- 2 hours Time needed for this activity will vary based on the grade levels of the pieces being analyzed. Elementary pieces are shorter, and can generally be read and analyzed in less than an hour. Middle and high school pieces, because of their length and complexity, generally require much more time. Advance Preparation: 1. Use the In Common Collection to create a packet of student work for each participant:
Learning by Example Overview: In this exercise, you will gain a better understanding of expectations at each grade level by annotating student samples using the words of the standards. Attaching descriptors to actual student writing will help clarify what each descriptor means at a particular grade level. Purpose: • To refine and deepen understanding of grade level expectations in the Writing Standards. • To become familiar with, and clarify, terminology used in the Standards.
Learning by Example Protocol 1. Choose a grade band text and locate the appropriate Writing Standard for Opinion/Argument W.1. Read and determine the descriptors. What are Descriptors? • Parts of a standard that help define student expectations. • The descriptors show that the standards are the rubric.
Learning by Example Continued 2. Annotate the student writing by finding and labeling examples of each descriptor in the standard. You may annotate by writing words and phrases in the margin or, where appropriate, by noting the lower case letter that appears before the descriptor in the standard.
GRADE 2 WRITING W.2.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Grade Band Texts K-2 “Opinion Essay” (Grade 2) pg. 93 3-5 “Wow I am glad we have zoo” (Grade 4) pg. 95 6-8 “We Need the League” (Grade 8) pg. 99 9-12 “Is It Love?” (Grade 9) pg. 101
GRADE 2 WRITING W.2.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
Learning by Example Continued 3. When you have finished, check your observations against the annotated version of the same piece. Be sure to note any questions you have.
Protocol 2 Reflection What did you learn from looking for the standards’ expectations in student writing? How will what you learn inform your instructional practices?
Gathering Ideas What can I do with the data from this protocol?
Learning by ExampleProfessional Development Planning Page Purpose: • To become familiar with the language and terminology used in the Common Core State Standards for writing. • To refine and deepen understanding of grade level expectations in the CCSS. Audience: K-12 educators, administrators, ELA and content area specialists Grouping: Groups of two or three, single or multiple grade levels Materials: • Set of 3-6 unannotated student pieces of a single writing type (Opinion/Argument, Informative/Explanatory or Narrative). These may be drawn from the On-Demand or Range of Writing pieces and may represent a single grade level or a range of grade levels. • Set of corresponding annotated pieces or internet access to In Common. • CCSS Writing Standards for the writing type and grade levels being addressed. Approximate Time: 30 minutes- 1 hour Time needed for this activity will vary based on the grade levels of the pieces being analyzed. Elementary pieces are shorter, and can generally be read and analyzed in less than an hour. Middle and high school pieces, because of their length and complexity, generally require much more time. Advance Preparation: 1. Use the In Common Collection to create a packet of student work for each participant:
Activity https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/build-student-vocabulary
Glow What If? What If? Grow
Colorful Language Overview: In this exercise, you will gain a better understanding of one aspect of the standards by color coding student samples that provide concrete examples of a descriptor or set of descriptors used in the Standards. Many descriptors are used repeatedly in the writing standards. Attaching descriptors to actual student writing will help clarify what each means at a particular grade level. Purpose: • To refine and deepen understanding of a particular aspect of effective writing. • To become familiar with, and clarify, terminology used in the Standards.
Colorful Language 1. Choose a piece in the packet and locate the grade appropriate Standard for Narrative writing (W.3). 2. Read the highlighted descriptor for the piece of writing you are focusing on and what colors you will need.
Colorful Language 3. Annotate the student writing by finding and color coding examples of the descriptors you are focusing on.