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CHARITABLE PLANNING FOR UPPER-INCOME DONORS. PRINTING SUGGESTIONS: If you want to print out these slides, may I suggest: #1 – AVOID PRINTING THE DARK BACKGROUND. It makes it hard to read. Suggest using the print command “BLACK and WHITE”; avoid using “color”
CHARITABLE PLANNING FOR UPPER-INCOME DONORS PRINTING SUGGESTIONS: If you want to print out these slides, may I suggest: #1 – AVOID PRINTING THE DARK BACKGROUND. It makes it hard to read. Suggest using the print command “BLACK and WHITE”; avoid using “color” #2 – PRINT SIX SLIDES PER PAGE. Slides contain a very large font. Six slides per page will conserve paper.
CHARITABLE PLANNING FOR UPPER-INCOME DONORS Advancement Network 2014 Annual Conference Cleveland, Ohio -- October 18, 2014 CHRISTOPHER R. HOYT University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law
Tax Planning Challenges * Planning Strategies for the new 3.8% surtax: Net Investment Income * Retirement Assets -- Hot Topics -- Lifetime planning -- Bequests of Retirement Assets -- spouse -- trusts -- charities
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% Congratulations! Brilliant tax planning! “Bush tax cuts” remain in full effect for people with adjusted gross income under $200,000 ($250,000 on a joint return)
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% 33% rate when taxable income > $186,350 -- single > $226,850 – married filing jointly
TAX RATES paid on TAXABLE INCOME ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME (“AGI”) Minus: Greater of -- Standard Deduction ($6,100) or -- Itemized Deductions (Mortgage interest; charitable contributions; state & local taxes) Minus:Personal Exemption & Dependents ($3,900 each) = TAXABLE INCOME
WEALTHY PAY SOME TAXES ON “AGI” ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME(“AGI”) Minus: Greater of -- Standard Deduction ($6,100) or -- Itemized Deductions (Mortgage interest; charitable contributions; state & local taxes) Minus:Personal Exemption & Dependents ($3,900 each) = TAXABLE INCOME
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% 33% rate when taxable income > $186,350 -- single > $226,850 – married filing jointly
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8%
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8% 36.8% 35.3% 18.8%
0.9% MEDICARE SURTAX:When CompensationExceeds $200,000 ($250,000 married joint return) • Compensation -- wages & self-employment income (Added to 1.45% Medicare/Medicaid tax ) (Employee pays entire 0.9%; no employer match) • Employer must withhold when W-2 Form compensation exceeds $200,000 • Married joint? Together over $250,000? -- Pay on Form 1040 , e.g. if neither spouse has over $200,000 . (e.g., Husband has $100k and Wife has $160k = $260k)
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8% 36.8% 35.3% 18.8%
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) 3.8% surtax on the lesser of: • Net Investment Income or • MAGI over $200,000 ($250,000 joint) ($125,000 married sep)
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) How many people are affected? 2011 Tax Returns with AGI over $200,000: 3.2% of all returns • 0.7% of single returns • 7.6% of married joint returns 86% of the returns with over $200,000* of AGI were married joint
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) 3.8% surtax on the lesser of: • Net Investment Income or • MAGI over $200,000 ($250,000 joint)
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) 3.8% surtax on the lesser of: • Net Investment Income or • MAGI over $200,000 ($250,000 joint) ( $200k/$250k not indexed for inflation)
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) 3.8% surtax on the lesser of: • Net Investment Income or • MAGI over $200,000 ($250,000 joint) ( $200k/$250k not indexed for inflation ) Trusts and estates pay 3.8% at $12,150 !!
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Strategies for three different taxpayers: #1 - Richest 1% - Income over $400,000 -- Reduce NII (not likely to get AGI <200k) #2 – Taxpayers with AGI near $200k ($250 jt) -- Either reduce NII or reduce AGI #3 - Taxpayers with AGI below $200k ($250 jt) -- Avoid spikes in income that trigger 3.8% tax
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Strategies for three different taxpayers: #1 - Richest 1% - Income over $400,000 -- Reduce NII (not likely to get AGI <200k) #2 – Taxpayers with AGI near $200k ($250 jt) -- Either reduce NII or reduce AGI #3 - Taxpayers with AGI below $200k ($250 jt) -- Avoid spikes in income that trigger 3.8% tax -- Charitable Remainder Trusts !!
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS Payment to non-charitable beneficiary (ies) for life *or* for a term of years (maximum 20 years) Remainder interest distributed to charity Exempt from income tax
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS EXAMPLE Husband & wife age 65 Sell stock or land for $1 million gain Other option: contribute to CRT before sale is finalized; have CRT make the sale
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS CRT PROVIDES: 1. Charitable income tax deduction 2. Greater cash flow for life 3. Avoid spike in income – 3.8% tax 4. “Wealth replacement” strategy with life insurance.
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS DONATE STOCK TO C.R.T.; KEEP THE STOCK C.R.T. SELLS STOCK Sales Price $ 1,000,000 $1,000,000 Cost of Stock -0--0- Gain on Sale $ 1,000,000 $1,000,000 Capital Gains Tax (about 25%)250,000None Remaining Proceeds $ 750,000 $1,000,000
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS DONATE STOCK TO C.R.T.; KEEP THE STOCK C.R.T. SELLS STOCK Remaining Proceeds $ 750,000 $1,000,000 Interest Rate x 5% x 5% Annual Income $ 37,500 $ 50,000══════ ══════ (33% more)
CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUSTS CRT PROVIDES: 1. Charitable income tax deduction 2. Greater cash flow for life 3. Avoid spike in income – 3.8% tax 4. “Wealth replacement” strategy with life insurance.
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Net Investment Income • Interest & Dividends • Annuities • Rents & Royalties • Profits from LLC / S Corp (if not employed) • Business of trading commodities & fin instruments • Most capital gains
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Income Exempt from Surtax: • Trade / Business income from an LLC, partnership, Subchapter S corporation or sole proprietorship, provided the recipient is employed at the business. -- “material participation” test (work 500+ hours during the year?) • Gain from selling property used in trade/ business [rental property gains -> 3.8% tax]
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Other Income Exempt from 3.8% Surtax: Income that isn’t interest, rents, gains, etc : • Retirement income – social security, qualified plans: IRAs, 401(k), pensions, etc – (non-qualified annuities are subject to tax) • Wages & self-employment income ( 0.9% tax) • Alimony income • Lottery winnings
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8% 36.8% 35.3% 18.8%
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% AGI > $250k/$300k33% 34.4% 15% -- 3% phase-out itemized deductions -- Phase-out personal exemptions
PHASEOUTSAGI > $250,000 ($300,000 joint returns)[2014: > $254,200 ($305,060 joint returns)] • 3% Phase-out Itemized Deductions -- disguised 1% tax rate hike (3% x 33% rate) • Personal and Dependent Exemptions -- $3,900 apiece for self & each dependent -- lose 2% for every $2,500 income increase -- 100% eliminated AGI > $377k ($427k jnt) (Phase-out $254k-$377k ( $305k-$427k jnt))
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $250k/$300k33% 34.4% 15% -- 3% phase-out itemized deductions -- Phase-out personal exemptions
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $250k/$300k33% 34.4% 15% plus 3% phase-out 1% 1 % 1% [plus personal exemption phase-out means extra tax until AGI $377,000 ($427,000 jnt)]
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $250k/$300k33% 34.4% 15% plus 3% phase-out 1% 1 % 1% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8% 37.8% 36.3% 19.8% [plus personal exemption phase-out means extra tax until AGI $377,000 ($427,000 jnt)]
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% Taxb>$400/$450 39.6% 41.0% 20%
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% Taxb>$400/$450 39.6% 41.0% 20% plus 3% phase-out 1% 1 % 1% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8% 44.4% 42.9% 24.8%
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% Taxb>$400/$450 39.6% 41.0% 20% plus 3% phase-out 1% 1 % 1% plus health care surtax 3.8% 0.9% 3.8% With $12,000+ income, 44.4% 42.9% 24.8% Trusts & Estates >> 43.4% 23.8%
INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 33% 34.4% 15% AGI > $250k/$300k 33% 34.4% 15% Taxb>$400/$450 39.6% 41.0% 20%
REAL INCOME TAX RATES INVEST WAGES LTCG Income Level -MENT(+1.45%)& Divid AGI < $200k/$250k 28% 29.4% 15% AGI > $200k/$250k 36.8% 35.3% 18.8% AGI > $250k/$300k 37.8% 36.3% 19.8% Taxb>$400/$450 44.4% 42.9% 24.8% [higher for AGI between $254-377k ($305-427k joint) for personal exemption phase-out]
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Two Ways to reduce the 3.8% surtax : #1 - Reduce AGI to less than $200,000 ($250,000 joint) and/or #2 – Reduce Net Investment Income
3.8% Net Investment Income TaxMAGI > $200,000 ($250,000 joint returns) Strategies for three different taxpayers: #1 - Richest 1% - Income over $400,000 -- Reduce NII (not likely to get AGI <200k) #2 – Taxpayers with AGI near $200k ($250 jt) -- Either reduce NII or reduce AGI #3 - Taxpayers with AGI below $200k ($250 jt) -- Avoid spikes in income that trigger 3.8% tax
Reduce Net Investment Income Two Ways to reduceNet Investment Income: #1 - Convert NII into income that isn’t NII #2 – Shift NII to family and to charity that aren’t subject to tax on their NII
Reduce Net Investment Income Convert NII into Income That Isn’t NII Some examples: #1 - Taxable interest to tax-free muni interest #2 – Life insurance #3 – Work 500+ hours at business #4 – Monster-size Roth IRA Conversions
Reduce Net Investment Income Shift NII to Family/Charity who pay no 3.8% tax [note: trusts do pay 3.8%] Family: Give income-generating investments Charity: #1 – Make gifts of appreciated stock #2 - Donor advised funds & private foundations #3 – Charitable lead trusts
#1 – MAKE GIFTSOF APPRECIATED STOCK DOUBLE-TAX ADVANTAGE • Charitable Income Tax Deduction for the Full Appreciated Value of the Stock • Never Pay Income Tax on the Growth of the Value of the Stock • Loss Property? Sell for tax loss; give cash
$ BenefitsMax Federal Taxes Saved Person in 2012 50% * 25% RE Dep Recap * 28% Collectibles << 15%* LTCG Tax Rate << 35% Marginal Tax Rate
FUTURE INCOME TAX RATES Highest tax rates 20122013-14 Investment income 35% 44.4% Earned income 36.4% 43.0% (wages – 1.45% health) LT Capital Gains15% 24.8%