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Welcome to Unit 3. Dr Susan Fournier Kaplan University sfournier@kaplan.edu. While We’re waiting… Pick a (60s) Tune… Any Tune!. http://faculty.smu.edu/dsimon/change-music%2060s.html. Let it run in the background if you have audio. Reminders…. View Timeline Assigned Readings
Welcome to Unit 3 Dr Susan Fournier Kaplan University sfournier@kaplan.edu
While We’re waiting…Pick a (60s) Tune… Any Tune! http://faculty.smu.edu/dsimon/change-music%2060s.html Let it run in the background if you have audio.
Reminders… View Timeline Assigned Readings Review Key Concepts and Terms Web Resources Post to Discussion Board
More Reminders… • Discussion Posts • Be thinking about Unit 4 Project: • Photo Essay Racism/Discrimination • Extra! Extra! tab for the Web Resources for this Unit.
Upcoming…Unit 4 Project • For this project, you will think about progress made since the civil rights movements. • Gather images of discrimination from your community • (progress OR areas in need of work) • Create a PowerPoint Slide Presentation • (like you see here… but with more pix!)
Unit 4 Project • 10 slides • Use “Notes” Tool • Include Title Page • Include Reference Page • Use Citations (Fournier, 2011) in “Notes”
Unit 4 Project • Use Bullets to present info visually • Use “Notes” Tool to add text that you would speak to an audience • Include images to capture attention
Unit 4 Project • 10 slides • Use “Notes” Tool • Include Title Page • Include Reference Page • Use Citations (Fournier, 2011) in “Notes”
Let’s Discuss Are you ready…?
Cultural Expression What was it about the 1960s that led to such social upheaval inindividual expression?
An Overview Let’s take a brief tour of 1960s culture… Some of the events that shaped cultural expression in the 60s. We’ll pause for discussion questions in-between. Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/ilove/years/60sindex.shtml http://americanhistory.si.edu/lisalaw/timeline.htm#1967
Some Facts: 1960s Population 177,830,000 Unemployment 3,852,000 National Debt 286.3 Billion Average Salary $4,743 Teacher's Salary $5,174 Minimum Wage $1.00 Life Expectancy: Males 66.6 years, Females 73.1 years Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000 An estimated 850,000 "war baby" freshmen enter college; emergency living quarters are set up in dorm lounges, hotels and trailer camps. Source: http://kclibrary.lonestar.edu/decade60.html
1960 JFK elected President of the US Elvis hit the UK Norman Bates went into the hotel business. http://www.filmsite.org/psyc.html
Question What are your most prized material possessions?
1961 Russia won the space race http://www.newseum.org/cybernewseum/exhibits/dateline_moon/space.htm Audrey ate breakfast at Tiffany's A dirty great wall went up in Berlin.
Question Which of the objects in your world do you take for granted?
1962 Peter Parker got bitten by a radioactive spider Telstar went up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRHpl2gZOo0 Cuban Missile Crisis http://library.thinkquest.org/11046/ Marilyn's candle blew out
Question What are the positives and negatives of owning these objects?
1963 JFK was shot MLK had a dream http://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkihaveadream.htm The Beatles hit the big time
Question Who/what benefits and who/what suffers because you own these objects?
1964 Cassius Clay knocked out Sonny Liston http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/february/25/newsid_4161000/4161687.stm Lenny Bruce was in court http://www.lennybruceofficial.com/ Goldfingerfirst James Bond movie Civil Rights movement passed
With each passing year, the world becomes smaller as we become more connected to the “global village.” What occurs elsewhere has a direct impact on our lives. Increasingly, our welfare is tied to that of people in other nations. Global Village
What’s Globalization? • Globalization is one of the most significant events in world history. • How do you define globalization?
Globalization: A Definition • The breaking down of national boundaries because of… • advances in • communication • trade • Travel • and the worldwide spread of capitalism.
Spreading Across the Globe Globalization is becoming the world’s dominant economic system.
Globalization = American? • Has globalization become synonymous with “Americanization.” • Examples to support or refute this?
Global Junk Food Access? • In other words, since the 1960s, the western way of life has rapidly spread across the globe. • Is there any major city in the world now where you cannot find a McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, and, of course, blue jeans?
Good or Bad? • Is it a good thing or a harmful thing to have American ways of life spread far and wide? • Why? Why not?
Global Impact? • What is the impact of the global spread of capitalism and the American way of life? • What are the possible outcomes… now and down the road? 50 or 100 or 200 years from now?
Who’s to “Blame” ? • Are other cultures responsible for “accepting” capitalism and American values into their cultures? • Or is there some other external pressure at work when it comes to imposing Western values on foreign cultures?
Room for Everyone? • If we are indeed becoming a “global village” with Western beliefs, values, norms… • is there still room for other cultures’ beliefs, customs, & traditions?
Bullfighting in the USA? • If other countries are expected to accept Western values, should the US also accept foreign values? • For example… in many Spanish speaking countries, the bloody tradition of the bullfight has strong ethnic meaning for cultural identity. • How would you feel about this event in the US?
Burkas at Walmart? • In many Islamic countries, women are subservient. These are very strong ideologies in these nations. • Is there a place for such traditions, customs, and beliefs in the US?
If we are to coexist in a truly global village with KFC in Dubai and Micky D’s in China… • should Americans also be tolerant of behaviors that go directly against American values?
Burka vs. Big Mac? • Is wearing a burka in the US any different from McDonald’s in Saudi Arabia?
Question How do burkas and Big Macs and other markers of culture contribute to an individual’s identity and power status? Woman Man Parent Teacher Student
1965 Vietnam Exploded Watt’s Riot http://www.pbs.org/hueypnewton/times/times_watts.html Warhol http://www.warhol.org/ http://explorepahistory.com/images/ExplorePAHistory-a0a6q8-a_349.jpg
1966 Time magazine asks, "Is God Dead?" Black Panther Party’s Black Power. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/68134/Black-Panther-Party Miranda rulinghttp://www.nytimes.com/1999/02/11/us/after-33-years-of-controversy-miranda-ruling-faces-its-most-serious-challenge.html?pagewanted=1
Question Which objects in your life are expendable? (You could do without if you had to?)
1967 Antiwar demonstrators march on the Pentagon. Troops - 474,000; casualties exceed 13,000. Thurgood Marshall first African American Supreme Court justice. http://www.biography.com/articles/Thurgood-Marshall-9400241
1968 Haight-Ashbury http://www.history.com/states.do?action=detail&state=Hippies&contentType=State_Generic&contentId=56743&parentId=1968 Higher Drug Culture Flourishes http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/tbacig/cst3010/drugs.html Janis Joplin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-GFqhCq2HA
More 1968 Dr Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy assassinated Tet Offensive http://cup.columbia.edu/book/978-0-231-12840-7/the-tet-offensive Gallup Poll: 49 percent of Americans believe U.S. troops in Vietnam is a mistake.
More 1968 Democratic Convention opens in Chicago as police and antiwar demonstrators clash. Hippie Glossary http://www.changes.org/scrapbook/glossary.html
1969 Rock n Roll becoming a business First U.S. troops are withdrawn from Vietnam. First walk on the moon Weathermen Underground http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/weatherunderground/movement.html
Questions? Feel free to ask!
End of Seminar Be working on your project. Discussion Posts due by Tuesday night Have a great week!