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IPv6 Multimedia Services and Analysis of the User Groups

IPv6 Multimedia Services and Analysis of the User Groups. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Kaida Jiang 2008. 1 2 .1 9. SJTU’s IPv6 multimedia website. http://video6.sjtu.edu.cn IPv6 address 2001:da8:a4:ff::84. Network traffic graphs of a media server. 1 Day. 1 Week.

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IPv6 Multimedia Services and Analysis of the User Groups

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  1. IPv6 Multimedia Services and Analysis of the User Groups Shanghai Jiao Tong University Kaida Jiang 2008.12.19

  2. SJTU’s IPv6 multimedia website • http://video6.sjtu.edu.cn IPv6 address 2001:da8:a4:ff::84

  3. Network traffic graphs of a media server 1 Day 1 Week Maximum appears during Olympic Games in Beijing: Max IPv6 traffic>3Gbps compared with Campus Network at the same time: Max IPv4 traffic>18Gbps 1 Year

  4. High video proportion in CERNET2 IPv6 traffic 2008.11.27-11.28 CERNET2 Shanghai-Nanjing 2008.11.27-11.28 CERNET2 A media server’s traffic

  5. 2 main IPv6 Stream Media Platforms • MicrosoftWindows Media Service • OpensourceVLC http://www.videolan.org/

  6. Windows Media ServiceStructure Satellite CATV IPv6 Live Media Encoder Network stream Media Server

  7. Large-scale encoder of TV signal • Employ many PCs Rely on CPU encoding (software compression) each PC with 2~3 pieces of video capture card TV Multi-channel A/V demodulator Input: one RF signal (CATV) Output: Multi A/V to several video capture cards • Acquisition hardware compression card Directly output network streams

  8. Windows Media Encoder

  9. Windows Media: mature and stable

  10. High performance: Windows Media Server with 2 Quad-core Processors

  11. VLChttp://download.videolan.org/pub/vlc/ • Unicastand Multicast • Support IPv4and IPv6 • Receive, forward and double compress network streams • HDTVBroadcast,low delay(seconds) • Open Source,support multiple OS

  12. A media server provide tens of TV channel IPv6 unicast (http output) IPv6multicast convert toIPv4multicast

  13. Web browser (support IE/Firefox/Opera) 1920×1080

  14. VLC Player (TV Playlist)

  15. IPv6 Multicast

  16. High performance: VLCServer • Windows and Linux • SDTV and HDTV A Server with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5130 2.0G 4G Memory can support 2.5G+ traffic Dual-quad-core Xeon 1.6G, output 3.1G bps

  17. IPv6 Multicast in SJTU’s Campus Network We provide 94 TV signals in Campus Network Cover 5000 users HuaweiSwitchAccess layer S3026Convergence layerEMD Core Layer NE80E

  18. CCTV Olympic High-Definition TV(1920*1080) 2008.8.8

  19. Analysis of IPv6website’s Log files • WebLog file format date time s-sitename cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-username c-ip cs-version s(User-Agent) cs(Referer) sc-status sc-bytes 2008-07-20 07:02:06 W3SVC1 GET /Default.asp - 2001:da8:224:c054:f454:bc10:e212:459d HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1) - 200 36656 • Time2008.6.24 ~ 2008.11.24 From latest five months • Involving1,156,040 different IPv6addresses and 31,446,310 records

  20. Motivation • Understand the usage state of server, and optimize the hardware and software settings. • Understand the composition of IPv6 users, and provide more focused service.

  21. How to filter non-relevant data • 1,935 records are from the search engine and Network Scanning,accounting for 0.006% of all the records. • 20,697,103 IPv6 addresses ended with ‘%0’ are double recorded,accounting for 65.8% of all the records. • Rest 10,749,207 records are selected as sample for analysis.

  22. Analysis of IPv6 users’ source

  23. IPv6 address allocation(below is a portion)

  24. (1)ISATAP Tunnel • IPv6address format : Prefix(64bit):0:5efe:IPv4ADDR e.g. 2001:da8:207:1:0:5efe: (from Beijing Normal University) • ISATAP Tunnel Found 3,100,652records in the log, accounting for28.8% of total access. Found89,910 different IPv6 addresses,accounting for7.78%. On average, each IPv6 address contributes 34.5 records.

  25. ISATAP TunnelactiveTop20

  26. ISATAP TunnelactiveTop20-40

  27. Deviation analysis • DHCP IPv4 address will change even for the same user • More… more than one ISATAPtunnel server in a university 71% users convergeto top 20tunnel servers 96% users convergeto top 50 tunnel servers

  28. ISATAP Tunnel Server • Shanghai Jiao Tong University isatap.sjtu.edu.cn • Tsinghua University isatap.tsinghua.edu.cn • Zhejiang University • China Agricultural Universityisatap.cau.edu.cn • South China Agricultural Universityisatap.scau.edu.cn • Huazhong University of Science and Technology isatap.hust.edu.cn • Zhongnan University of Economics and Law isatap.znufe.edu.cn • Xi'AN University of Architecture and Technology isatap.xauat.edu.cn • …… National Tunnel Server Number: >100

  29. (2) 6to4Tunnel • IPv6address format: 2002:IPv4ADDR::/48 e.g. 2002:dbe4:6fe6::dbe4:6fe6 from Jiao Tong University) • 6to4 Tunnel Found 240,161 records in the log, accounting for2.23% of total access. Found22,641 IPv6 addresses,accounting for1.96%. On average, each IPv6 address contributes 10.6 records. Found 20,898 different IPv4 addresses.

  30. 6to4 TunnelactiveTop20

  31. (3) IPv6 Proxy • IPv6 Address: 2001:638:902:1::11 Found 381,429 records in the log, accounting for3.55% of total access. Number of different User-Agents: 2654 • Domain name :proxy.ipv6.uni-leipzig.de IPv6 http and ftp proxy provided by German Leipzig University, which is the most popular proxy in IPv6 network.

  32. (4)Native IPv6 • Found 7,026,820 records in the log,accounting for65.37% of total access. Found 1,043,468 IPv6 addresses,accounting for90.26%. On average, each IPv6 address contributes6.7 records. • Map IPv6 addresses to corresponding users, then produce statistics.

  33. Native IPactive organization Top20

  34. Native IPactive organization Top20-40

  35. Deviation analysis • For security,Native IPv6 addressin Windows Operation System will change as time goes by,thus log will record different IPv6 address for the same user visit the same website in different time. • Refer to top organization in preceding ppt, the actual users number may be less than IPv6 address number, we just want to show it’s relative big user population and high visit frequency.

  36. (5)Teredo Tunnel • IPv6address format: 2001:0000::/32 • Found 145records in the log, accounting for0.001% of total access. Found20 different IPv6 addresses , accounting for0.002%. On average, each IPv6 address contributes 7.25 records. • Found 4 Teredo servers.

  37. Analysis of OperationSystem

  38. User-Agent string in web log files • Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+6.0;+zh-CN;+rv:1.9)+Gecko/2008052906+Firefox/3.0 • Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+TheWorld) • Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Maxthon;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727) • Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+SV1;+QQDownload+1.7;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322;+IE7Pro) • Mozilla/5.0+(X11;+U;+Linux+i686;+zh-CN;+rv:1.9)+Gecko/2008052912+Firefox/3.0 • Opera/9.50+(X11;+Linux+i686;+U;+zh-cn) • Mozilla/5.0+(Windows;+U;+Windows+NT+6.0;+en-US)+AppleWebKit/525.13+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/ • Mozilla/5.0+(Macintosh;+U;+Intel+Mac+OS+X;+zh-cn)+AppleWebKit/523.15.1+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Version/3.0.4+Safari/523.15

  39. Analysis of user’s Web Browser

  40. Analysis of user’s Operation System

  41. Summary • IPv6 prevalence is still low, but growing by the day. • Universities and scientific research institutions are dominant users of IPv6. • ISATAP Tunnel and NativeIP are the most common access. • IPv6Proxy made a hit. • Windows and IE are dominant OS and Browser.

  42. Thanks!kaida@sjtu.edu.cn

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