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Cubesat Deorbiting Device fINAL Presentation

Cubesat Deorbiting Device fINAL Presentation. Joshua Laub Jake Tynis Lindsey Andrews Advisor: Dr. Robert Ash. Background. Small, lightweight satellites Orbital energies as high as 29 MJ! NASA/IADC (UN) Guideline: Orbital lifetime of 25 years or less

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Cubesat Deorbiting Device fINAL Presentation

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  1. Cubesat Deorbiting DevicefINAL Presentation Joshua Laub Jake Tynis Lindsey Andrews Advisor: Dr. Robert Ash

  2. Background • Small, lightweight satellites • Orbital energies as high as 29 MJ! • NASA/IADC (UN) Guideline: Orbital lifetime of 25 years or less • Our Objective: Demonstrate proof of concept deorbiting device using inflation

  3. Where We Are Thus Far • We have designed and fabricated the inflatable container • Sourced materials for constructing a flight ready prototype • Procured the necessary individual components to assemble a proof of concept prototype • Analyzed the orbit with STK orbital software to confirm the inflatable size necessary • Conducted inflation tests to develop an effective folding technique

  4. Container Lid • Further testing of the integrated product requires a simulation of the rupturing membrane • Must provide temporary rigidity to restrain stowed inflatable, while allow access to inflation port • Must also cleanly tear and not restrict inflation 10 cm 4 cm

  5. Final Deployment Test • Conducted in the Physics Instrumentation Lab VIDEo

  6. Bonus Objectives • Remote control valve actuation • More accurately simulates the actual initiation method • On orbit initiation would be triggered from the main CubeSat bus

  7. Bonus Objectives • Vacuum chamber • Physics Department vacuum chamber is currently undergoing a retrofit • This will allow for vacuum testing in pressures as low as less than 1 millibar (Patm = 1013.5 millibar) • Additionally, this vacuum chamber can be utilized by the Physics Department for various other student projects

  8. Costs

  9. Scheduling • We had projected we would complete the project 4/21/2011 • The final test was conducted 4/20/2011 ( ! )

  10. Future Progress: Where Do We Go From Here? • Investigation of different folding methods • Folding affects speed and ease of inflation • Low pressure deployments • Accurately simulate operational environment • Elaborate on the influence of pressure on membrane rupture • Scaling down of valve • Development of custom fabricated inflatable • Refinement of rupturing membrane

  11. Conclusions • Goals were met • Extras • Remote valve actuation • Vacuum chamber for future testing • Challenges remain • Packaging • Custom inflatable • Scaling down of valve

  12. Sources • 1. California Polytechnic, State University. CubeSat Design Specification Rev.12. • 2. Pumpkin, Inc. CubeSat Kit. [Online] 2008. http://www.cubesatkit.com/. • 3. R. Janovsky, M. Kassebom, H. Lubberstedt, O. Romberg.END-OF-LIFE DE-ORBITING Strategies for Satellites. Bremen : OHB System AG, 2002. • 4. Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Office for Outer Space Affairs. Vienna : United Nations, 2010. • 5. IADC.Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines. s.l. : IADC, 2007. Standard. • 6. Development of a Generic Inflatable De-Orbit Device for CubeSats. D.C. Maessen, E.D. van Breukelen, B.T.C. Zandbergen, O.K. Bergsma. • 7. Design Considerations for CubeSat Inflatable Deorbit Devices in Low Earth Orbit. Lokcu, Eser. 2010, Old Dominion University. • 8. DuPont. Summary of Properties for Kapton Polymide Films. [Online] http://www2.dupont.com/Kapton/en_US/assets/downloads/pdf/summaryofprop.pdf. • 9. Bradford Engineering. Sold Propellant Cool Gas Generator. [Online] 2006. http://www.bradford-space.com/pdf/be_datasheet_spcgg_sep2006.pdf. • 10. Clippard Instrument Laboratory, Inc. www.Clippard.com. [Online] 2011. • 11. Bate, Roger R, Mueller, Donald D and White, Jerry E.Fundamentals of Astrodynamics. New York : Dover Publications, Inc., 1971. • 12. Chattopadhyay, Somnath.Pressure Vessels: Design and Practice. Boca Raton : CRC, 2005. • 13. Wacker Chemie AG. [Online] [Cited: December 1, 2010.] http://www.wacker.com/cms/en/products-markets/trademarks/elastosil/elastosil.jsp. • 14. RobotShop. [Online] [Cited: November 30, 2010.] http://www.robotshop.com/. • 15. McMaster Carr. [Online] [Cited: November 27, 2010.] http://www.mcmaster.com/#aluminum/=a2cdo0.

  13. Thank you for your time! • Questions?

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