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Are All World Beliefs The Same?

Are All World Beliefs The Same?. Is God a Person? Is God Personal? How is God revealed? Is God concerned with life here on earth? What does God require of us? Does God Communicate? If so, what is communicated? Can we know our standing with God? What is known of the afterlife?

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Are All World Beliefs The Same?

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  1. Are All World Beliefs The Same? • Is God a Person? • Is God Personal? • How is God revealed? • Is God concerned with life here on earth? • What does God require of us? • Does God Communicate? • If so, what is communicated? • Can we know our standing with God? • What is known of the afterlife? • What can we know of the future?

  2. Biblical Christianity • He is One God in three persons. • He is personal. • The observable world and His Word • He is concerned, and made a way and means of salvation. • To walk in fellowship with Him and know Him • Direct, through Prophets, Angels, His word and personally in Jesus. • Origins, Justice, Judgement, Gospel, Future Things. • We can know if we are accepted of The Father at any time. • Heaven and who is there is known, with detail. • The Future is known and His return is clearly described in scripture.

  3. Islam • Allah is one God. • Allah is essentially impersonal. • The writings and teachings attributed to Mohammad . • He is unconcerned, and distant. • Obedience and submission. (Islam) • Directly through Mohammad and traditions. • How to conduct oneself in service to Allah. • There is no sure way to gain entrance to paradise, it is solely works based. • Heaven (Paradise) is the future of some faithful but Allah is not present. • The Future is somewhat known and tradition tells more that the Quran.

  4. Hinduism • 33 Million gods, several are prominent. The ultimate expression is impersonal. • Impersonal and believers sacrifice to hopefully find favor. • The observable world, calamity and prosperity. • Not necessarily, aside from their perceived meddling. • Nothing. Pursuit of self gets removed through cycles of reincarnation. • Numerous writings, not in the name of God, but of precepts. • How to conduct oneself on earth to reach Nirvana. (Blowing Out) • No need, all on the path eventually get to an end of cycles. • Same Answer As 8. • Same Answer As 8.

  5. Buddhism • God is not a person, there are no personal deities in Buddhism. • The concept of a personal God does not apply, “God” is more of a force. • The observable world, and whatever can be determined through meditation. • No, since a force is by nature unconcerned. • Nothing. Pursuit of self gets removed through cycles of reincarnation. • Writings of countless people and sects, not in the name of God, but precepts. • How to conduct oneself on earth to reach Nirvana. (Blowing Out) • No need, all on the path eventually get to an end of cycles. • Same Answer As 8. • Same Answer As 8.

  6. Secular Humanism • Atheistic. • Atheistic. • There is no God, there is nothing to reveal. • No, morality and acceptable conduct is determined by society. • Nothing. There is no God and no life after death. • No, most all Secular Humanists are atheists, but for some agnostics. • Man is his own authority, man is god. • Not Applicable. • No existence after death. • No, so the Secular Humanist lives in the moment.

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