The world premiere of Avatar was held on 18th December 2009 and in the Polishcinemas it was held on 25th December 2009. The film was made in a 3D technique. It is worth adding that Avatar was the box office hit. It has brought the biggest income in the history of cinema.
Theaction takes place inthedistantfuture. Scientistscreatecreatureswhichlooklikehumans - so calledAvatars. Thesecreatureshavegothumanqualities and theyresembleAliens. Theyareoverthreemeterstall, their skin isblue and they’vegottail. Theircharacterissimiliar to humans’, but theyalsohavegotthequalities of thenativieswho live inthejungle.
Aftergettingintoit, a manfellinto a deepsleep and ischangedintothiscreature. The moment hefellasleep, hewakesup as Avatarintheworld of dreamwhich was called Pandora.
In theforests of Pandora thereare a lot of dangerouscreatures and onlythenatives, whowerealsoAvatars, could live togetherwiththem.
However, theseAvatarsaren’tcreated by scientists so theydon’thave an instinct of normal person. Theyarebroughtupinthejungle and theretheylearnhow to survive and defendagainstallthedangerouscreatures.
Themaincharacter of the film isJakeSully– a disabledex-soldier, a twinbrother of thescientistwhodiedintragiccircimstances.
He was promised to be a healthyagainifhetooks part inthisproject.
At first, heisdoingquitewell, reportsalltheevents, recordsthe set of vlogs, but…
Aftersome time hegetsused to livingin Pandora and hemakesfriendswithNatyruiand thenhefallsinlovewithher.
That’swhy, heeventuallychosetheworld of Na’vi to live inratherthan his own, and savesit and theNa’vipeoplefromtheextermination.
When I sawthis film for the first time I was delighted. It was thebest film I hadeverseen.
I thinkthe film isworthseeingbecauseitdoesn’tonly tell about a fictionalworldthatdoesn’texist, but italsoshowsthecharacter of people.
Thankyou for yourattention!!Review and presentation by:Group 2