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Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science. Traditional Education The 3 Rs R eading w R iting a R ithmetic. Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013
Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science
Traditional EducationThe 3 RsReadingwRitingaRithmetic Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
Education is no longer about information and knowledge Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2012 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
21st Century Education - The 5 CsConnectivityCommunityCollaborationCreativityCuration Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
Connectivity Connecting to favourite work and entertainment sites with ease to encourage control and independence in work and leisure activities
Community Joining with like minded people, doing things you like together
Collaboration The sharing of data and ideas, both in real time and asynchronously
Creativity Creating new things: Inspiring writing and the manipulation of data, maps and images to present information and ideas in new ways
Curation Having a place to confirm, collect, store, categorize and collate data for easy retrieval at a later date
Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
The 5Cs • Provide learners with • the CONNECTIVITY • to develop a COMMUNITY of learners • so they can COLLABORATE • to CREATE new things and ideas and • provide a place where the resources and products can be CURATED for retrieval at a later date. Carey, G.J.P (2013) Reframing Education – the 5 Cs. OnlineEduca Berlin, Dec, 2013 http://www.slideshare.net/gjpcarey/redefining-education-5cs-copy
http://youtu.be/N32t-uX_S1I Technology Universal Design (1:00)
Universal Design for Learning Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science
7 Oct 2011 (1:58)CAST co-founder David Rose how Universal Design for Learning came into fruition.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbGkL06EU90&list=TLRikHj41arSg
Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science
Meyer, A. & Rose, D. (revised 2005). The Future is in the Margins: The Role of Technology and Disability in Educational Reform. Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science In this chapter we examine some reasons for the slow progress towards educational innovation and change that continues to seem just around the corner as the power of computers and networks increases exponentially. We posit that students “on the margins,” for whom current curricula are patently ineffective, can actually lead the way to true reform because they help us understand weaknesses in our educational system and curricula that impede teaching and learning for all. Through the framework of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), we articulate a new view of the nature of learner diversity and show that designing digital tools and content to respond to that diversity yields a viable blueprint for change.
Module 2 Applying the UDL Framework to Lesson Development Module 1 Introduction to UDL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDvKnY0g6e4 UDL at a glance (4:36)
The synthesis of these two models can enable all teachers to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the interrelationships among all the components of TPACK infused with UDL principles for the 21st century. The author challenges educational computing researchers and teacher educators to consider the UDL infused TPACK practitioners’ model for future discussion and research. BENTON-BORGHI, B (2013) A UNIVERSALLY DESIGNED FOR LEARNING (UDL) INFUSED TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE (TPACK) PRACTITIONERS’ MODEL ESSENTIAL FOR TEACHER PREPARATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY, J. EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH, Vol. 48(2), 261
Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science
Greg Carey Disability and Community Inclusion Unit School of Medicine, Nursing and Health Science