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Agenda for the Core-CT Project Financials User Group Meeting in November 2004, including reminders, updates, month-end cleanup, review of PO reconcile/close, and AP processes.
STATE OF CONNECTICUTCore-CT Project Financials User Group MeetingPO / AP November 2004
Agenda Purchasing • Reminders and Updates • Month-End Cleanup • Review of PO Reconcile/Close [ BREAK ] Accounts Payable • Reminders and Updates • Review of Withholding Procedures • Closing Periods in AP
PO Updates Critical Reminders • Ordering with Sysco • Timing Your Sysco Orders Up and Coming • PO Reconciliation/Close Labs • SP-2 Testing….Shipmates Needed
Ordering with Sysco Online Demonstration
Ordering with Sysco Timing - • Approvals/Workflow • Budget Checking • Order Dispatch • Order Receipt at Sysco • Sysco scheduled Delivery Dates • KaBOOMS
Requisition Workflow RequesterCreatesRequisitionOnline Requisition Amount Approver 3 Requisition Amount Approver 2 Requisition Amount Approver1 • All transactions • Approve up to $2,500 - All transactions exceeding $2,500 Approve to $10,000 • All transactions exceeding $10K • Approve to $1mm Requisition Amount Approver 4 Requisition Budget Approver Purchase Order Sent to Vendor Requisition Purchasing Approver - all transactions regardless of amount - Validates chartfield information - all transactions regardless of amount - Validates purchase information (General Buyer) Name prints on PO - Automated batch processing creates PO and sends to vendor • all transactions exceeding $1M • Approve over $1mm Additional Approval can be inserted at any time during the Approval process. Workflow runs every 15 minutes
Budget Timing REQUISITIONS – Req’s must be Approvedto be eligible for budget checking • 10:00 am, Noon, 2:00pm, Overnight • Ad-hoc batch process run by users • Ad-hoc transaction budget checking
PO Calc/Create Timing PO CALC/CREATE - Process runs after the Requisition hassuccessfully passed Budget Check • a little after 10:00 am, Noon, 2:00pm, Overnight
Typical PO Dispatch Timing DISPATCH – Process runs after the PO has been created • a little after 10:00 am, Noon, 2:00pm, Overnight
PO Dispatch Timing Sysco • DISPATCH – • Process runs after the PO has been createdManually kicked off by Production Support 2 times per day • Prior to 9:00 am • Prior to Noon (This means sending the POs to Integration Incorporated the Vendor who pushes the file to Sysco)
PO Receipt Timing Sysco Sysco receives the Purchase OrdersOnce per day Sysco imports the file into theirorder entry system • 9:00 am
Ordering with Sysco No Problems Encountered 1.Agency has a Sysco-ScheduledDelivery Date for Wednesday 2. Requisition should be entered on Thursday, and fully: - Approved - Budget Checked - PO Calc/Created 3. Friday prior to 9:00 am PO is dispatched to Sysco 4. Friday the PO is created in the Sysco ordering system 5. Tuesday the orders should be picked and placed on Sysco delivery truck 6. Wednesday the truck shows at the Agency’s delivery dock
Ordering with Sysco - Timeline No Problems Encountered 2.Thursday 1. 3. FridayBefore 9am 4. Friday 6. Wednesday 5. Tuesday
Ordering with Sysco KaBOOM Problems Encountered 1. Agency has a Sysco-Scheduled Delivery Date for Wednesday 2 Requisition should be entered on Thursday, and fully: - Approved - Budget Checked - PO Calc/Created 3. Friday prior to 9am PO is dispatched to Sysco KaBOOM may occur (Wrong Account Number or missing data) 4. Monday prior to 9am PO is re-dispatched to Sysco 5. Monday PO is created in the Sysco ordering system 6. Tuesday the orders should be picked and placed on Sysco delivery truck 7. Wednesday the truck shows at the Agency’s delivery dock
Ordering with Sysco - Timeline KaBOOM Problems Encountered
when Ordering with Sysco KaBOOM
when Ordering with Sysco KaBOOM
when Ordering with Sysco KaBOOM
Month End Cleanup Critical Reminders • Close and Reconcile POs Monthly • Reconciliation Workbench is a Powerful tool • Review the “Will my PO Qualify for Closing” Job Aid Procedures • Review the “Using PO Reconciliation Workbench” Job Aid Procedures • Clean up all Match Exceptions
Month End Cleanup Job Aids • http://www.core-ct.state.ct.us/user/finjobaids/purchasing.htm • Using the PO Reconciliation Workbench • Will my PO Qualify for Closing Reports PO Balance Report
Month End Cleanup Steps • Review Job Aides • Run PO Balance Report (monthly) • Analyze Results of the Report • Confirm with Requesting Unit and/or Accounts Payable that the PO needs to be closed • Do a PO Change Order to bring down the balance of the PO to what was expended (if necessary) • Run the PO Close Process • Budget Check • Run the Requisition Close Process (if necessary) • Budget Check
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps • 1. Begin by selecting Purchasing> Purchase Orders> Reconcile POs> Reconciliation Workbench to display the PO Reconciliation Workbench Search page.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps • 2. Select a Workbench ID. In this example, the Workbench ID is CLOSE PO. • If using the process for the first time, users must create a Workbench ID. • Select the Add a New Value Tab • Select or Verify that your Business Unit is correct in the Business Unit Field • Create your Workbench ID by typing a name in the Workbench ID Field, such as PO_CLOSE • Click the Add Button
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 3. The PO Reconciliation Workbench - Filter Options page displays.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 4. The PO Reconciliation Workbench page displays. This page shows the results of the search. The key piece of information on this page is the Last Activity column. If the last activity is within the last 30 days, the purchase order will not qualify for closure. In this screen you will need to select the purchase order(s) that you want to attempt to process.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 4. Then click on the Close button to allow the application to validate whether or not the purchase order meets the criteria for closure.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 5. If you have selected multiple purchase orders, click “Clear All.” Core-CT removes the checkmark in the checkbox to the left of each purchase order that display in the PO Reconciliation Workbench. This step is precautionary. By selecting Clear All, you are able to choose which purchase orders you want to process through the PO Reconciliation Workbench. Review the list of available purchase orders. Locate and select (by selecting the checkbox to the left of the Purchase Order field) the purchase order(s) that you want to close from the PO Reconciliation Workbench page.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 5. If you did not limit your search to an individual purchase order or to a small number of purchase orders, you may have several pages of purchase orders to review. Click the arrows to move forwards and backwards through the list of purchase orders that display in the PO Reconciliation Workbench.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 6. This Processing Results page shows the results of the process. In this example the Purchase Order is not qualified for closure. To view more details about the reasons that this PO is not qualified, click on the Log link next to the Purchase Order number. If this purchase order was qualified for closure you would click on the Proceed (Yes) button and there would be one final chance to verify that you want to close this purchase order.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 6. If you have multiple purchase orders, review the list of qualified purchase orders to determine that each purchase order in the list should be closed. In the event that you have a qualified purchase order that you do not want to close, click the minus button associated with that PO. Once you have reviewed each purchase order, continue with this procedure.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 7. Click “Yes” button. Core-CT automatically processes all qualified purchase orders that remain in the Qualified group box and any selected purchase orders from the Not Qualified group box. You are prompted with a confirmation message asking you whether or not you would like to close the qualified purchase orders. Click “Yes” button to confirm that you would like to close the qualified purchase orders. Core-CT may take a few moments to process this request.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 8. If you chose the Log link, the Purchase Order Logs page would display. This shows us that this purchase order required receiving and the receipt has not been created to date. Resolution is to create a receiver and complete the payables process.
Review of PO Reconcile/Close Steps 9. *Important: The next step is not advised unless all other corrective steps have been tried. You have the ability to force a Purchase Order from “Not Qualified” to “Qualified” by selecting the PO ID and then clicking the arrow in between the Not Qualified and Qualified box to force the Purchase Order to a Qualified status. Once this is done, you can click on Proceed to close out the Purchase Order
AP-Updates Up and Coming • SP2 – Recruiting for Testing • Give us Your Ideas! Critical Reminders • Altering Vouchers after Copying from PO • PO Numbers Missing on Vendor Invoices • Multiple Vendor Invoices on Vouchers • “Zero Dollar” Pay Cycle • SIR 7838 – Resolved in SP2 • Funds for Telecom Bills • Acctg and Budget Dates on Vouchers
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers Withholding = Reportability
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers • Withholding defaults are set on the vendor • A vendor may have different types of withholding, only one will default • Withholding should be determined based on the type of payment and the vendor’s business entity, not by the vendor file set up • Withholding must be reviewed and verified at the time a voucher is created
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers • Determine Withholding Type & Class for Voucher (see handout page 1) a. Type: Type of 1099 Form • Class: Block on the 1099 Form where income should be reported • Verify that default is correct • Request changes to Vendor if needed Steps to take when creating a Voucher for Withholding
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers Make changes to Voucher as required – • Withholding can be overridden • Withholding can be changed on individual lines, not on distribution • System does not validate changes to the Vendor Steps to take when creating a voucher for Withholding
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers Sample Form 1099 Misc
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers Withholding Detail Hyperlink on Voucher
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers Withholding Detail Information
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers Withholding Checkbox on Vendor
Mini-Training ~ Withholding Procedures Determining Withholding on Vouchers 1099 Page on Vendor
Closing Periods in AP • Overview • Month-End Timeline • Reports and Queries • Accounts Payable Impacts
Closing Periods in AP Accounting Date – Sub-System (AP/AR) Budget Date – Commitment Control (KK Ledgers) Journal Date – General Ledger (MOD_ACCRL)
Closing Periods in AP Accounting Date = Budget Date = Journal Date AP/AR= KK_LEDGER= MOD_ACCRL
Closing Periods in AP What Happens? 1. OSC Bursts Unposted Voucher Report 2. Agencies run Month-End Queries and “clean up” everything not posted 3. OSC Closes Period at 3pm 4. CORE runs daily processes (including posting) and then month end processes including reports 5. CORE moves any unposted vouchers into next period