What is the need for contact between man and creator? • God being invisible and beyond all physical perception, it was necessary to have some means of contact between man and God: otherwise it would not be possible to follow the Divine will as God is the creator not only of our bodies, but also of our souls. It is He Who has given us the moral conscience, and the means we employ to guide us in the right path.
The human spirit is capable of both good and evil inspirations. Among the common folk it is possible that good people receive sometimes-evil inspirations and bad people good inspirations. Inspirations may come from someone other than God, which enables our reason to distinguish between that which is celestial and worthy of following, and that, which is diabolic and fit to be shunned.
Allah has created Angels out of light and gave them various duties to perform. . They are not visible to us. . They do not commit any sins nor do they disobey Allah. . They do what Allah has ordered. . We do not know their exact number.
Prominent Angels, • We know of four famous Angels. They are: • Hazrat JIBRAEEL Alayhis Salaam. • Hazrat MICHAEEL Alayhis Salaam. • Hazrat IZRAAELL Alayhis Salaam. • Hazrat ISRAFEEL Alayhis Salaam.
Hazrat JIBRAEEL(A.S.) • Hazrat JIBRAEEL (Alayhis-Salaam) brought Allah's Books, Orders and messages to all the Prophets. He was also sent to help the Prophets at times and fight against their enemies. 8. Hazrat MICHAAEEL (A.S.) is in charge of food and rain. Other Angels work under him who are in charge of clouds, the seas, the rivers and the winds. He gets the order from Allah. He then orders the others under his command.
Hazrat IZRAAEEL (A.S.) • Hazrat IZRAAEEL (A.S.) takes away life with the order of Allah. He is in charge of death. Numerous Angels work under him. Some take away the lives of good persons whilst others looking very fearful take away the lives of sinners and disbelievers. 10. Hazrat ISRAAFEEL (A.S.) will blow the SOOR (TRUMPET) on the DAY OF JUDGMENT. The sound will destroy and kill everything that is on earth and in the skies. When he blows for the second time all will come to life with the order of Allah.
Angels are also recorders… • . There are two Angels that are always with every person. One writes all his GOOD DEEDS whilst the other enters all his BAD DEEDS. They are known as :- KIRAAMAN-KAATIBEEN. . The MUNKAR and NAKEER question a person when he dies. . Some Angels are in charge of HEAVEN, some of HELL, some of looking after children, the old ,the weak and others whom Allah wishes to protect. . From the QURAN and HADITH we come to know that various other angels are in charge of various other duties.