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eThens – A component-based framework for E-governance

BITS, Pilani. BITS C461 / IS C341 Software Engineering Project Presentation. eThens – A component-based framework for E-governance. What is E-Governance?. Caution: Emerging concept Context: “fully electronified” government Refers to a broad collection of functionalities

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eThens – A component-based framework for E-governance

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  1. BITS, Pilani. BITS C461 / IS C341 Software Engineering Project Presentation eThens – A component-based framework for E-governance

  2. What is E-Governance? • Caution: Emerging concept • Context: “fully electronified” government • Refers to a broad collection of functionalities • E-governance (interface) vs E-government (infrastructure)

  3. What is this framework about? • Target Environment • Domain: E-governance • Users: • Application (Software) Developers • (Software) Service Providers and Service Integrators

  4. What is this framework about? • Functionality: • Support for Modeling and Design phases of Lifecycle • Features: • Customizable, Fine-grained domain model • Extensible framework • Tools for Integration

  5. Production Layer Integration Layer Infrastructure Layer Approach • Layered framework – • Production layer • Integration layer • Infrastructure layer

  6. Approach • Domain Model • Fine-grained Abstractions • Functions vs. Aspects • Hierarchy of domain elements • Extensible elements – subject to domain constraints

  7. Approach • Operations on model elements • Selection; • Instantiation; • Composition; • Extension; and • Validation

  8. Production Layer • Commodities – Information, Service • Modes of Provision – Exchange, Portal • Target user – Application Developer

  9. Production Layer • Uses – To produce • Service Portal • Service Exchange • Information Portal • Information Exchange

  10. Integration Layer • Commodities • Service Elements • Information Fragments • Target Users • Tool Developers • Service Integrators

  11. Integration Layer • Uses • To compose service elements into a service (or information fragments into information) • To extend existing service elements (or info. frags.) • To resolve integration issues

  12. SP1 Production Layer IP1 Integration Layer Info1 Svc2 Svc1 Info2 Infrastructure Layer Integration Layer

  13. Integration Layer • Composition Model • Structure of Elements / Fragments • Flow / Sequencing • Interfaces and constraints • Access Control

  14. Integration Layer • Extension Model • Add, Restrict, or Refine elements / fragments • Ensure integrity with existing infrastructure

  15. Infrastructure Layer • Commodities – Domain model (Functions and Aspects) • Target User – Domain Expert(s) • Uses • To support and enable E-governance framework(s). • To define Points of Service and Sources of Information

  16. Infrastructure Layer • Hierarchy of functional domains – verticals • Domains provide • Points of Service • Sources of Information • Aspects (may be cross-domain)- Horizontals • Aspects provide • attributes of services / info.

  17. Infrastructure Layer Production Layer Integration Layer Info1 Svc2 Info2 Svc1 Infrastructure Layer SoI1 PoS3 PoS2 SoI2 PoS1 SoI3

  18. Infrastructure Layer • Top level (functional) domains (incomplete?) • Defense • Law & Order • Regulation & Controls • Welfare • Planning & Policies • Financing

  19. Infrastructure Layer • Domain Hierarchy: e.g. Welfare • Infrastructure • Education • Transportation • Communication • Ad-hoc • Service Elements & Info. Fragments: e.g. Education • List of Accredited Universities • Accreditation / Evaluation • Funding for Research projects

  20. Infrastructure Layer • Aspects (incomplete?) • Rules and Regulations • Authorities and Decision Making • Rights and Privileges • Hard Resources (e.g. Money) • Soft Resources (e.g. Records) • Socio-political conventions

  21. Infrastructure Layer PoS SoI L a w & O r d e r F i n a n c e s W e l f a r e Accreditation Evaluation List of Univ. T r a n s. E D U. A s p e c t s --> Rights & Privileges Rules & Regulations Domains & Functions -->

  22. E-governance Framework Project Requirements Build a vertical prototype - • Build a simple domain model • two or three functional subdomains • One cross-functional aspect • Build integration mechanisms • Selection of service points (functions) • Composition of service points

  23. E-governance Framework Project • Technology Requirements • UML for domain model • Java for development • Technology Suggestions • Eclipse and plug-ins

  24. E-governance Application Project • Application • Emergency Tracking and Maintenance Portal • Domain • E-governance • (Ulterior) Motives • Useful product in an emerging domain • Feasibility Prototype for eThens • Identification of Service Integration Issues

  25. E-governance Application Project • Objective: • To build a single window services portal for emergency tracking and management • Features: • Services Portal • Single Window for a set of services • Composition of service elements into a service

  26. E-governance Application Project • Application Domain Description • Emergencies (Public and large-scale) • Natural Disasters (Earthquake, Floods) • Epidemics (Cholera breakout, SARS) • Accidents (Railway accidents, Flight Crashes) • Social Volatility (Terrorist attacks, Communal Violence)

  27. E-governance Application Project • Application Domain Description • Primary Services • Tracking and Management of Emergencies • Service Users • Citizens • Businesses and Non-profit organizations • Government agencies

  28. E-governance Application Project • Service Providers • Government Agencies • Requirements • three layer approach • Web-enabled portal • Status tracking • Resource mobilization

  29. E-governance Application Project • Layer(s) Details • Services Layer supports single window for many services • Integration Layer enables composition of service elements into service. • Infrastructure Layer enables service elements (This layer could be simulated with wrappers for data).

  30. E-governance Application Project • Required Technologies • Java based web tier and back end. • Recommended Technologies • IBM WebSphere Development Environment OR • Eclipse

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