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Homeopathic medicinal product

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Homeopathic medicinal product

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  1. I.Ya. HORBACHEVCHY TERNOPIL STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITYDepartment of Pharmaceutical SciencesLection № 1Homeopathy in a modern health care system. The main principles of homeopathy, its explanation. Homoeopathic terminology.Classification of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of W.Schwabe.

  2. Homeopathycomes from the Greek words homeo,meaningsimilar, andpathos,meaningsufferingordisease. Homœopathy (commonly spelled Homeopathy) seeks to stimulate the body's ability to heal itself by giving very small doses of highly diluted substances. Homeopathy, already one of the most popular medical systems in the world, is making a resurgence in Australia. In the late nineteenth century Homeopathy was the preferred medicine of one in four doctors in Melbourne.

  3. Homeopathic medicinal product Homeopathic medicinal product – any medicinal product made of products, substances or compositions specified as homeopathic stocks in accordance with a homeopathic manufacturing procedure described by the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPh Ukraine) or the European Pharmacopoeia, or in the absence of such description – in the German Homeopathic (GHP), United States Pharmacopeia (HPUS), British Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (BHP), Schwabe’s Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Homeopathic medicinal product may also contain a number of active substances (principles).

  4. Historical overview of the development of Homeopathy Oldhomeopathic Belladonna remedy 1. The basic principle of homoeopathy as a system of medicine was recognized in ancient Greece by the physician Hippocrates (460-350 Before Cristmas) who is generally regarded as the father of medicine. He wrote "by similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like, it is cured". 2. Second only to Hippocrates among the founders of medicine was another Greek physician, Galen (130-200 A.D )skilled in anatomy and physiology, he wrote of natural cure by the likes, Galen was recognized as the authority in medicine for more than 1000 years, but during this time no significant progress was made.

  5. Historical overview of the development of Homeopathy Old bottle of Heparsulph made from calcium sulfide 3. During the 15-th and 16-th centuries when medicine was developing slowly as a scientific study, the Swiss physician and leading medical reformer, Dr.Theophastus Von Bombast (1493-1541 ), who adopted the pseudonym Paracelsus rejected the principle of opposite acting remedies and stated that same must be cured by same. He also believed that every diseased organ had its corresponding remedy in nature, like his predecessors however his reasoning was largely intuitive and lacked a precise scientific approach. 4. The first precise enunciation of the fundamental homoeopathic principle was given in early 17-th century by a Danish physician, Dr. George Stahl taking up the assumptions of Paracelsus. He wrote: "I am convinced that disease will yield to and be cured by remedies that produce similar affections"

  6. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) considered to be the father of Homeopathy

  7. Discovery of the modern system of Homoeopathy The founder of the modern system of homoeopathic treatment was a brilliant German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, born on the 10-th of April 1755 in the town of Meissen in Saxony (Eastern Germany) It was during this difficult time that Hahnemann performed an epoch-making experiment that was to lay the foundation for his new system of medicine – Homoeopathy. It arose when he was translating a book from English into German written by a distinguished Scottish physician, Dr.William Cullen "A treatise on Materia Medica". It was an account of a drug Cinchona or Peruvian bark (Cortex Peruvianus) which had been used for the treatment of malaria, first in South America and subsequently in Europe, which prompted the experiment, for several days he took large doses of the drug and carefully noted the symptoms:

  8. Discovery of the modern system of Homoeopathy • his feet and finger tips became cold, • he became drowsy, • his heart began to palpitate, • his pulse quickened, • he experienced trembling in all his limbs with a thirst • and redness of cheeks. The symptoms lasted only for a few hours and recurred each time he repeated the dose. Thus the drug cinchona, when taken by a healthy person induced symptoms similar to malaria, the very disease the drug was used to cure. Hahnemann noted in the book "cinchona bark" which is used as a remedy for intermittent fever in healthy people. He had established the basic precept of homoeopathy, fore shadowed by Hippocrates, Galen Stahl and Paracelsus.

  9. The main principles of Homeopathy Homeopathy is an effective, non-invasive system based on fixed laws and principles. Its scientific approach to aspects of disease includes: • the Law of Similar, • the Law of Dilution (Healing or small dose) • the principle of Potentisation. The basic concept of Homeopathy is treating like with likes, using remedies which are capable of producing in healthy person similar symptoms as those experienced by the patient.

  10. 1. - The Law of Similars The basic principle of Homoeopathy Dr. Hahnemann expanded to "SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR“. The principle "like cures like” states that a disease can be cured by a substance that produces similar symptoms in healthy people. This idea, which can be traced back to Hippocrates, was further developed by Hahnemann after he repeatedly ingested cinchona bark, a popular treatment for malaria, and found that he developed the symptoms of the disease. Hahnemann theorized that if a substance could cause disease symptoms in a healthy person, small amounts could cure a sick person who had similar symptoms. For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy.

  11. 2. - The Law of Healing (the law of minimum dose) The principle of dilutions states that the lower the dose of the medication, the greater its effectiveness. The doses used in homoeopathy are so small that they cannot be accused of acting, directly on the physical body. Hahnemann considered that they acted dynamically, that the energy of the remedy stimulates the natural healing energy of the body, if it was in a state of disharmony in order to its return to its former healthy state. The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.

  12. 3. – the principle of Potentisation strengthening the power of a remedy (in the homeopathic senses) by succussion. In homeopathy, substances are diluted in a stepwise fashion and shaken vigorously between each dilution. This process, referred to as "potentization," is believed to transmit some form of information or energy from the original substance to the final diluted remedy. Most homeopathic remedies are so dilute that no molecules of the healing substance remain; however, in homeopathy, it is believed that the substance has left its imprint or "essence," which stimulates the body to heal itself (this theory is called the "memory of water").

  13. The choice of homeopathic medicines Homeopaths treat people based on genetic and personal health history, body type, and current physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Patient visits tend to be lengthy. Treatments are "individualized" or tailored to each person – it is not uncommon for different people with the same condition to receive different treatments. There are many chemical compounds that are used for homoeopathic remedies. Homoeopathic remedies have been used for some 200 years to treat a wide variety of illnesses safely and effectively. Hahnemann believed that the body contains an innate power to heal itself; he called this the vital force. He believed that when a person is ill this force becomes disordered and that homoeopathic medicines are able to restore it in a unique way. The choice of medicines depends on the symptoms that are present and is called the symptom medicine.

  14. The Single Remedy No matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms. Similar principals forms the basis of conventional allergy treatment, where the allergic substance is given in a small dose, and in vaccines where an impotent form of the virus is given to bolster the immune system against that particular virus.

  15. Why use Homeopathics? • Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent. • Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects. • Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients. • Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs) • Homeopathic remedies are not addictive - once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong homeopathic remedy. • Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.

  16. Homeopathy and conventional (allopathic) medicine Allopathic medicine has achieved significant leaps in preserving both the quality and longevity of life, and it is important to recognize this contribution. A world wide vaccination program by the WHO has eradicated smallpox; Insulin has enabled many type I diabetics to control their condition; antibiotics, though not without their own problems, can render potentially lethal infections harmless. There are many homeopaths who frown on the entire spectrum of allopathic medicine, though in practice, a more balanced approach is often more effective. It is unwise, for example, for an insulin dependent diabetic to discontinue their insulin. However, conventional medicine is a wide label, and not all conventional medicine is beneficial. While in many cases symptoms are relieved, cured, or prevented many allopathic medicines can do a lot of harm to your body.

  17. Homeopathy and conventional medicine The symptoms of a disease, for a Homeopath, are your body's attempt to cure itself. By contrast, conventional medicine often works by suppressing your body's natural reactions, for example: • A cough is usually the result of foreign bodies in the lungs; the muscles spasm in an attempt to remove it. Cough medicine simply stops this reflex. • A headache tablet is a painkiller and simply suppresses the feeling of pain, leaving the body to undergo whatever torment it was before, but divorced from our consciousness. This is a very bad thing. For example, many headaches are due to dehydration - once the headache isn't felt, the patient no longer feels the need to stop running around, working up a sweat and dehydrating further. • The conventional approach to treating infections is antibiotics. Antibiotics simply eat other bacteria. Our body also has bacteria that serve the same function (indeed, there are many types of bacteria naturally occurring in the body, all of which are beneficial) alas these are also consumed by antibiotics. In addition, a widespread concern is that bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. • Antidepressants generally work by blocking emotional responses. Unlike homeopathic remedies, dependence builds up quickly, and once a course of antidepressants has begun, it is often a step down a long, slippery slope to dependency.

  18. Homeopathy and conventional medicine Conventional medicine is a very blunt instrument. Part of its success lies in this very general nature. The sheer numbers of possible factors that need to be considered for effective treatment with homeopathic remedies have meant that it has required a long and often expensive consultation with a trained specialist. In contrast, regardless of the type of pain, or even where it is, the conventional relief is a pain killer. Compare that to homeopathy – in our remedy finder database, we describe nearly 5,000 types of headaches. The approach of conventional medicine denies our body's efforts to heal itself and damages these systems. Homeopathy does not work in the same way; how it does work remains a mystery. Chemists have concluded that in the very high homeopathic potencies there is actually none of the original substance left. Theories explaining homeopathy have been put forward, resting on vibrations, electromagnetism, or the memory of water.

  19. Properties of allopathic and homeopathic remedies

  20. Allopathic and homeopathic remedies as they affect patients

  21. Controversies Regarding Homeopathy Homeopathy is a controversial area of CAM because a number of its key concepts are not consistent with established laws of science (particularly chemistry and physics). Critics think it is implausible that a remedy containing a miniscule amount of an active ingredient (sometimes not a single molecule of the original compound) can have any biological effect – beneficial or otherwise. For these reasons, critics argue that continuing the scientific study of homeopathy is not worthwhile. Others point to observational and anecdotal evidence that homeopathy does work and argue that it should not be rejected just because science has not been able to explain it.

  22. Use Homeopathy in the USA According to the 2007 National Health Interview Survey, which included a comprehensive survey of complementary and alternative medicine. A group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. People use homeopathy for a range of health concerns, from wellness and prevention, to the treatment of diseases and conditions such as allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, digestive disorders, ear infections, headaches, and skin rashes.

  23. Regulation of Homeopathic Treatments Homeopathic remedies are prepared according to the guidelines of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS), which was written into law in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in 1938. Homeopathic remedies are regulated in the same manner as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. However, because homeopathic products contain little or no active ingredients, they do not have to undergo the same safety and efficacy testing as prescription and new OTC drugs. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does require that homeopathic remedies meet certain legal standards for strength, purity, and packaging. The labels on the remedies must include at least one major indication (i.e., medical problem to be treated), a list of ingredients, the dilution, and safety instructions. In addition, if a homeopathic remedy claims to treat a serious disease such as cancer, it needs to be sold by prescription. Only products for self-limiting conditions (minor health problems like a cold or headache that go away on their own) can be sold without a prescription.

  24. Regulation of Homeopathic Treatments Most analyses of the research on homeopathy have concluded that there is little evidence to support homeopathy as an effective treatment for any specific condition, and that many of the studies have been flawed. However, there are some individual observational studies, randomized placebo-controlled trials, and laboratory research that report positive effects or unique physical and chemical properties of homeopathic remedies. The regulation and prevalence of homeopathy is highly variable from country to country. There are no specific legal regulations concerning its use in some countries, while in others, licenses or degrees in conventional medicine from accredited universities are required. In several countries, homeopathy is covered by the national insurance to different extents, while in some it is fully integrated into the national healthcare system. In many countries, the laws that govern the regulation and testing of conventional drugs do not apply to homeopathic remedies.

  25. Side Effects and Risks • A systematic review found that homeopathic remedies in high dilution, taken under the supervision of trained professionals, are generally considered safe and unlikely to cause severe adverse reactions. • Liquid homeopathic remedies may contain alcohol. The FDA allows higher levels of alcohol in these remedies than it allows in conventional drugs. However, no adverse effects from alcohol levels have been reported to the FDA. • Homeopaths expect some of their patients to experience homeopathic aggravation (a temporary worsening of existing symptoms after taking a homeopathic prescription). Researchers have not found much evidence of this reaction in clinical studies; however, research on homeopathic aggravations is scarce. • Homeopathic remedies are not known to interfere with conventional drugs; however, if you are considering using homeopathic remedies, you should discuss this with your health care provider first.

  26. Homeopathic repertory by James Tyler Kent.

  27. History of Dr. Willmar Schwabe Although Hahnemann had left behind a wide range of knowledge and a guide to manufacture homoeopathic remedies in his “Organon of Healing“, “Materia Medica Pura“ and “Chronic Diseases”, he did not leave behind detailed methods required for large-scale manufacture. It was the young German pharmacist Dr. Willmar Schwabe (1839-1917) who was so dissatisfied with this situation that he set out to develop analytical methods and to define pharmaceutical technical processes. He introduced quality controls and organised the cultivation of his own medical plants. In 1872 Dr. Schwabe produced the standard work for homoeopathic pharmaceuticals – the “PharmacopoeaHomoeopathicaPolyglottica”, which gave minutely detailed instructions on the production of homoeopathic preparations. Soon, Schwabe’s work gained world-wide importance and was translated into many languages, like English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian. It was published in rapid sequences, appearing in the 5th (1901) to the 9th (1912) edition as the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia and thus became legally binding in Germany.

  28. Pharmacopoea Homoeopathica Polyglottawritten by Dr. Willmar Schwabe

  29. Structure of W. Schwabe’s Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia GENERAL PART A. Homeopathic Pharmacy. Rules of storage and the registration to issue. B. Technology of preparation of homeopathic medicines. Section I. Preparation of medicines from herbal raw and animal tissues: § 1. Methods of preparation of essences and tinctures. § 2. Essences prepared from equal parts of juice and 90 % ethanol. § 3. Essences prepared from 1 weight part of juice and 2 weight parts 90 % ethanol. § 4. Tinctures prepared with 10 weight parts ethanol and 1 weight part of dry herbal raw or animal tissue. Section II. Preparation of medicines from minerals and chemical compounds: § 5. The aqueous solutions. § 6. The alcoholic solutions. § 7. Preparation of powder trituration from dry substances. Section III. Preparation of medicinal trituration from liquids different origin: § 8. Preparation of trituration of liquids. § 9. Preparation of trituration of essences and tinctures. The decimal and centesimal scale. Preparation of dilutions of the various medicines: a. Dilution of the liquid substance. b. Preparation of the powder trituration. c. Preparation of the liquid dilutions of trituration. Technology of preparation of pellets. Preparation of tablets. Preparation of ointments, oils, opodeldoces, alcohols and suppository. Equipments and apparatus. Indifferent substances Nomenclature C. General methods for the study of homeopathic medicines a. Methods for the study liquid preparations b. General methods of investigation trituration SPECIAL PARTS. Basic remedies.

  30. Homoeopathic terminology

  31. Homoeopathic terminology

  32. Homoeopathic terminology

  33. Homoeopathic terminology

  34. Homoeopathic terminology

  35. Homoeopathic terminology

  36. The rules of Prescription The writing of prescriptions falls exclusively within the duties of the physician. He prefers to prepare and dispense his own medicines, he should exercise the greatest care and exactitude in giving his instructions to the pharmacist who is to be governed by them. Not the slightest doubt should exist concerning the physician's directions. Abbreviations. While these facilitate the writing of prescriptions they do not add to their intelligibility, and hence should only be used in strict obedience to rules of abbreviation. Legibility is absolutely necessary in the writing of prescriptions, to avoid errors and waste of time. It is also desirable that physicians of different countries should write prescriptions in Latin, with which all pharmacists are sufficiently acquainted.

  37. The rules of Prescription 1. The name of the medicine is to be plainly written, preferably in Latin. 2. The form should next be stated as indicated in the examples given below, denning carefully by the signs in use whether 'a tincture, dilution, or trituration is desired. This is done by adding the abbreviation tinct. or <f>, dil., trit., or, in case of either of the latter, to the number of the dilution or trituration the sign x or c (decimal or centesimal scale) as an exponent ; e. g., 3x, 6x, 3c, etc. 3. If the medicated moulded form is desired, this is also to be plainly stated in words ; e. g., tablets, pellets, cones, etc. Such medicated powder or moulded preparation is best expressed in plain words, or, if preferred, the number with its exponent may be marked with line as explained under Tincture Triturations ; e. g., ^ indicating a medicated preparation of milk-sugar. 4. The quantity should also be stated explicitly in the usual signs of metric or apothecaries' weight, or in words. 5. The dose and its frequency of repetition is plainly to be written under the head of Signa or Directions.

  38. Note ! Homeopathy is a form of medicine that helps your body heal itself Homeopathic medicine is safe and has been chosen for you individually, so it should not be given to anyone else, even if they have similar symptoms Thank you for attention!

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