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University of Waterloo Salary Administration

Agenda:. Provost's Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC)Hay Evaluation SystemAnnual Staff Salary Increase ProgramFrequently Asked QuestionsTime for Questions/Discussion. Provost's Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC):. Four Staff Association representativesFour Administra

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University of Waterloo Salary Administration

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Presentation Transcript

    1. University of Waterloo Salary Administration October 2009

    2. Agenda: Provost�s Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC) Hay Evaluation System Annual Staff Salary Increase Program Frequently Asked Questions Time for Questions/Discussion

    3. Provost�s Advisory Committee on Staff Compensation (PACSC): Four Staff Association representatives Four Administration representatives Manager, Salary Administration - Resource Responsible for revising and overseeing compensation-related policies and programs such as: salaries (policy 5), overtime (policy 16), paid holidays (policy 38), vacation (policy 6) and structural changes to the annual salary adjustment

    4. Role of Human Resources: Human Resources takes direction from the PACSC committee on the interpretation and implementation of policies and programs related to Salary Administration

    5. Hay Evaluation Method: A point-factor system which evaluates: skill (Know How) effort (Problem Solving) responsibility (Accountability) working conditions

    6. A Hay Job Evaluation is Comprised of: the knowledge required to do the job whether practical or intellectual (Know How) the kind and amount of thinking required to solve the problems which the job commonly faces (Problem Solving) the responsibilities assigned (Accountability) the work environment in which the job is performed (Working Conditions)

    7. How is the Evaluation Done? the manager submits written request to HR along with an accurate, comprehensive, current job description Staff Relations Co-ordinator: interviews manager and staff member conducts research into comparable UW positions discusses the result with manager who conveys to staff

    8. Frequently Asked Questions: My job has changed significantly. Should it be reviewed? My job hasn�t been reviewed for a numbers of years. What should I do? What if my manager doesn�t agree with the result?

    9. Annual Staff Salary Increase Program: all annual increases are based on merit there are no across the board/Cost of Living increases job-values are increased by an amount recommended by the PACSC after reviewing relevant data, which may include market movement, consumer price index (CPI), national survey data and funding

    10. Performance Appraisals:

    11. How Do Performance Ratings Correspond to Salary Increases?

    12. Need to Know More? For complete descriptions of each rating see the Performance Appraisal documentation on the Human Resources website: http://www.hr.uwaterloo.ca/work/appraisal/appraisal.html

    13. Salary Range:

    14. The Range for USG 6 Looks Like This:

    15. The departmental merit pool. Salary increases have two components: basic increase which can�t be adjusted supplementary increase Staff members receive salary increases based on their performance appraisal rating and their position in the salary range (compa-ratio). Individual Salary Increases:

    16. Some Additional Comments: basic increase may not be changed by department head staff members with compa-ratios over their performance goals will receive less than the range adjustment staff members with compa-ratios less than their performance goals will receive more than the range adjustment system has been designed to mitigate the effects of �lavish� and �stingy� evaluators staff members who have reached their performance goal will receive the range adjustment

    17. More Frequently Asked Questions: 1. What do I do if I don�t like my performance rating? 2. My manager hasn�t given me my performance review, what should I do? 3. I didn�t receive the range adjustment, why? 4. How long will it take to reach my target? 5. What happens when I reach my target?

    18. Other Salary Questions: 6. What happens if I�m promoted to another job? 7. What happens if I transfer to another job? 8. I�m performing the duties of a staff who is on maternity leave. Should I get paid more? 9. I�m seconded to a project for over a year, what can happen?

    19. For More Information: Contact: Alfrieda Swainston, extension 32950 Peggy Karitsiotis, extension 36645 your Staff Relations Coordinator http://www.hr.uwaterloo.ca/

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