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Deserted Deserts. Sand Camel and Jack Scorpion Period 7 Earth Science Honors Dr. Houghton Dec 22, 2010. Glossary. Great Basin. Great Victoria. Mallee Lunettes Hot Desert. Perennial Annual Semi-Arid Desert. Figure 1. Great Basin Desert (thegreatsitting.com 2004).
Deserted Deserts Sand Camel and Jack Scorpion Period 7 Earth Science Honors Dr. Houghton Dec 22, 2010
Glossary Great Basin Great Victoria Mallee Lunettes Hot Desert • Perennial • Annual • Semi-Arid Desert Figure 1. Great Basin Desert (thegreatsitting.com 2004) Figure 2. The Great Victoria Desert (Exprim Tours Australia 2003)
Objective/Purpose The purpose of this project is to acquire information about deserts precisely the Great Basin Desert and the Great Victoria Desert, as well as informing viewers about specific factors such as: Physical Features Impact of human activity Abiotic and biotic factors and their effects Brief historical background
Location Figure 3. Location of Great Basin Desert and Great Victoria Desert in the world (Geology.com 2010)
Introduction: Great Basin Desert Figure 4. Close up view of the Great Basin Desert Location in the U.S. (nps.gov 2009) Location: USA (nps.gov 2009) Latitude and Longitude: 40°N & 117°W (MapXL 2010) 190,000 Square Miles (nps.gov 2009) Semi-Arid Desert (EnchantedLeaning.com 2010)
Introduction: Great Basin Desert Cont. Figure 5. Fremont Indian Cave Drawing (Eddins 2010) • History: • Desert formation • Past residents • Temperature & Climate: • Precipitation: 7-12 inches • Average Temperature: 61 degrees (nps.gov 2009)
SUPRISING FACT! • First North American transcontinental railroad Figure 6. First North American Transcontinental railroad route (Gemstone 2010) Figure 7. The train from the first North American transcontinental railroad
Introduction: Great Victoria Desert Location: Australia (Bradtkse 2010) Latitude and Longitude: 29°S & 126°E (Mapsofworld.com 2008) Stretches 450 miles from South State to Western State (Bradtkse 2010) Hot Desert (Bradtkse 2010) Figure 8. Exact location highlighted of Great Victoria Desert in Australia (Anwar 2010)
Introduction: Great Victoria Desert Cont. Figure 9. The Great Victoria Desert (World Wildlife Fund 2010) • History: • Desert Formation • Residents • Temperature & Climate: • Precipitation: 200 – 250 mm per year • Temperature: Winter 20-25°C Summer 90-105 °F
SUPRISING FACTS! • Origin of the Great Victoria Desert name Figure 11. Ernest Giles (ANU 2006) Figure .10 Queen Victoria of Great Britain (Mackey 2008)
Method and Materials • Laptops from the GHS mobile cart • Microsoft Office PowerPoint • Numerous websites online Method: All of the information and figures were collected from online sources. The notes were then gathered and organized to construct an informational PowerPoint about the Great Basin Desert and the Great Victoria Desert. Materials:
Landforms (Nussbaum 2010) (GFDL 2005)
The Earth-Sci Times THE WORLD’S CHOICE OF INFORMATION - Since The Beginning of Time www.earthsvcirox.com Great Basin to have ‘rocky’ battle with surrounding mountains? • -One of many abiotic factors that could affect the Great Basin desert. • Picture Source: • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f7/Stella_Lake_Great_Basin.jpg Figure 12. The Great Basin Desert(Wikimedia 2010)
Great Basin Desert Organisms Figure 13. Sagebrush (Wegner 2010) Figure 14. Mule Deer (Wallpaper.searchrealm.com 2010) Figure 15. Dung Beetle (Red planet Inc. 2010) (Biology.ed.ac.uk 2010)
Great Basin Biotic Factors Figure 16. Cheatgrass (m.montana.edu 2007) • Cheatgrass (annual) • Replace many perennial grasses • Fire risk (Biology.ed.ac.uk 2010)
Impact of Human Society on The Great Basin Desert Figure 17. Las Vegas Sign (Isle B. Stitching 2009) Developments Populated areas compared to Great Victoria Desert
Great Victoria’s Abiotic Affects Transformation to biotic life Figure 18. Great Victoria Desert After Rainfall (www.terrain.org 2010)
Great Victoria Desert Organisms Figure 19. Hummock (cossa 2010) Figure 20. Thornbill (Ozanimals.com 2010)
Impact of Humans on The Great Victoria Desert • Tourists • Feral Animals • Nuclear Testing Areas
Conclusion Similarities and Differences between the two deserts Impact of Humans on these terrains Physical features and formation of deserts
Works Cited "Australia Latitude and Longitude, Latitude and Longitude of Australia, Australia Latitude, Latitude/Longitude of Australia, Australia Longitude, Latitude and Longitude of Important Cities of Australia." World Map, Map of the World. Web. 05 Apr. 2010. <http://www.mapsofworld.com/lat_long/australia/australia-lat-long-g.html>. "Australia Map." GMT: Greenwich Mean Time - World Time / Time in Every Time Zone. Web. 05 Apr. 2010. <http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.co.uk/time-zone/australia/map.htm>. Bird. Digital image. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.cossa.csiro.au/hswww/oz_pi/hyperweb/gislayers/Kun8.htm>. Cropweeds. Digital image. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.ipm.montana.edu/cropweeds/Extension/weed%20species%20-not%20every%20file%20is%20here-/Downy%20brome.htm>. "Desert Animal Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com." ENCHANTED LEARNING HOME PAGE. Web. 05 Apr. 2010. <http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/desert/desert.shtml>. Desert. Digital image. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.terrain.org/articles/16/cribb_latham_ryder.htm>. Deserts. Digital image. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A040278b.htm>. Digital image. Cottonwood. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.thefurtrapper.com/images/Fremont%20Cottonwood%20Panel.jpg>. Digital image. Great Victoria Desert. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.thegreatsitting.com/mikejournal/archives/000026.html>. Digital image. Great Victoria. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.panoramio.com/photo/21695174>. Digital image. Http://www.desertmuseum.org/desert/habitats_GBasinDes.php. Web. Digital image. Web. <http://jmackey68.wordpress.com/2008/12/10/breaking-news-victoria-dead/>. Dung Beetles. Digital image. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.cirrusimage.com/beetles_dung.htm>. "Encyclopedia.stateuniversity." Great Basin. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://encyclopedia.stateuniversity.com/pages/9082/Great-Basin.html#ixzz0jxVfBi67>. "GREAT BASIN DESERT." Biological Sciences Home | School of Biological Sciences. Web. 05 Apr. 2010. <http://www.biology.ed.ac.uk/research/groups/jdeacon/desbiome/basin.htm>. Great Basin. Digital image. Http://www.desertmuseum.org/desert/habitats_GBasinDes.php. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. Great Basin. Digital image. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <http://www.exprim.com.au/gvd.php>. "Great Basin National Park - History & Culture (U.S. National Park Service)." U.S. National Park Service - Experience Your America. Web. 05 Apr. 2010. <http://www.nps.gov/grba/historyculture/index.htm>. Great Basin. Web. 5 Apr. 2010. <Great Basin - Geology, Flora and Fauna, History, Present Habitation http://encyclopedia.stateuniversity.com/pages/9082/Great-Basin.html#ixzz0jxW48ZXD>.
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Acknowledgements The sun Lipton Green Tea Our Parents